Cultural Marxists have turned Cat Woman bi sexual..

Yes, but his is agnostic on theological questions. A race-based religion. It isn't even nationalistic. One planet for Whites, one for all the rest.

Pretty much 100% correct. This planet will be ours...I would be happy with sticking non whites that don't fight on a reservation everything provided for for the rest of their lives including being sterilized and given drugs to speed the aging process up so they die faster. :) We will be the ONLY race left.
Production values could use some work here. White Power MP3s

A lot of head-banging and moshing. This is an angry "faith". Whitey blowing off a week of steam after having to deal with so many mud people.
Meh I don't care for most of it...I listen to Final War,Saga,Intimidation One,Skrewdriver,Bound For Glory
The same old Christian nationalism repackaged, this dupe probably thinks there is something new there.
I am NOT a christian. Creativity is NOTHING like christianity.
Don't split hairs with me Nazi, I apparently know more about your chosen ideology and it's terrible history than you do. The Christian nationalists weren't Christians either, they narcissistically worshiped themselves, their race and the fascist states they created.
Not even close numb nuts. My religion is not even close to christianity and I am not a nazi. I am a Creator. I don't believe in National Socialism. Maybe you should read more on my religion before trying to tell me about it
You can call a skunk a "stink kitty" but it's still a skunk. Changing the name only fools people who do not know any better or are too much of a coward to wear the actual Nazi regalia.
You can call yourself smart but you are still a moron..especially on MY religion..its an insult to compare my religion to a jewish invention such as christianity.
Christian Nationalism is just a name, in Japan the same concept was used except the emperor and the divine Japanese race were the object of adoration. With all the rhetoric stripped away it is an ideological worship of oneself and tribe as the pinnacle of creation and the rightful rulers of the earth. Spiritual Narcissism would be a more descriptive term.
Pretty much 100% correct. This planet will be ours...I would be happy with sticking non whites that don't fight on a reservation everything provided for for the rest of their lives including being sterilized and given drugs to speed the aging process up so they die faster. :) We will be the ONLY race left.
Production values could use some work here. White Power MP3s

A lot of head-banging and moshing. This is an angry "faith". Whitey blowing off a week of steam after having to deal with so many mud people.
Meh I don't care for most of it...I listen to Final War,Saga,Intimidation One,Skrewdriver,Bound For Glory
I am NOT a christian. Creativity is NOTHING like christianity.
Don't split hairs with me Nazi, I apparently know more about your chosen ideology and it's terrible history than you do. The Christian nationalists weren't Christians either, they narcissistically worshiped themselves, their race and the fascist states they created.
Not even close numb nuts. My religion is not even close to christianity and I am not a nazi. I am a Creator. I don't believe in National Socialism. Maybe you should read more on my religion before trying to tell me about it
You can call a skunk a "stink kitty" but it's still a skunk. Changing the name only fools people who do not know any better or are too much of a coward to wear the actual Nazi regalia.
You can call yourself smart but you are still a moron..especially on MY religion..its an insult to compare my religion to a jewish invention such as christianity.
Christian Nationalism is just a name, in Japan the same concept was used except the emperor and the divine Japanese race were the object of adoration. With all the rhetoric stripped away it is an ideological worship of oneself and tribe as the pinnacle of creation and the rightful rulers of the earth. Spiritual Narcissism would be a more descriptive term.
He's no Christian. He'd agree with me that Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children. What's interesting is his faith is in the white man, period. Where it came from they don't bother with, and it's not nationalistic.
Production values could use some work here. White Power MP3s

A lot of head-banging and moshing. This is an angry "faith". Whitey blowing off a week of steam after having to deal with so many mud people.
Meh I don't care for most of it...I listen to Final War,Saga,Intimidation One,Skrewdriver,Bound For Glory
Don't split hairs with me Nazi, I apparently know more about your chosen ideology and it's terrible history than you do. The Christian nationalists weren't Christians either, they narcissistically worshiped themselves, their race and the fascist states they created.
Not even close numb nuts. My religion is not even close to christianity and I am not a nazi. I am a Creator. I don't believe in National Socialism. Maybe you should read more on my religion before trying to tell me about it
You can call a skunk a "stink kitty" but it's still a skunk. Changing the name only fools people who do not know any better or are too much of a coward to wear the actual Nazi regalia.
You can call yourself smart but you are still a moron..especially on MY religion..its an insult to compare my religion to a jewish invention such as christianity.
Christian Nationalism is just a name, in Japan the same concept was used except the emperor and the divine Japanese race were the object of adoration. With all the rhetoric stripped away it is an ideological worship of oneself and tribe as the pinnacle of creation and the rightful rulers of the earth. Spiritual Narcissism would be a more descriptive term.
He's no Christian. He'd agree with me that Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children. What's interesting is his faith is in the white man, period. Where it came from they don't bother with, and it's not nationalistic.
Not now but if they somehow managed to gain some real political power it would be hyper-nationalistic, Kind of like how the secessionist teabagger militia types turn into ardent nationalists if a republican is elected president.
Meh I don't care for most of it...I listen to Final War,Saga,Intimidation One,Skrewdriver,Bound For Glory
Not even close numb nuts. My religion is not even close to christianity and I am not a nazi. I am a Creator. I don't believe in National Socialism. Maybe you should read more on my religion before trying to tell me about it
You can call a skunk a "stink kitty" but it's still a skunk. Changing the name only fools people who do not know any better or are too much of a coward to wear the actual Nazi regalia.
You can call yourself smart but you are still a moron..especially on MY religion..its an insult to compare my religion to a jewish invention such as christianity.
Christian Nationalism is just a name, in Japan the same concept was used except the emperor and the divine Japanese race were the object of adoration. With all the rhetoric stripped away it is an ideological worship of oneself and tribe as the pinnacle of creation and the rightful rulers of the earth. Spiritual Narcissism would be a more descriptive term.
He's no Christian. He'd agree with me that Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children. What's interesting is his faith is in the white man, period. Where it came from they don't bother with, and it's not nationalistic.
Not now but if they somehow managed to gain some real political power it would be hyper-nationalistic, Kind of like how the secessionist teabagger militia types turn into ardent nationalists if a republican is elected president.
They are for race wars, not wars of nations. Read up.

And on that note, I'm taking my white tired body to bed. Have fun kids.
Yeah I am right behind you. Kids got school in morning...early early.
You can call a skunk a "stink kitty" but it's still a skunk. Changing the name only fools people who do not know any better or are too much of a coward to wear the actual Nazi regalia.
You can call yourself smart but you are still a moron..especially on MY religion..its an insult to compare my religion to a jewish invention such as christianity.
Christian Nationalism is just a name, in Japan the same concept was used except the emperor and the divine Japanese race were the object of adoration. With all the rhetoric stripped away it is an ideological worship of oneself and tribe as the pinnacle of creation and the rightful rulers of the earth. Spiritual Narcissism would be a more descriptive term.
He's no Christian. He'd agree with me that Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children. What's interesting is his faith is in the white man, period. Where it came from they don't bother with, and it's not nationalistic.
Not now but if they somehow managed to gain some real political power it would be hyper-nationalistic, Kind of like how the secessionist teabagger militia types turn into ardent nationalists if a republican is elected president.
They are for race wars, not wars of nations. Read up.

And on that note, I'm taking my white tired body to bed...
I did read up, but I do not take what they say at face value, the rhetoric is far too similar to the old tried-and-failed fascist formula to be anything else.
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.
Okay, and "Some ******* Never Die,
They Just Smell That Way

Catchy tune. And are you technically a Skinhead?
I used to have that CD. Johnny Rebel if I remember correctly.

Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

Whites certainly are not the 'highest evolved race' though. Asians are the highest evolved race under that kind of evaluation - they are the ones that CONSISTENTLY out perform whites in almost any intelligence or scholastic measure.
Chinese History The White Tribes of Ancient China

Whites it seems at one time encompassed the entire world...including Asia.Modern day Asians obviously get their highly evolved racial makeup from their white ancestors.
And then Asians evolved from them.

IOW, whites might as well take an extinction ticket with the blacks and let Asians take over. If we were to follow your ideology that is.

I wonder if it rings as true for you when it turns out YOU are the one that is closer to the ape than another race?
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

I believe Asian intelligence is surpassing our white brains (and if you don't consider me white, well the Jewish brain easily surpassing your red-neck brain).

Physically there is really no comparison to Black. Overall as a race, they are the biggest, strongest, fastest and most athletic.
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

I believe Asian intelligence is surpassing our white brains (and if you don't consider me white, well the Jewish brain easily surpassing your red-neck brain).

Physically there is really no comparison to Black. Overall as a race, they are the biggest, strongest, fastest and most athletic.
Not true. African blacks are the fastest because natural selection resulted in people who could run from predators. There is no comparison to American blacks who are the descendants of slaves. They were selectively bred to be big and strong.
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

I believe Asian intelligence is surpassing our white brains (and if you don't consider me white, well the Jewish brain easily surpassing your red-neck brain).

Physically there is really no comparison to Black. Overall as a race, they are the biggest, strongest, fastest and most athletic.
But they are much much dumber. I would rather be pretty physically gifted and smart than just physically gifted...I am so I enjoy that. Asians are small and smart,negros are big and dumb Whites are Smart and Physically impressive.
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.
Okay, and "Some ******* Never Die,
They Just Smell That Way

Catchy tune. And are you technically a Skinhead?
I used to have that CD. Johnny Rebel if I remember correctly.

Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

Whites certainly are not the 'highest evolved race' though. Asians are the highest evolved race under that kind of evaluation - they are the ones that CONSISTENTLY out perform whites in almost any intelligence or scholastic measure.
Chinese History The White Tribes of Ancient China

Whites it seems at one time encompassed the entire world...including Asia.Modern day Asians obviously get their highly evolved racial makeup from their white ancestors.
And then Asians evolved from them.

IOW, whites might as well take an extinction ticket with the blacks and let Asians take over. If we were to follow your ideology that is.

I wonder if it rings as true for you when it turns out YOU are the one that is closer to the ape than another race?
Don't follow my ideology and yes the white race will become extinct between killing themselves with race mixing and anti white views and not having white kids follow my ideology have many kids,take pride in being white pass it on to another generation and we might stand a chance. I saw a quote that fits perfectly with what I am saying.

Anyone serious about saving the European people has to understand and psychologically accept that the vast majority of Europeans alive today are not going to "saved" and that most will die off as a result of childlessness,miscegenation,ignorance or extermination by non white races' more violent criminal element.
Only a minority- and it will be a significant minority,but a minority nonetheless - have the ability to understand the forces of history at work upon them. It is to these people that an appeal for the creation of a European Homeland is directed and not at anyone else.
Arthur Kemp.
Comic books are trying real hard to be relevant, that's why all these comic book characters are "coming out."

But they won't have the guts to touch any of the big characters, like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, those guys will continue to be as straight and manly as ever.
Comic books are trying real hard to be relevant, that's why all these comic book characters are "coming out."

But they won't have the guts to touch any of the big characters, like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, those guys will continue to be as straight and manly as ever.
Of course but I think it is because a different stripe - gay is not socially acceptable. Bisexual women on the other hand are. There is MUCH less reaction to a lesbian or bisexual woman then there is to a gay man because, biologically, we are wired that way. Men have a much higher tendency to want multiple women (and multiple women at the same time) than women are to want multiple men. Further, I don't think I have ever met a woman that is really turned on when a guy takes it from another guy. Almost every single man I have EVER met is turned on by the thought of two women playing. It is just the way we are wired.

You rarely see the vitriolic posters against gays here mention 'carpet munching' but you see 'pole smoker' or 'take it in the ass (or many of it's variants)' constantly. The vitriol is almost always squarely on the gay men rather than the lesbian women. They are just thrown in after to feign consistency.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth
Indeed they do.Good thing for them they are allowed to do their own research free of our influence. :) It just reinforces what we are teaching.
What a lovely picture you paint...

Beautiful. We aren't klansmen though. :)
Can't afford the pointy hoods, or the tithing for gas for the burning cross?

He's dead now, I'm sure you can get a deal on his USED uniform!

Duke is a Republican living in Mandeville, LA, a mostly White community across the lake from New Orleans.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth
Unless your kids are still very young I am sure they are familiar with the concept of bisexuality. Can't shelter them forever but there is hope for you, with a lot of work maybe you can teach them to irrationally hate alternative lifestyles too.
8,6,2. My 6 year old asked what gay was...probably heard it at school...took the time to explain how some people are born with mental illness that makes them think they are attracted to another guy or another girl..that was good enough for him for now. Its our job to shield our kids from disgusting filth such as this.
Nothing like lying to your kids. Carry on.
Just because Faggot Domestic Terrorists managed to get the mental health community to take homosexuality off their list of mental illnesses doesn't make it an less of a mental illness.
Mental Health Diagnoses Decided by Vote Not Discovery
Get a fucking grip, god damn.

Who even says "cultural marxists?"

I can only picture brains popping out of foreheads typing something like that. Grow up.
Facts scare you I understand. Its cultural I will share the definition of it with you.
Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and "anti-racism." Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites. Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries. Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. Samuel P. Huntington maintained that Cultural Marxism is an anti-white ideology.

You realize that all the bullshit you just posted is completely made up, right? Marx never advocated 'political correctness', never took any position on comic books, nor denied the biological reality of gender. You literally pulled that entire line of drivel from a blog, word for word.

Destroy Cultural Marxism

If you're going to let a random blog do your thinking for you, at least have the courtesy to credit them.
Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.
Okay, and "Some ******* Never Die,
They Just Smell That Way

Catchy tune. And are you technically a Skinhead?
I used to have that CD. Johnny Rebel if I remember correctly.

Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

Whites certainly are not the 'highest evolved race' though. Asians are the highest evolved race under that kind of evaluation - they are the ones that CONSISTENTLY out perform whites in almost any intelligence or scholastic measure.
Chinese History The White Tribes of Ancient China

Whites it seems at one time encompassed the entire world...including Asia.Modern day Asians obviously get their highly evolved racial makeup from their white ancestors.
And then Asians evolved from them.

IOW, whites might as well take an extinction ticket with the blacks and let Asians take over. If we were to follow your ideology that is.

I wonder if it rings as true for you when it turns out YOU are the one that is closer to the ape than another race?
Don't follow my ideology and yes the white race will become extinct between killing themselves with race mixing and anti white views and not having white kids follow my ideology have many kids,take pride in being white pass it on to another generation and we might stand a chance. I saw a quote that fits perfectly with what I am saying.

Anyone serious about saving the European people has to understand and psychologically accept that the vast majority of Europeans alive today are not going to "saved" and that most will die off as a result of childlessness,miscegenation,ignorance or extermination by non white races' more violent criminal element.
Only a minority- and it will be a significant minority,but a minority nonetheless - have the ability to understand the forces of history at work upon them. It is to these people that an appeal for the creation of a European Homeland is directed and not at anyone else.
Arthur Kemp.

Ah, shit. A Stormfront troll?

What a waste of my time.
DC s Catwoman Comes Out as Bisexual - The Hollywood Reporter

Glad my kids aren't into comic books...this shit is disgusting and we can see EXACTLY who they are targetng with their filth

I don't think 'marxist' means what you think it means. I'll give you a hint: Marx didn't give a fuck about comic books.
Already gave the definition of Cultural Marxism. Do what you want with it.
Cultural Marxism - Metapedia

Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.
Okay, and "Some ******* Never Die,
They Just Smell That Way

Catchy tune. And are you technically a Skinhead?
I used to have that CD. Johnny Rebel if I remember correctly.

Lol...evolution.White men are more highly evolved beings than non whites are. We are superior. Negroes with their large lips,smaller brains,long arms...they just never evolved fully...They are the closest thing we have to a walking talking ape..other than the actual ape.

Whites certainly are not the 'highest evolved race' though. Asians are the highest evolved race under that kind of evaluation - they are the ones that CONSISTENTLY out perform whites in almost any intelligence or scholastic measure.
Chinese History The White Tribes of Ancient China

Whites it seems at one time encompassed the entire world...including Asia.Modern day Asians obviously get their highly evolved racial makeup from their white ancestors.
And then Asians evolved from them.

IOW, whites might as well take an extinction ticket with the blacks and let Asians take over. If we were to follow your ideology that is.

I wonder if it rings as true for you when it turns out YOU are the one that is closer to the ape than another race?
Don't follow my ideology and yes the white race will become extinct between killing themselves with race mixing and anti white views and not having white kids follow my ideology have many kids,take pride in being white pass it on to another generation and we might stand a chance. I saw a quote that fits perfectly with what I am saying.

Anyone serious about saving the European people has to understand and psychologically accept that the vast majority of Europeans alive today are not going to "saved" and that most will die off as a result of childlessness,miscegenation,ignorance or extermination by non white races' more violent criminal element.
Only a minority- and it will be a significant minority,but a minority nonetheless - have the ability to understand the forces of history at work upon them. It is to these people that an appeal for the creation of a European Homeland is directed and not at anyone else.
Arthur Kemp.

Ah, shit. A Stormfront troll?

What a waste of my time.
Not on SF. Arthur Kemp is actually an author I love his work March Of The Titans.

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