Cruz is Lucifer in the Flesh According to Former House Speaker John Boehner


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Wait a sec, so Cruz does know Jesus. :p Recall Satan (artist formally known as Lucifer) met with yahweh/jesus up on the mountain that overlooked the entire flat Earth at the time, it would have had to have been flat for it all to be visible, and offered yahweh/jesus control of all the governments (like ZOG) but yahweh/jesus declined the offer at the time. So if Cruz is Satan, he indeed did meet Jesus about 2,000 years ago! And who knows they may still be in touch! :p
Wait a sec, so Cruz does know Jesus. :p Recall Satan (artist formally known as Lucifer) met with yahweh/jesus up on the mountain that overlooked the entire flat Earth at the time, it would have had to have been flat for it all to be visible, and offered yahweh/jesus control of all the governments (like ZOG) but yahweh/jesus declined the offer at the time. So if Cruz is Satan, he indeed did meet Jesus about 2,000 years ago! And who knows they may still be in touch! :p

Lucifer was once Angelic, so can anyone tell me when Cruz ever acted like an Angel?

Also Lucifer is suppose to be Charismatic, and can anyone remember when Cruz was ever charming?

If I were Lucifer I would feel insulted to be compared to Ted Cruz or Donald Trump... :evil::FIREdevil::ack-1::scared1:
Wait a sec, so Cruz does know Jesus. :p Recall Satan (artist formally known as Lucifer) met with yahweh/jesus up on the mountain that overlooked the entire flat Earth at the time, it would have had to have been flat for it all to be visible, and offered yahweh/jesus control of all the governments (like ZOG) but yahweh/jesus declined the offer at the time. So if Cruz is Satan, he indeed did meet Jesus about 2,000 years ago! And who knows they may still be in touch! :p
Jesus and Yahweh.....are not the same....
1) Jesus was Lucifer (see my commentaries all over the theology forum)
2)Cruz is not Jesus, he hasn't caused the GOP to scatter and be slain yet, and hasn't caused over a thousand wars and over 50 million murders in his name.
3) Cruz looks more like Vlad Dracula in a bad B movie or a cartoon.
4) If Cruz would have won and been elected pres. then we'd have to see that Pastey Chubby guy on Sat. Night Live do his character all the time. ughhhh!

Whatever....the most salient part of this story is the blistering description of Cruz offered by Boehner, not the biblical bullshit.

And the most laughable part is Cruz saying he doesn't know Boehner.

Wait a sec, so Cruz does know Jesus. :p Recall Satan (artist formally known as Lucifer) met with yahweh/jesus up on the mountain that overlooked the entire flat Earth at the time, it would have had to have been flat for it all to be visible, and offered yahweh/jesus control of all the governments (like ZOG) but yahweh/jesus declined the offer at the time. So if Cruz is Satan, he indeed did meet Jesus about 2,000 years ago! And who knows they may still be in touch! :p

Lucifer was once Angelic, so can anyone tell me when Cruz ever acted like an Angel?

Also Lucifer is suppose to be Charismatic, and can anyone remember when Cruz was ever charming?

If I were Lucifer I would feel insulted to be compared to Ted Cruz or Donald Trump... :evil::FIREdevil::ack-1::scared1:

If it succeeds at creating conflict I don't think he cares
Boehner also stated that Ted Cruz was the most miserable SOB he's ever had to work with. He also stated that Cruz needs to go into any bookstore and pick up a book--"how a bill is passed."

This is not new news--in the house and Senate Ted Cruz doesn't have any friends.

It's because Ted Cruz is a political opportunist.

1. Cruz has constantly repeated that once President he will repeal every single word of Obamacare. He can't. It took a Democrat President (Obama) with Super Majorities of Democrats in both houses to give us Obamacare, and that's what it's going to take to repeal every single word of Obamacare.

2. Cruz often calls to defund Obamacare: You can't do that without leaving millions that were forced onto it without medical insurance overnight. Yes, they could do that, but the odds of them winning election for county dog catchers would be zero to none afterwards.

Cruz often threatens to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.

4. Sending up 30 house bills to Barack Obama to repeal Obamacare was a total waste of time.

5. Reading Green Eggs and Ham on the United States Senate floor didn't put a dent into Obamacare.

6. Calling Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor. Now if Ronald Reagan were alive and in the Oval office when Ted Cruz did that, he would have gone down to the Senate floor and booted his ass all the way back to Canada. While Ted Cruz, often mentions Ronald Reagan's name--he also continually breaks Reagan's 11th commandment--"thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican." IOW Ronald Reagan would not have been fond of Ted Cruz.

This is certainly no endorsement for Donald Trump--but Boehner's comments bring out who the real Ted Cruz is.


Cruz is the archetype of every rebellious congressman Boehner had to corral when he served as the most inept Speaker of the House in history.

Due to Boehner's ineptitude, the house first shut down the government. Cruz saw the chance to make a SPLASH and did the same in the senate and coordinated these efforts in the house.

All those damn rebellious Tea Party types causing all that damn trouble. No wonder why Boehner called out Cruz as Lucifer.

But, in a larger sense, this demonstrates that neither Cruz nor Trump has much if any support in the GOP. What does that say for their coat tails and ability to retain control in the Senate? Or the House this November?

The civil war conducted by Boehner/Cruz/and the Tea Party House will bear casualties. Watch the down ticket races this year. It will prove to be far more interesting than the Presidential race!

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