Coward German joke 'police' got beaten and kicked out by African 'refugees


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC

Germany has neither Army nor Police, who will protect Germans against 5+ millions African Muslims imported by mad Merkel?
After 10 'cops' got beaten by African 'refugees' 'police' started revenge action and send 300 other 'cops' to seize ONE single 'refugee'
How many 'cops' will need German 'police' to deport all 'Guests' of Merkel. 1 Billion?
From now all African 'refugees' know. They can be deported only by many hundreds coward German 'cops'

BERLIN: German police Thursday raided a refugee centre where they had met violent resistance three days earlier when they tried to pick up a Togolese man for deportation.
Several hundred armoured police searched the facility in Ellwangen, Baden-Wuerttemberg state, during the dawn operation and arrested the 23-year-old rejected asylum seeker, authorities said.

German media is full of interviews with the violent criminals - the officers have no voice here.

German 'police' is good only for scaring of Germans, not Muslims. By the first Muslim riot so-called 'police' will flee in panic with full pants of sh.. There are no true mans as police officials, only pussies!

Similar 'police' is almost in all European countries.
Only Russians can right deal with Negers and Muslims

How Russian police would deal with Muslim Negers in Ellwangen?

All would be beaten, than imprisoned, then deported
Germany is doing best to bring in enough Muslims to finish the final solution.

Germans commit suicide, it is completely insane folk which tolerate insane socialist gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts and allow it to ruin the country.
Mad Merkel is the worst ruler in human history like imbecile Germans who voted for her again
Germany is doing best to bring in enough Muslims to finish the final solution.

Germans commit suicide, it is completely insane folk which tolerate insane socialist gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts and allow it to ruin the country.
Mad Merkel is the worst ruler in human history like imbecile Germans who voted for her again
I would have thought Russians (like yourself) would put Hitler at least 1 level above the diabolical Merkel on the scale of bad-ass-ness.
German media is full of interviews with the violent criminals - the officers have no voice here.

German 'police' is good only for scaring of Germans, not Muslims. By the first Muslim riot so-called 'police' will flee in panic with full pants of sh.. There are no true mans as police officials, only pussies!

Similar 'police' is almost in all European countries.
Only Russians can right deal with Negers and Muslims

How Russian police would deal with Muslim Negers in Ellwangen?

All would be beaten, than imprisoned, then deported

Read here:
Polizei: Wo Beamte Zielscheiben in Uniform sind - WELT

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