Credible source, vetted by Alabama State Bar-why did Reid infiltrate the Boy Scouts


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Credible source, vetted by the Alabama State Bar-why Reid "infiltrated" the Boy Scouts for what purpose

h/t Ace of Spades

Do we really know how many victims there might be?

Please visit the twitter account:

Invisible Tears
An account to remember the alleged victims of Harry Reid, and those fresh victims inevitably to come.
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.


Invisible Tears
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.

The American public is entitled to know whether its Majority Leader is, or is not, or likely is, a pederast.

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, why is everyone saying he is? People don't just make up vicious smears for political advantage.

Even if there's only a one in three chance Harry Reid is a pederast, are we really going to let that one child suffer?

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, how come no DC liberals ever ask him to babysit?

The issue here isn't whether Harry Reid is, or isn't, or is a pederast. The question is only "What are we going to do about it?"

I'm not saying Harry Reid is a pederast. That's for the courts to say.

I'm saying there are children located in what I call "The Danger Zone" around Harry Reid. Do we gamble their innocence so lightly?

I have no proof that Harry Reid is guilty of pederasty, but can we at least keep kids out of the Harry Reid Molestation Perimeter?

You can't convict him in the press; obviously, this is America. But can we at least require him to wear a big hat that says LIKELY PEDERAST?

Harry Reid's defenders say, "You can't convict a man of pederasty based only on him being a pederast." I find their position untenable.

I think the important question is not, as some ask, "Is Harry Reid a pedophile?" The important question is "Why do DC Democrats enable him?"

hey media, can we at least make sure Harry Reid's victims are alive before ignoring them?

Harry Reid owes a full accounting on behalf of all he's killed.

We need to begin petitioning a statue commemorating the victims of Harry Reid, including all the unknown ones.

We need a Tomb of the Unknown Harry Reid Sex-Murder Victim. Can we do any less?

Why does Harry Reid not support the Victims of Harry Reid Memorial?

If Harry Reid has nothing to hide, why hasn't he contacted authorities? Why hasn't he pointed out where he buried his victims bodies?

If Harry Reid didn't kill those boys he victimized, then how come they're not around to testify against him? Think about it.

I can't say if these charges are true. Only the evidence and his countless victims can say that.

Let me just ask one legitimate question, containing no unfair implications whatsoever: Why does Harry Reid own gardening tools?

Why does he own trashbags? Why does he have a car with a trunk? These are reasonable questions that he must answer.

Does Harry Reid, or does he not, own any rope, twine, or extension cords easily used as ligatures and bonds?

Harry Reid says he's a big fan of baseball and car racing. Like a lot of young boys are. I guess that's just "another coincidence," huh?
I wondered how many were covering this tit4tat and googled it and I found this hilarious conversation:

GLENN: Hello.

CALLER: I have information.

GLENN: You have information you want to share with me? What is it?

VOICE: About Harry Reid.

GLENN: About Harry Reid?

VOICE: Yes. I can’t tell you exactly how I know this.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But Harry Reid is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: He’s a pedophile rapist?


GLENN: Wow. I mean, if somebody came before Congress and wanted to be a – you know, somebody wanted to be a, you know, a cabinet member, you couldn’t be a pedophile rapist. How long has he been a pedophile rapist?

VOICE: Approximately 25 years.

GLENN: 25 years.

VOICE: Now, I should be – I just wanted to be clear. He is not a pedophile. He’s a pedophile rapist, meaning that he’s raping pedophiles.

GLENN: He’s raping pedophiles?

VOICE: Right. He’s a pedophile rapist. He’s not a pedophile. I’m definitely not accusing him of that.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But I am saying that he is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: All right. Okay. Thank you very much for your phone call. Appreciate it.

Glenn gives Harry Reid a taste of his own medicine… – Glenn Beck
Credible source, vetted by the Alabama State Bar-why Reid "infiltrated" the Boy Scouts for what purpose

h/t Ace of Spades

Do we really know how many victims there might be?

Please visit the twitter account:

Invisible Tears
An account to remember the alleged victims of Harry Reid, and those fresh victims inevitably to come.
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.


Invisible Tears
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.

The American public is entitled to know whether its Majority Leader is, or is not, or likely is, a pederast.

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, why is everyone saying he is? People don't just make up vicious smears for political advantage.

Even if there's only a one in three chance Harry Reid is a pederast, are we really going to let that one child suffer?

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, how come no DC liberals ever ask him to babysit?

The issue here isn't whether Harry Reid is, or isn't, or is a pederast. The question is only "What are we going to do about it?"

I'm not saying Harry Reid is a pederast. That's for the courts to say.

I'm saying there are children located in what I call "The Danger Zone" around Harry Reid. Do we gamble their innocence so lightly?

I have no proof that Harry Reid is guilty of pederasty, but can we at least keep kids out of the Harry Reid Molestation Perimeter?

You can't convict him in the press; obviously, this is America. But can we at least require him to wear a big hat that says LIKELY PEDERAST?

Harry Reid's defenders say, "You can't convict a man of pederasty based only on him being a pederast." I find their position untenable.

I think the important question is not, as some ask, "Is Harry Reid a pedophile?" The important question is "Why do DC Democrats enable him?"

hey media, can we at least make sure Harry Reid's victims are alive before ignoring them?

Harry Reid owes a full accounting on behalf of all he's killed.

We need to begin petitioning a statue commemorating the victims of Harry Reid, including all the unknown ones.

We need a Tomb of the Unknown Harry Reid Sex-Murder Victim. Can we do any less?

Why does Harry Reid not support the Victims of Harry Reid Memorial?

If Harry Reid has nothing to hide, why hasn't he contacted authorities? Why hasn't he pointed out where he buried his victims bodies?

If Harry Reid didn't kill those boys he victimized, then how come they're not around to testify against him? Think about it.

I can't say if these charges are true. Only the evidence and his countless victims can say that.

Let me just ask one legitimate question, containing no unfair implications whatsoever: Why does Harry Reid own gardening tools?

Why does he own trashbags? Why does he have a car with a trunk? These are reasonable questions that he must answer.

Does Harry Reid, or does he not, own any rope, twine, or extension cords easily used as ligatures and bonds?

Harry Reid says he's a big fan of baseball and car racing. Like a lot of young boys are. I guess that's just "another coincidence," huh?

Wasn't Sandusky interested in the Boy Scouts too?
Pederast, a game for the entire family~Monty Python(Blackmail game show sketch)
Credible source, vetted by the Alabama State Bar-why Reid "infiltrated" the Boy Scouts for what purpose

h/t Ace of Spades

Do we really know how many victims there might be?

Please visit the twitter account:

Invisible Tears
An account to remember the alleged victims of Harry Reid, and those fresh victims inevitably to come.
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.


Invisible Tears
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.

The American public is entitled to know whether its Majority Leader is, or is not, or likely is, a pederast.

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, why is everyone saying he is? People don't just make up vicious smears for political advantage.

Even if there's only a one in three chance Harry Reid is a pederast, are we really going to let that one child suffer?

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, how come no DC liberals ever ask him to babysit?

The issue here isn't whether Harry Reid is, or isn't, or is a pederast. The question is only "What are we going to do about it?"

I'm not saying Harry Reid is a pederast. That's for the courts to say.

I'm saying there are children located in what I call "The Danger Zone" around Harry Reid. Do we gamble their innocence so lightly?

I have no proof that Harry Reid is guilty of pederasty, but can we at least keep kids out of the Harry Reid Molestation Perimeter?

You can't convict him in the press; obviously, this is America. But can we at least require him to wear a big hat that says LIKELY PEDERAST?

Harry Reid's defenders say, "You can't convict a man of pederasty based only on him being a pederast." I find their position untenable.

I think the important question is not, as some ask, "Is Harry Reid a pedophile?" The important question is "Why do DC Democrats enable him?"

hey media, can we at least make sure Harry Reid's victims are alive before ignoring them?

Harry Reid owes a full accounting on behalf of all he's killed.

We need to begin petitioning a statue commemorating the victims of Harry Reid, including all the unknown ones.

We need a Tomb of the Unknown Harry Reid Sex-Murder Victim. Can we do any less?

Why does Harry Reid not support the Victims of Harry Reid Memorial?

If Harry Reid has nothing to hide, why hasn't he contacted authorities? Why hasn't he pointed out where he buried his victims bodies?

If Harry Reid didn't kill those boys he victimized, then how come they're not around to testify against him? Think about it.

I can't say if these charges are true. Only the evidence and his countless victims can say that.

Let me just ask one legitimate question, containing no unfair implications whatsoever: Why does Harry Reid own gardening tools?

Why does he own trashbags? Why does he have a car with a trunk? These are reasonable questions that he must answer.

Does Harry Reid, or does he not, own any rope, twine, or extension cords easily used as ligatures and bonds?

Harry Reid says he's a big fan of baseball and car racing. Like a lot of young boys are. I guess that's just "another coincidence," huh?

Wasn't Sandusky interested in the Boy Scouts too?

Good point

the connection is becoming even more clear

What is Reid hiding ?
Did you hear what Glenn Beck did to a young girl in 1990? Google it. I can't even repeat it...
Did you hear what Glenn Beck did to a young girl in 1990? Google it. I can't even repeat it...
Yeah....those 20 year old celebrity seekers can be a real temptation.

Hows that Reid/Sandusky thing working out?
Really in all seriousness

we should be worried about the poor victims
of Harry Reid

They should sue him- he has the money..

Granted he only worked in the private sector for a few years
and somehow became a millionaire why working for the gov't
all these years
CaféAuLait;5744539 said:
I wondered how many were covering this tit4tat and googled it and I found this hilarious conversation:

GLENN: Hello.

CALLER: I have information.

GLENN: You have information you want to share with me? What is it?

VOICE: About Harry Reid.

GLENN: About Harry Reid?

VOICE: Yes. I can’t tell you exactly how I know this.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But Harry Reid is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: He’s a pedophile rapist?


GLENN: Wow. I mean, if somebody came before Congress and wanted to be a – you know, somebody wanted to be a, you know, a cabinet member, you couldn’t be a pedophile rapist. How long has he been a pedophile rapist?

VOICE: Approximately 25 years.

GLENN: 25 years.

VOICE: Now, I should be – I just wanted to be clear. He is not a pedophile. He’s a pedophile rapist, meaning that he’s raping pedophiles.

GLENN: He’s raping pedophiles?

VOICE: Right. He’s a pedophile rapist. He’s not a pedophile. I’m definitely not accusing him of that.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But I am saying that he is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: All right. Okay. Thank you very much for your phone call. Appreciate it.

Glenn gives Harry Reid a taste of his own medicine… – Glenn Beck

With this new information out there
the police should start to hear from the victims soon
So in other words there are no charges of Reid molesting a single child, but because he was a boyscout and hangs around kids he should not be allowed to be a senator because he might be?

So according to the OP all of the other congresspeople who were associated with the boyscouts also need to be charged and removed from congress. Most of which are republican.
Just Reid

after all it was a credible source
and we do have the picture
CaféAuLait;5744539 said:
I wondered how many were covering this tit4tat and googled it and I found this hilarious conversation:

GLENN: Hello.

CALLER: I have information.

GLENN: You have information you want to share with me? What is it?

VOICE: About Harry Reid.

GLENN: About Harry Reid?

VOICE: Yes. I can’t tell you exactly how I know this.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But Harry Reid is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: He’s a pedophile rapist?


GLENN: Wow. I mean, if somebody came before Congress and wanted to be a – you know, somebody wanted to be a, you know, a cabinet member, you couldn’t be a pedophile rapist. How long has he been a pedophile rapist?

VOICE: Approximately 25 years.

GLENN: 25 years.

VOICE: Now, I should be – I just wanted to be clear. He is not a pedophile. He’s a pedophile rapist, meaning that he’s raping pedophiles.

GLENN: He’s raping pedophiles?

VOICE: Right. He’s a pedophile rapist. He’s not a pedophile. I’m definitely not accusing him of that.

GLENN: Okay.

VOICE: But I am saying that he is a pedophile rapist.

GLENN: All right. Okay. Thank you very much for your phone call. Appreciate it.

Glenn gives Harry Reid a taste of his own medicine… – Glenn Beck

It's funny how conservatives are using the very same tactics used by progressives during the whole birth issue. I believe there was a story about Glenn killing youg women. What's even funnier is that beck is the king of using innuendo to make his points. How many times has he started a sentence with, " I am not saying this is true but......"
Credible source, vetted by the Alabama State Bar-why Reid "infiltrated" the Boy Scouts for what purpose

h/t Ace of Spades

Do we really know how many victims there might be?

Please visit the twitter account:

Invisible Tears
An account to remember the alleged victims of Harry Reid, and those fresh victims inevitably to come.
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.


Invisible Tears
An account in memory of Harry Reid's victims, both unknown and known.

The American public is entitled to know whether its Majority Leader is, or is not, or likely is, a pederast.

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, why is everyone saying he is? People don't just make up vicious smears for political advantage.

Even if there's only a one in three chance Harry Reid is a pederast, are we really going to let that one child suffer?

If Harry Reid isn't a pederast, how come no DC liberals ever ask him to babysit?

The issue here isn't whether Harry Reid is, or isn't, or is a pederast. The question is only "What are we going to do about it?"

I'm not saying Harry Reid is a pederast. That's for the courts to say.

I'm saying there are children located in what I call "The Danger Zone" around Harry Reid. Do we gamble their innocence so lightly?

I have no proof that Harry Reid is guilty of pederasty, but can we at least keep kids out of the Harry Reid Molestation Perimeter?

You can't convict him in the press; obviously, this is America. But can we at least require him to wear a big hat that says LIKELY PEDERAST?

Harry Reid's defenders say, "You can't convict a man of pederasty based only on him being a pederast." I find their position untenable.

I think the important question is not, as some ask, "Is Harry Reid a pedophile?" The important question is "Why do DC Democrats enable him?"

hey media, can we at least make sure Harry Reid's victims are alive before ignoring them?

Harry Reid owes a full accounting on behalf of all he's killed.

We need to begin petitioning a statue commemorating the victims of Harry Reid, including all the unknown ones.

We need a Tomb of the Unknown Harry Reid Sex-Murder Victim. Can we do any less?

Why does Harry Reid not support the Victims of Harry Reid Memorial?

If Harry Reid has nothing to hide, why hasn't he contacted authorities? Why hasn't he pointed out where he buried his victims bodies?

If Harry Reid didn't kill those boys he victimized, then how come they're not around to testify against him? Think about it.

I can't say if these charges are true. Only the evidence and his countless victims can say that.

Let me just ask one legitimate question, containing no unfair implications whatsoever: Why does Harry Reid own gardening tools?

Why does he own trashbags? Why does he have a car with a trunk? These are reasonable questions that he must answer.

Does Harry Reid, or does he not, own any rope, twine, or extension cords easily used as ligatures and bonds?

Harry Reid says he's a big fan of baseball and car racing. Like a lot of young boys are. I guess that's just "another coincidence," huh?

Did they ever find out he was a pederast? I just recall Dennis Hastert the head Republican being a pedophile.

Nearly 8,000 Alleged Child Abusers Identified In Boy Scouts’ Files, Review Finds
The BSA also reported 12,254 alleged victims within its organization dating back to 1944.

Lets see if Harry is on the list of 8000 abusers. I bet he is not.

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