National Implications: A Larry Elder Victory in California Would Shift U.S. Senate Majority to Republicans

Your source is only a year out of date. Many laws were passed this year to combat Democrat voter fraud.
Which states? What were the laws? Give us the updated source then. Do any of them address ballot collection? California's hasn't been since they changed it to allow someone outside your household to return your ballot. Wassa matter? Is your state on that list that allows other than family members to return a ballot?
Whether you love Newsome or not...recalling him would elect Larry Elder and THAT would be a disaster.

It would be like electing the ghost of Limbaugh Governor
Move to California.
uHaul will pay you to take a truck in.
Make sure you VOTE and make sure you vote NO to Recall

Darn tooting. People in California need to be the laughing stock of the world with their ever increasing homeless problem. They need more stores closing down because they reduced the penalties for shoplifting. They need to keep violent crime increasing because more dead bodies is better than electing a Republican black guy to the governorship to address the problem. People need to be masked up or not go out at all while their Governor is dining in style with no mask or social distancing. They need to keep losing residents and businesses who are fed up with commie politics. They need to also keep kids masked up in school if they are allowed to attend school.

That's right, don't you dare vote for change. How stupid can you be? :eusa_shhh:
Which states? What were the laws? Give us the updated source then. Do any of them address ballot collection? California's hasn't been since they changed it to allow someone outside your household to return your ballot. Wassa matter? Is your state on that list that allows other than family members to return a ballot?
The two most famous states with extensive changes were Texas and Georgia. I am really so sorry that you were unaware. As I said before, pull your head out of your girlfriend's ass and try to educate yourself.
The two most famous states with extensive changes were Texas and Georgia. I am really so sorry that you were unaware. As I said before, pull your head out of your girlfriend's ass and try to educate yourself.
No shit, Sherlock. You didn't answer the questions. Do any of them address ballot collection? California's law hasn't been since they changed it to allow someone outside your household to return your ballot. Is your state on that list that allows other than family members to return a ballot?
While I would absolutely love for California to turn red, Republicans are screwing up their chance. Let's not forget that California is a hugely liberal state. If Elder were to win, he would be doing it with just the support of about 33% of Californians. Therefore, it is rather stupid for both him and Republicans to go rabid red in their campaign, because it does just as you said, encourages the political left and the lefty media to swarm behind the blue team. Both Elder and the Republicans need to tune their message to the center and maybe even the center left because they need the "no" vote in order to win. Their rabid red campaign, doubling down on far right ideals, is changing the polls to read that the "yes" votes are now in the lead by quite a bit, because liberal Californians are beginning to see what would happen to California if the no votes win out.

The right are flushing their own chances right down the toilet. You aren't going to win here by doubling down on far right policies. You're going to lose. I can't believe how utterly stupid they are. The stupidest thing to do would be for the right to show up here in full force, campaigning about their far right platform, driving out the vote of 67% of the state who wold be terrified of a Republican takeover of the state.

There are a lot of liberals however Republicans never made any attempt to appeal to the more moderate voters. They stuck with their right wing base. That is not enough to win elections. The only moderate who had a chance threw away his chance by admitting he voted for Trump.
The progressives you claim make up 67% of the voters do not support COVID lockdowns, rampant homelessness, criminals getting away with everything, and such. Do they?

That is why Newsome is toast or the voters are simply stupid and want more of his pathetic performance.
The people who are pathetic are Republicans. If the Republicans had a decent candidate, they might have had a chance.
Darn tooting. People in California need to be the laughing stock of the world with their ever increasing homeless problem. They need more stores closing down because they reduced the penalties for shoplifting. They need to keep violent crime increasing because more dead bodies is better than electing a Republican black guy to the governorship to address the problem. People need to be masked up or not go out at all while their Governor is dining in style with no mask or social distancing. They need to keep losing residents and businesses who are fed up with commie politics. They need to also keep kids masked up in school if they are allowed to attend school.

That's right, don't you dare vote for change. How stupid can you be? :eusa_shhh:
Larry fucking Elder isn’t gonna make any of that better.

Not by a long shot
Poll are designed to give you the results you want.

In McConnell's last election, the polls had him barely squeaking by for reelection. As it turned out, he won by almost 20%!

Sometimes polls get it right. Newsom is going to pass the 50% mark easily. Republicans went with the most extreme candidate running. Also the Texas abortion case has hurt Republicans among moderates.
Sometimes polls get it right. Newsom is going to pass the 50% mark easily. Republicans went with the most extreme candidate running. Also the Texas abortion case has hurt Republicans among moderates.
You better be right or California is fucked
If California voters vote to recall Newsom

Elder is Governor

You been warned
I don't deny that. But I am saying anyone who actually believes that is going to happen has been drinking too much happy juice. In a state where liberals outnumber conservatives 2 to 1, it is insanity to think that Newsome won't survive the recall vote when those very same liberals know what the outcome of losing would be. You can't scrape up enough votes to win because when you're outnumbered 2 to 1 it just ain't happinin. No matter how much liberals may not be happy with Newsome, they aren't going to elect Elder to replace Newsome. More insanity to even think so.
Larry fucking Elder isn’t gonna make any of that better.

Not by a long shot

And you know that how? This Gascon idiot is promoting crime and particularly, violent crime like nobody has ever seen before. If Larry is not elected, it just goes to show that we Republican were right all along, there is nothing dumber than a Democrat voter.

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