Crying Wolf: Will Leftist Lies Put Trump Back in the White House?

Crying Wolf: Will Leftist Lies Put Trump Back in the White House?

The truth and consequences of the Durham Report have made Trump stronger
than at any time since he left office.
20 May 2023 ~~ By Tim Donner

Most of us are aware of the age-old fairytale about crying wolf. A shepherd boy repeatedly and falsely tells his fellow villagers that a wolf is attacking his town’s flock. But when an actual wolf appears and the boy calls for help, the townspeople, sick of being played the fool, ignore his pleas. The sheep and boy are promptly devoured by the wolf. Now, it may admittedly be imprudent to carry the fairytale analogy too far, but there is also the one about poor Pinocchio, who falls into the clutches of an evil man, starts telling lies, and sees his nose grow longer every time he does – for all to see.
Are these not apt descriptions of the current standing of Donald Trump’s hardened enemies in the wake of the devastating Durham Report? You know, the ones who long ago decided that whatever was needed to destroy the man is fair game – even if it is cooked up out of whole cloth, is certain to balkanize an already divided country, and amounts to direct interference in a presidential election – the very thing of which they accused Trump. How many people will be at rapt attention when the left gins up the next Trump scandal, the umpteenth in an unending crescendo of falsehoods dating back eight years? The scandal-fatigued citizenry will surely consider whence the latest allegations come, and with mistrust of the media growing like a cancer, they are more likely than ever to believe there is no wolf.
Donald Trump, Full-On Martyr
So now we have come full circle. The left, bathed in the comforting sycophancy of corrupt corporate media, accused Trump of being a traitor and spent years trying to prove it. They collected Pulitzer Prizes for the entirely fabricated scandal invented by the Hillary Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her own real email scandal. That is, unless one considers the deliberate physical destruction of evidence subpoenaed by Congress to be acceptable for Mrs. Clinton when we know it would never be for the rest of us.
In every political melodrama, there comes a tipping point. It can happen when allegations of wrongdoing are fully confirmed – as with Richard Nixon’s White House tapes which ultimately delivered the death blow to his presidency. But it can also occur when, because of crying wolf, the accuser begins to draw more scorn than the accused, when the supposed cure is finally seen as worse than the alleged disease. The nation will decide over the 18 months between now and Election Day 2024 if we have in fact reached that point.

Trump is basically a vindicated Whistleblower.
1. He said Hillary was a crook. She invented lies to block investigation into her illegal handling of classified materials. He told the truth and was attacked for it.​
2. He said Obama was evil. He used the Hillary lie to do political spying and then used it to try to prevent Trump from correcting the wrongs that Obama did while in office. Obama used his office to wrongfully investigate and propagate lies against Trump to hurt his agenda.​
3. Trump said that James Comey (head of FBI) was dirty. Well, after Durham report we can be sure that “Higher Loyalty” didn’t mean to Justice or the Constitution, but to lies and Maoist Democrats. He assisted in sedition and colluded with Obama.​
4. Trump said that Biden may have committed Treason (accepting gifts from foreign governments while in office-see Constitution for State) by his activities in Ukraine. Specifically threatening Ukraine about State Department money unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of. Well....after 19 boxes of classified materials, laptop communications by Hunter, multiple bank accounts and transfers that eventually ended up making the family millions....Trump probably got that right. Don’t forget the Ukraine-Russo War that has killed Hundred of Thousands.​
5. Trump told everyone from before he ran for office that the politicians were all dirty. He has demonstrated his point repeatedly, and has also exposed Federal Government as part of the problem. Specifically, everything involved within the Department of Homeland Security, the DOJ and FBI no longer serve the interests of the people of the United States.​
Trump’s political agenda, build a wall, help small business, don’t get entangled in foreign wars, keep interest rates and inflation under control, reduce regulations to manageable, don’t let the government get involved in which companies succeed, are sound principles and the people of the United States benefited. However, the government employees (via lobbyists, big corporate donors, future jobs, retirement pensions, etc.) weren’t maximally benefiting from Trump.
Trump’s problems were from the fact that he wanted a government of people, by the people, for the people......and the government wants to be a government of the government, by the government, for the government. So the government ran a soft ‘coup’ against him and those that elected him..
Going forward we need cold hard plans on how he or any other candidate that is for the people, is going to address the problem. Being a whistle blower isn’t enough.
Let’s work harder than the Left to make it so.
Without mail-in ballots being sent out in mass due to Covid, it’s going to be HARDER for the democrats to cheat. On the other hand, they got away with it, and except for the Covid hysteria being gone, I don’t see anything else that will keep them from cheating.
That means America has a chance, but we’ve really got to work for it!
If President Trump is re-elected, my guess is that it will be God's hand who puts him there. People on the street are getting a little smarter because of their being assaulted in the pocketbook by President Biden's foolish fiscal measures, not to mention he's the only President we've ever had as a nation who has a lengthy history of leaving Americans at the disposal of hostile foreign nations they happened to be in; putting his wealth first, and not the good of the nation, which he is dividing severely. Not only is it hurting every family in the United States who aren't millionaires, it is devastating to weak countries of the world that depended on America to bail them out of every jinx known to world politics. I'm not so sure that was good for anyone but petty cash from knaves such as cartel killers happy to part with 30% of their free money to kill off America's young men and women with fentanyl. I think his family made it clear he gets 30% of whatever under-the-table money they get using his political chairs over 44 years or more since he became a Senator the first time around the time his first wife lost her life to a freight truck running over her car, killing her and her daughter and severely injuring two sons, including Hunter Biden. Joe Biden allowed 100,000 Americans to die from Drug Cartel advantage-taking of the WIDE OPEN BORDER, and Biden has not done one single iota of stopping the Cartels and other foreigners to damage Americans in one way or another for his many moons in the White House. Ice Cream isn't the only cold thing in his closet. His isolating himself from the American people is very, very telling. :cranky:
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If President Trump is re-elected, my guess is that it will be God's hand who puts him there. People on the street are getting a little smarter because of their being assaulted in the pocketbook by President Biden's foolish fiscal measures, not to mention he's the only President we've ever had as a nation who has a lengthy history of leaving Americans at the disposal of hostile foreign nations they happened to be in; putting his wealth first, and not the good of the nation, which he is dividing severely. Not only is it hurting every family in the United States who aren't millionaires, it is devastating to weak countries of the world that depended on America to bail them out of every jinx known to world politics. I'm not so sure that was good for anyone but petty cash from knaves such as cartel killers happy to part with 30% of their free money to kill off America's young men and women with fentanyl. I think his family made it clear he gets 30% of whatever under-the-table money they get using his political chairs over 44 years or more since he became a Senator the first time around the time his first wife lost her life to a freight truck running over her car, killing her and her daughter and severely injuring two sons, including Hunter Biden. Joe Biden allowed 100,000 Americans to die from Drug Cartel advantage-taking of the WIDE OPEN BORDER, and Biden has not done one single iota of stopping the Cartels and other foreigners to damage Americans in one way or another for his many moons in the White House. Ice Cream isn't the only cold thing in his closet. His isolating himself from the American people is very, very telling. :cranky:
Trump ruined the US economy in 2020 with his fiscal measures but you think he is better than Biden, what a crock, they both suck.
The thing about lying is you have to know they are lying. I'd bet 100 million people don't know.

They don't know because all the media outlets all tell the same story and push democratic agendas. And you have a current administration that will stand on tv in front of the world and lie. So even if say foxnews told the truth a lot of people won't believe them because they are the minority.

"Well abc, CNN, cbs, even the president was on tv saying the same thing. They wouldnt lie. Why should I believe foxnews or some tiny news outlets?"

Perception is reality to a lot of people. They control a majority of the msm. And when you control the media you can influence people to believe a lie very easily because people are dumb and lazy.

If enough people say something it becomes a "fact" in most people's mind.

Like people actually believe we only use 10% of our brain because it's said so often. In reality it isn't that we have only 10% of our potential. Only 10% is used for conscious thought and memory, the other 90% is dedicated to autonomic actions in our body like breathing, heartbeat, kidney filtration and all the thousands of actions going on in our body every second.

So if most of the major news outlets and current administration itself all say the same thing then to a lot of people it's a fact.

Sad thing is a lot of Americans are dumb, lazy, easily influenced, don't think about things beyond just the surface, have poor reasoning skills and so on. And it only gets worse when you stick a smart phone in their hands 247 and flood them with media propaganda.
Indictments are tough to get when the President owns the DOJ and FBI, but that doesnt mean it isnt devastating. All of this is going to come back to haunt the dems once we get in the final stages of the presidential elections and everything is spilled on tv in full display for the American people.

Once the GOP takes the White House, what do you suppose happens with the FBI and DOJ? Answer: The GOP president cleans mother fucking house on these biased agents and he puts his own biased agents in charge. THATS when the indictments will come.

If the president has such control over the DoJ and the FBI, why wasn't Hillary locked up, as Trump said she would be, while he was president. It's adorable how y'all make shit up to fit nicely with your agenda.

And good luck to ya getting a GOP president when Trump is your candidate.

I agree with the OP. The Durham report has/will make Trump stronger now that we know all the accusations against him were false. Libs spent forever inventing these accusations and running with them. Now that it turns out it was all lies the Left and MSM are in full cricket-mode.
Do you deny the Dems lies and corruption of government agencies to undermine a duly elected president? Just sit there while we inform the American people of the Dem's treason in 2024.

By "Dems lies," you mean the one and only indictment of a low level attorney who edited an email to help obtain a FISA warrant?

Or do you mean the Republican installed Independent Counsel to investigate Trump for 3 years?
Um, you guys passed over 10 guys who would have made perfectly acceptable Presidents because Trump went out there screaming about Mexican Rapists.

And after he killed a million people, lost 65 million jobs, and left our major cities in flames, you want to vote for him again.

When were 65 million jobs lost??
Indictments are tough to get when the President owns the DOJ and FBI, but that doesnt mean it isnt devastating. All of this is going to come back to haunt the dems once we get in the final stages of the presidential elections and everything is spilled on tv in full display for the American people.

Once the GOP takes the White House, what do you suppose happens with the FBI and DOJ? Answer: The GOP president cleans mother fucking house on these biased agents and he puts his own biased agents in charge. THATS when the indictments will come.
Believing everyone and everything being against you and your sexual abuser god just shows us that you are in a cult.
"...the devastating Durham Report"

If it's so devastating, where are the indictments?
Well articles of impeachment has been served on Biden, Schiff, and Wray. If they follow through and they are run out of town. That satisfaction will be more than enough for me. Then when Trump is president again, he can gut the fbi and the doj.
See, they can't help themselves.

So, if every GOP candidate before Trump was a "Swamp Creature", why is there still a GOP?

Are you saying you were wrong for the last 40 years and only got it right with Trump?

Nobody believe you have a job.

Every president has faced a pandemic. The only difference is those presidents listened to Fauci and contained them. Not Trump, though. He knows more about war than the Generals and more about Disease than the Doctors.
I've been at this job for 30 fucking YEARS.
Nobody believes you have a BRAIN!!!!!!!!
Trump ruined the US economy in 2020 with his fiscal measures but you think he is better than Biden, what a crock, they both suck.
Fauci and other democrats convinced him to lock down. That i was against and his biggest mistake. But it was liberal cities and their leaders that kept the lockdowns to hurt Trump. Trump had to defend himself his entire presidency over made up Russian collusion. Liberals don't care about anything but power.
If President Trump is re-elected, my guess is that it will be God's hand who puts him there. People on the street are getting a little smarter because of their being assaulted in the pocketbook by President Biden's foolish fiscal measures, not to mention he's the only President we've ever had as a nation who has a lengthy history of leaving Americans at the disposal of hostile foreign nations they happened to be in; putting his wealth first, and not the good of the nation, which he is dividing severely. Not only is it hurting every family in the United States who aren't millionaires, it is devastating to weak countries of the world that depended on America to bail them out of every jinx known to world politics. I'm not so sure that was good for anyone but petty cash from knaves such as cartel killers happy to part with 30% of their free money to kill off America's young men and women with fentanyl. I think his family made it clear he gets 30% of whatever under-the-table money they get using his political chairs over 44 years or more since he became a Senator the first time around the time his first wife lost her life to a freight truck running over her car, killing her and her daughter and severely injuring two sons, including Hunter Biden. Joe Biden allowed 100,000 Americans to die from Drug Cartel advantage-taking of the WIDE OPEN BORDER, and Biden has not done one single iota of stopping the Cartels and other foreigners to damage Americans in one way or another for his many moons in the White House. Ice Cream isn't the only cold thing in his closet. His isolating himself from the American people is very, very telling. :cranky:
It was God's will that removed Trump from the white House...and I mean the one true God I worship; not your false diety who presumably supports a 3 time married, cheated on all three of his wives confirmed sexual abuser.
The idiots that believed Russian collusion and disinformation, because their leaders told them to. Some still believe it. Lol

Pretty funny coming from the Qult who still believes: the 2020 election was stolen from Trump; Sedition Day was just tourism or FBI or Antifa; Benedict Babbitt was murdered; Trump's inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's; Obama was born in Kenya; Obama wiretapped Trump in Trump Tower; millions of illegal aliens voted in 2016; Victor Shokin wasn't corrupt and was actively investigating Burisma; Fox News doesn't lie; the covid vaccine is deadlier than the disease; etc., etc., etc...
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