Cruz Grandstanding A Victory For Senate Democrats.u


Dec 5, 2011
The Rachel Maddow Show on msnbc

"Democrats Take Advantage of Cruz Showboating".

Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

The Canadian Born Cuban had taken to the floor to demand a procedural vote on President Obama's Immigration Plan.

Yep, the Cruz Missile actually helped Dems push through very needed appointments, including a new Surgeon General.

"Surgeon General Confirmed Over N.R.A. Objections".

Thanks teddy, your an idiot of the first order. You stuidity is it's own reward.

The Cuban-Canadian from Tex-ass only real success was to piss off members of his own party.

Ye Haw...way to go you son of Fidealista.
People like Cruz are genuinely wacko. Here is a man who has done nothing in life except suck on the teat of government, and this nation, and its people and yet he claims to be a patriot. I'd like to see him do something in life, then he can talk, for now all he is is talk.

The Absolutist - The New Yorker

'The Absolutist' 'Ted Cruz is an unyielding debater—and the far right’s most formidable advocate'
Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

Reid and his nuclear option means Cruz and the Republicans couldn't stop these appointments.
Mr Maddow is confused.
People like Cruz are genuinely wacko. Here is a man who has done nothing in life except suck on the teat of government, and this nation, and its people and yet he claims to be a patriot. I'd like to see him do something in life, then he can talk, for now all he is is talk.

The Absolutist - The New Yorker

'The Absolutist' 'Ted Cruz is an unyielding debater—and the far right’s most formidable advocate'

Here is a man who has done nothing in life except suck on the teat of government, and this nation, and its people ... I'd like to see him do something in life, then he can talk,

I know, who does he think he is.....Obama? LOL!
Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

Reid and his nuclear option means Cruz and the Republicans couldn't stop these appointments.
Mr Maddow is confused.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option", all he did was bring in the 60-Vote Majority Rule.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.
Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

Reid and his nuclear option means Cruz and the Republicans couldn't stop these appointments.
Mr Maddow is confused.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option", all he did was bring in the 60-Vote Majority Rule.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

That clean cut young man? I don't believe it.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid would have brought them up anyway.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option",

Sure he did, nominations can now go thru with a simple majority.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Good to know, then maybe we'll hear the truth about those nominations.
Cruz's stupid bs meant the Senate stayed open for Saturday, giving Reid time to vote on nominees, dingbat. Change the channel and get some political news.
Democrats are still in the majority in the senate. Nothing changes until January 20th. If appointments were held up it was because of twinkie Harry Reid's stupidity.
And that gives you thrills up your leg or what

Do any of you like the op think of country over party?


some of you will swallow anything for
Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

Reid and his nuclear option means Cruz and the Republicans couldn't stop these appointments.
Mr Maddow is confused.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option", all he did was bring in the 60-Vote Majority Rule.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

That clean cut young man? I don't believe it.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid would have brought them up anyway.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option",

Sure he did, nominations can now go thru with a simple majority.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Good to know, then maybe we'll hear the truth about those nominations.

The only people in the Senate who viewed the change in filibuster rules as the "Nuclear Option" were the Republicans. The continuing demand that every bill or appointment passed needed a 60-Majority was nothing more and nothing less that than Republican Obstructionism against the duly elected President of the United States.

How dare President Obama think he have the same right Rich and White President George W. Bush had regarding Judicial Appointments.

Any move that could have been interpreted as a victory for the Obama Administration had to be blocked.

Senator Reid by acting to change the filibuster rule on Presidential Appointments to the bench was in the best interest of the Country due to fact that Federal Appointments to the Judiciary were causing a serious and damage effect on U.S. Courts.

I'm sure that Senator McChinless would never ever consider elemenating the filibuster rule.........
Thanks to the Cuban-Canadian Senator from the blow hard state of confusion called Texas, Senate Democrats were able to push over 20- Presidential Appoints that had been languishing due to Republican obstruction.

Reid and his nuclear option means Cruz and the Republicans couldn't stop these appointments.
Mr Maddow is confused.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option", all he did was bring in the 60-Vote Majority Rule.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Dr. Maddow is a female.

That clean cut young man? I don't believe it.

Cruz used a procedural vote that allowed these appointments to come to floor.

Reid would have brought them up anyway.

Reid never invoked any form of "Nuclear Option",

Sure he did, nominations can now go thru with a simple majority.

Please remember when lying most people unlike you know the truth.

Good to know, then maybe we'll hear the truth about those nominations.

The only people in the Senate who viewed the change in filibuster rules as the "Nuclear Option" were the Republicans. The continuing demand that every bill or appointment passed needed a 60-Majority was nothing more and nothing less that than Republican Obstructionism against the duly elected President of the United States.

How dare President Obama think he have the same right Rich and White President George W. Bush had regarding Judicial Appointments.

Any move that could have been interpreted as a victory for the Obama Administration had to be blocked.

Senator Reid by acting to change the filibuster rule on Presidential Appointments to the bench was in the best interest of the Country due to fact that Federal Appointments to the Judiciary were causing a serious and damage effect on U.S. Courts.

I'm sure that Senator McChinless would never ever consider elemenating the filibuster rule.........

The only people in the Senate who viewed the change in filibuster rules as the "Nuclear Option" were the Republicans.

America is paying attention to this hypocrisy. Our citizens are alarmed at what the Republican majority is planning to do. According to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released yesterday, Americans oppose by 2 to 1 changing the rules to make it easier for the President to stack the courts with radical judges.
The American people have rejected the nuclear option because they see it for what it is — an unconstitutional abuse of power.

Floor Statement of Senator Reid on Nuclear Option Senate Democrats


How dare President Obama think he have the same right Rich and White President George W. Bush had regarding Judicial Appointments.
Democrats filibustered Bush appointments. Sorry to point out your ignorance for all to see.
Are you okay?
I'll say it again

liberals are nasty when they LOSE and nasty when they win.

Do they CARE this budget puts us, our children and great children in MORE DEPT? hell now they don't

they are more into beating their chest at how Senator Cruz standing up the people he REPRESENS SUPPOSEDLY gave the Democrats some WIN

that's why this country is going to hell

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