
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

I'll get right to my point.

Should Baltimore mom
Ms. Toya Graham be held ACCOUNTABLE for immorally and irresponsibly introducing SIX children to a life of pain and struggle that caused her depressed teen son and many of his depressed teen classmates to try and cause grave harm or death to police attempting to protect peaceful Baltimore residents from being emotionally and/or physically injured by depressed angry teens and adults peeved for being introduced to a life of hardships and pain by their immature moms.

Should Tavis Smiley's teen mom be held ACCOUNTABLE for irresponsibly building a family of ten children, nine of whom Tavis revealed in a May 2015 discussion about Poverty, continue to struggle with Poverty?

Should Freddie Gray's mom Gloria Darden be held ACCOUNTABLE for failing to place the welfare and well being of her child ABOVE ALL ELSE....and for failing in her parental duty/obligation to her child as well as societal responsibility to her community and Nation to raise a child maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and adult respecting himself, as well as his neighbors and the authority charged with maintaining peace in all our communities?

Should our nation's CHILD WELFARE LAWS be re-examined and modified to PREVENT MATERNAL caregivers from creating POVERTY by irresponsibly introducing children to a life of pain and struggle?

The responsible Americans who regularly witness THE OPPRESSION & EMOTIONAL or PHYSICAL ABUSE of our nation's most precious and valuable assets seem to believe our CHILD PROTECTION LAWS need to be changed to protect kids from CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT MOMS!

What do my American neighbors think?

Should we continue allowing depressed, immature, irresponsible American females to create human life that far too often ends up causing emotional and physical harm to our peaceful neighbors and populating our CJS and prisons?

I spent the first twelve years of my police career serving the Brooklyn, NY community Shawn Jay Z Carter joyously raps OPPRESSING and terrorizing with his drug peddling trade that he and his crew/gang/posse protected and enforced with their semi-automatic Mack Millis.

I spent twelve years of my life personally witnessing young developing children being emotionally scarred for life by mostly single moms who built families out of their own selfishness and immaturity.

I spent twelve years of my life experiencing fear, anxiety, emotional pain and heartache that was no different from the emotions experienced by countless victims of violence committed against them by depressed, frustrated, angry, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* teens and adults who were horribly abused and neglected by their MATERNAL caregivers.

I spent twelve years witnessing CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT moms engage in irresponsible, life OPPRESSING human behaviors that has resulted with a substantial population of my African American neighbors viewing and/or rapping about the MATERNAL HALF of our society being less than human ^itches and ^hores unworthy of respect.

A significant number of these Americans perform before our international neighbors while hating-on and demeaning our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces. :sadness:

I find it very sad and reprehensible that not only are Americans children and teens exposed to angry music performers hating our moms, but so are our neighbors all around our beautiful tiny blue orb. :angry/sad:

I do not want to sound arrogant, though if you respond to this writing I do not want to read about the legacy of racism, "white privilege" or any other issues that DEFLECT from discussing TODAY'S American children being OPPRESSED by individual Americans who ignore their parental and societal duty/RESPONSIBILITY/obligation to raise and nurture fairly happy American kids enjoying SAFE STREETS to travel and play on.


Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, addressed inmates at Ironwood State Prison offering a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of *emotionally troubled* and chronically ill American teens and adults.

At 2:12:25 in this documentary about Mafia hit-man and victim of Early Childhood Trauma/Abuse, Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, Dr. Park Dietz explains why young Richard most likely developed into a emotionally disturbed, paranoid, cruel, heartless teen and man who did not give a frig about anyone else, including his wife and kids.


Black *(Children's)* Lives Matter;
Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Fear & Educator's Frustrations
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"if you respond to this writing I do not want to read about the legacy of racism, "white privilege" or any other issues that DEFLECT from discussing TODAY'S American children being OPPRESSED by individual Americans who ignore their parental and societal duty/RESPONSIBILITY/obligation to raise and nurture fairly happy American kids enjoying SAFE STREETS to travel and play on."
Okay. I live in a 96% white state and did social work for 10 years. There is plenty of that going on in poor white neighborhoods' as well, and on the Indian reservations. It seems to have more to do with the economics of welfare benefits and the dysfunction bred of poverty over generations. Hard knot to untangle.
Okay. I live in a 96% white state and did social work for 10 years. There is plenty of that going on in poor white neighborhoods' as well, and on the Indian reservations. It seems to have more to do with the economics of welfare benefits and the dysfunction bred of poverty over generations. Hard knot to untangle.

Hi, OL. With all due respect, the question is do you believe mothers introducing their child(ren) to a childhood life of pain and struggle while ignoring the well being of their child(ren) should be held CRIMINALLY LIABLE for their child and society harming behaviors?

The question is should American society re-examine our CHILD PROTECTION laws to prevent and end the generational cycle of child abuse created by OUR society?

Yes or no?

Okay. I live in a 96% white state and did social work for 10 years. There is plenty of that going on in poor white neighborhoods' as well, and on the Indian reservations. It seems to have more to do with the economics of welfare benefits and the dysfunction bred of poverty over generations. Hard knot to untangle.

Hi, OL. With all due respect, the question is do you believe mothers introducing their child(ren) to a childhood life of pain and struggle while ignoring the well being of their child(ren) should be held CRIMINALLY LIABLE for their child and society harming behaviors?

The question is should American society re-examine our CHILD PROTECTION laws to prevent and end the generational cycle of child abuse created by OUR society?

Yes or no?

First, I support the right of responsible women to choose an abortion if she becomes pregnant and knows enough to realize she is not ready to parent a child.
Second, Neglect and emotional abuse are already considered child abuse in our courts. When I was a CPS worker, we held parents accountable for that. What made it so difficult was that CPS is seen as the modern day boogey-man by parents and children alike. People are too misinformed and afraid of CPS to work with them to improve their parenting or report serious abuse. The child protection laws are okay, imo. So NO,
but YES we need to overhaul welfare benefits to stop financially rewarding children having children, and making it profitable for single mothers to stay home rather than go to work.

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