Cruz: Fauci is the most dangerous bureaucrat in history. he caused the death of countless lives, should be prosecuted for deliberate lies to Congress

A lot can be said for the theory that Doc Fauci really didn't lie at all, but is just an incompetent partisan Boob.

It would be an interesting case, however, and I'd love to see it prosecuted.
A lot can be said for the theory that Doc Fauci really didn't lie at all, but is just an incompetent partisan Boob.

It would be an interesting case, however, and I'd love to see it prosecuted.

Wanna bet on whether or not any court is gonna take this case?
Listening to Fauci I is like listening to murdaugh on the witness stand
I'd say knowlege wise he knows as much about Virii as Billy Gates.
Pun ?
Thread summary:

The conservative death-cult will always hate Fauci so saving millions of lives. Nothing enrages a conservative more than depriving them of wank material.
Cruz also asks for holding China accountable. if Fauci is the most dangerous bureaucrat ever, that means China is the most dangerous anti-human race country ever!

The same furin cleavage site found in SARS2 was found in an American dog tick on Long Island, New York, in 2013. Neither Big Farmer nor The Elf won't be discussing this in public any time soon. Nor will they be discussing the fact that a furin site was inserted into SARS1 in a Montana lab in 2006. duh
Its stunning, literally appallingly stunning, listening to you sick cretins as you politicize even your individual lives, individually you are just a typical group of fascist performed intellectual abortions incapable of critical reason, but taken together you are a particularly murderous malignancy, cancer so aggressive and fatal the surgeon can only stand back and gawk in awe as it consumes the very idea of rationale life into extinction!

There is no point attempting to salvage a one of you, you are lost absent some miracle of the most high God, its really just morbidly fascinating to observe you as the diseased organisms you all are, you are utterly incapable of independent critical reasoning, even in indisputable face of your impending doom, be certain you get those booster jabs, you must submit, and never ever forget those obedience masks, they are in an exact Freudian sense, an unintended peek into exactly who and what you are! :wink:
Its stunning, literally appallingly stunning, listening to you sick cretins as you politicize even your individual lives, individually you are just a typical group of fascist performed intellectual abortions incapable of critical reason, but taken together you are a particularly murderous malignancy, cancer so aggressive and fatal the surgeon can only stand back and gawk in awe as it consumes the very idea of rationale life into extinction!

There is no point attempting to salvage a one of you, you are lost absent some miracle of the most high God, its really just morbidly fascinating to observe you as the diseased organisms you all are, you are utterly incapable of independent critical reasoning, even in indisputable face of your impending doom, be certain you get those booster jabs, you must submit, and never ever forget those obedience masks, they are in an exact Freudian sense, an unintended peek into exactly who and what you are! :wink:
If you could prove that you understand scientific words such as "furin" in front of the others, it may help them to understand, too.
Its stunning, literally appallingly stunning, listening to you sick cretins as you politicize even your individual lives, individually you are just a typical group of fascist performed intellectual abortions incapable of critical reason, but taken together you are a particularly murderous malignancy, cancer so aggressive and fatal the surgeon can only stand back and gawk in awe as it consumes the very idea of rationale life into extinction!

There is no point attempting to salvage a one of you, you are lost absent some miracle of the most high God, its really just morbidly fascinating to observe you as the diseased organisms you all are, you are utterly incapable of independent critical reasoning, even in indisputable face of your impending doom, be certain you get those booster jabs, you must submit, and never ever forget those obedience masks, they are in an exact Freudian sense, an unintended peek into exactly who and what you are! :wink:
Well in my most worst, most closet fascist moments, I think the same things about you members of Alt-Right Nation. A legion of cancers that need to be cut out and irradiated at the point of infection to prevent it from spreading. Problem is, that "point" is a large area to cover, and not a very realistic approach either. I marvel at the level of depravity you people have sunk to. And I wonder sometimes what the effect of immersion into alt-right media 24x7 has on the human brain. Then, I see a post like this and my questions are largely answered. Because if you're down to denigrating the public servants for doing their job amidst a pandemic, then you've crossed into a territory there's no talking you back from. A pandemic, that when it broke, the leaders at the highest level of our government, including our President, not only didn't take seriously, but ignored altogether for two solid months. It wasn't until the bodies started visually piling up on national TV that the adults had to step in and prevent a total disaster.
Its stunning, literally appallingly stunning, listening to you sick cretins as you politicize even your individual lives, individually you are just a typical group of fascist performed intellectual abortions incapable of critical reason, but taken together you are a particularly murderous malignancy, cancer so aggressive and fatal the surgeon can only stand back and gawk in awe as it consumes the very idea of rationale life into extinction!
Don't drink and post. It will make you think that your weirdass butthurt rambling sounds intelligent.

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