Cruz (R)- "Immigrants can stay!!!"

Well aint that nice 'o him? Trying to differentiate hisself from t3h Donald I see.

Cruz rules out 'deportation force' to boot undocumented immigrants -

A Cruz mistake, BUT we on the right STILL LOVE him and the Trumpster....there will be MINOR differences when either man runs the liberal scum that is ruining this country out of power!

Just verifies what a fucking weasel Ted Cruz is. He will be kissing everyone's ass even his opponents to get on Trumps winning team.
he's not planning on putting together "shock troops" like t3h Donald is.
Dont need any such thing, just let people do their job, ....encourage them for doing their job.....perhaps a bonus or two
Cruz is 100% right on this. We're not a police state. We don't go around knocking on everyone's door in America looking for criminals. We will use methods of law enforcement and for the most part, they will work. Trump can say anything he wants to on the campaign trail. His frustrated base of supporters can think anything they want to. Reality is, we're not going to establish a Gestapo in America.
Cruz just ended any chance at the presidency....

Rethink that, he's simply putting himself in a MILDER LIGHT than the Trumpster has, which I agree with, they both want to deport them, HOW they do it will be discussed and implemented AFTER one or the other is president...NONE of the talk by either man is written in stone.... But we can always go with any DemocRAT that want all the fucking Latin American illegals, Muslim Terrorists, and THOUSANDS OF RELEASED FELONS able to VOTE FOR THE DEMORATS!!!!
Cruz is 100% right on this. We're not a police state. We don't go around knocking on everyone's door in America looking for criminals. We will use methods of law enforcement and for the most part, they will work. Trump can say anything he wants to on the campaign trail. His frustrated base of supporters can think anything they want to. Reality is, we're not going to establish a Gestapo in America.

If Cruz had said we'll get rid of illegals by denying them services and deporting them when we catch them I'd be all right with it.
He said they can stay and thats unacceptable.
"No, I don't intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America. That's not how we enforce the law for any crime," Cruz told Tapper as his campaign bus ambled across northern Iowa.

The is exactly what many republicans want to be done, exhibiting their contempt for due process and the rule of law.
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"No, I don't intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America. That's not how we enforce the law for any crime," Cruz told Tapper as his campaign bus ambled across northern Iowa.

The is exactly what many republicans want to be seen done, exhibiting their contempt for due process and the rule of law.

INVADERS do NOT GET due process or rule of law, they are INVADERS and as such should be terminated on the's a WAR that scum like you don't understand, but will agree with since these bastards will HELP KEEP your left wing DemoRATS in power!
Cruz is 100% right on this. We're not a police state. We don't go around knocking on everyone's door in America looking for criminals. We will use methods of law enforcement and for the most part, they will work. Trump can say anything he wants to on the campaign trail. His frustrated base of supporters can think anything they want to. Reality is, we're not going to establish a Gestapo in America.

If Cruz had said we'll get rid of illegals by denying them services and deporting them when we catch them I'd be all right with it.
He said they can stay and thats unacceptable.

I'm sorry... I didn't see him say they could stay.
"No, I don't intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America. That's not how we enforce the law for any crime," Cruz told Tapper as his campaign bus ambled across northern Iowa.

The is exactly what many republicans want to be seen done, exhibiting their contempt for due process and the rule of law.

Well I am a conservative who generally votes Republican and I don't want that. We can secure the border, enforce the laws already on the books, deport illegals when we catch them, cut the handouts and benefits, put an end to the sanctuary cities and punish those who hire illegals... this will essentially solve the problem.
Vigilante, put your guns away. There will be no jack boot army for you to join if Cruz wins.

"the U.S. should catch those who came here illegally under normal law enforcement practices, not through round-ups of the estimated 11 million undocumented people living in the U.S." (from the OP article)
"No, I don't intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America. That's not how we enforce the law for any crime," Cruz told Tapper as his campaign bus ambled across northern Iowa.

The is exactly what many republicans want to be done, exhibiting their contempt for due process and the rule of law.
The refusal to enforce the law is contempt for the law.

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