CV19 Models VS Reality


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Pretty much like the climate models - fabricated BS.
Just because the model has been wildly inaccurate, is no reason to not still trust it, nor change the polices based on it.
Just because the model has been wildly inaccurate, is no reason to not still trust it, nor change the polices based on it.
using a broken model is ludicrous... Just like the AGW models that fail every emperical test this one fails them too... No reason to deystory ourselves over fantasies.
Just because the model has been wildly inaccurate, is no reason to not still trust it, nor change the polices based on it.
Really? I thought when models wildly fail, that is EXACTLY when you must decide not to trust them andf ask WHY?
Just because the model has been wildly inaccurate, is no reason to not still trust it, nor change the polices based on it.
Really? I thought when models wildly fail, that is EXACTLY when you must decide not to trust them andf ask WHY?

That is old school thinking. Newer, more enlightened progressive thinking is more based on ideology and magic thinking. Policies are made based on what we want to happen, data is created to justify it, and anyone that questions it, or points out that the models or results are not what was expected, is anti-science.

Because we say so.

THey may also be "wacist".
Really? I thought when models wildly fail, that is EXACTLY when you must decide not to trust them andf ask WHY?

The "why" is easy ... several variables were estimated, for example the rate of contagion: if the virus spreads very easily between people, then more people will be sick at the same time; whereas if it has difficultly spreading, then less people will be sick at the same time ... by assuming the worse, we get lots and lots of click-bait and lots and lots of "likes" on our posts ...

Unfortunately ... rate of contagion and virility are things we have to calculate after-the-fact ... right now we can only compare to known SARS-group viruses and make educated guesses ... except that media is driven by hysteria ... who buys newspapers advocating common sense hygiene habits? ... we get enough of that from our own mothers and those who choose to mother you over the internet ... "WASH YOUR HANDS you filthy animals" ...

I do believe that social distancing has reduced the rate of contagion ... how much will always be a question until we let something like Ebola spread through our population and see if making people spit in each other's mouth increases the rate of contagion ... unlikely due to moral grounds ... but what does science care about human life? ...

Two million dead at $2 million a head ... that's only $4 trillion ... we've already racked up $6 trillion in debt and we haven't even reached the peak yet ... obviously, if I'm one of the dead, then there's great value in the $30 trillion in debt, go ahead and garnish my wages ... that's the funny thing about statistic; if I die, then the odds are certain I've had a negative outcome, that's indisputable ... 0.03%, 0.0007%, 2%? ... nah, the odds are exactly 100% that I'm dead ...

The first 13 minutes of this video covers the math involved ... after this point they discuss how changing the parameters changes the results ...

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