Cyanide for dummies: Why unbelievable amounts stocked in Tianjin China


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
What was exposed by Last Prophet now exposed by the Tianjin explosion:

Cyanide for dummies: Why unbelievable amounts stocked in Tianjin China
Explosion forced China puppets to admit first hundreds of tons of deadly sodium cyanide made in China were stored at two separate sites, ready to be shipped.
First announced as 100 tons the amount was shortly after increased seven fold.

Reminder: the kill shot isn't basically different from what was served until now. The cyanide dosis is what is to make the difference.

Rescuers work to clear China blast site of chemicals before rain falls
"Shi Luze, the chief of staff of the People's Liberation Army's Beijing Military Region, confirmed the presence of more than 100 tons of deadly sodium cyanide, stored at two separate sites."
Rescuers work to clear China blast site of chemicals before rain falls - Yahoo News

Hundreds of tonnes' of cyanide at China blasts site: military
A military team of 217 chemical and nuclear experts was deployed early on, and earlier Chinese reports said 700 tonnes of sodium cyanide were at the site.
Hundreds of tonnes of cyanide at China blasts site military - Yahoo News

I knew that vaccines contained traces of monkey kidney, human fetal tissue, aluminium or sometimes even thimerosal (49% mercury), something I initially disbelieved until a pharmacist showed me the small print.
I thought that despite everything else that goes in there, vaccine makers couldn't be using cyanide, a deadly poison, in vaccines meant for tiny babies. I couldn't imagine that anyone could be that stupid.
I was proven wrong when a news story emerged stating that Merck had discharged a cyanide mixture into Wissahickon Creek from their vaccine production plant. This killed all the fish and made the area unsafe for the general public. Merck refused to divulge to the media what the cyanide was used for.
The Wissahickon Creek incident is mentioned on the Environmental Protection Agency (USA) website:
'The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified a Merck and Co. pharmaceutical research facility in West Point, Pa. as a source of the cyanide-related discharge that killed more than 1,000 fish in the Wissahickon Creek last week.....In the process of an investigation by EPA’s mid-Atlantic region and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), a representative from the Merck facility notified EPA on Tuesday that about 25 gallons of potassium thiocyanate was released into the sewer system on the morning of June 13 from a vaccine research pilot plant.
Potassium thiocyanate is a chemical compound that includes cyanide.'
Cyanide in Vaccines

Compulsory vaccination alias vassassination: Why it was postponed again and again since 2009 (4th time added May 4 2014, 5th time added Jan 18, 2015) /2011/07/
Global Genocide Illuminati agenda Mandatory vaccination alias vassassination postponed FIVE times - WHY

Global Slavery From the USA to CHINA. Start here:
CHINA: Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese
Global Slavery - Transition to Illuminati s Ultimate Goal CHINA Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese
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Tianjin blast uncovers cyanide based compulsory global vaccination alias vassassination - parallel scripts include:
- In ancient Egypt everybody who dared to publicly announce the "mysteries and secrets of goddess ISIS" had been sentenced to death by being forced to breath sodium cyanid.
- In NAZI Germany Jews were killed by breathing sodium cyanide in the "gas chambers" (Zyklon B).

Time to finally get what illuminati parallel scripts are.
Talk of China: guess what was the first and only day that the "Communist" Party of China officially had two leaders.
Hint: check out what day did the "two popes first time ever" script start at the Vatican, controlled by the illuminazis since 1959.

The first missing malysian airliner was and still is scripted as parallel to the "two airliners that crashed on the WTC towers".
The second missing malaysian plane, originally scripted for early April 2014, was exposed also one hour later, Dec 28 2014.
The second musing malaysian airliner, AirAsia, was originally scripted as a parallel script to 9/11 Shanksville.
Why the Black box "bomb" wasn't dropped on Jan 15 2015:
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts Missing Malaysia Black box is a remake of 9 11 Shanlksville
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Firefighters families receive compensation for Tianjin explosions...

Big payouts handed to Tianjin firefighters’ families
Fri, Sep 11, 2015 - China is to give unusually large payouts to the families of firefighters killed in giant explosions in Tianjin last month, local media reported, after the disaster raised questions over whether the young men’s training was inadequate.
Each family is to receive 2.3 million yuan (US$360,000) in compensation, a payment that includes extra money for “martyrdom,” the Beijing News reported late on Wednesday. The death toll from a series of explosions on Aug. 12 rose to 164 yesterday, Tianjin authorities said, 97 of them firefighters. Nine people are still missing.

The compensation amount is more than double the US$145,000 given to the families of each of the victims of a 2011 train crash outside the city of Wenzhou. Of the 2.3 million yuan, 940,000 yuan is a “martyrdom payment,” while most of the rest is 30 times the average annual urban salary, for lost income due to death.

The standard compensation for accident victims in China is 20 times the average salary. The relatively large amount might be an attempt by the Chinese Communist Party to quell criticism after questions were raised over whether poorly trained firefighters could have contributed to the detonations in Tianjin.

Reports said emergency workers responding to a blaze at a hazardous goods storage facility could have sprayed water over calcium carbide, listed as being at the site. The two substances react to produce highly combustible acetylene gas. Nearly all of China’s firefighters are contract laborers — young, poor men from the countryside, who receive limited training, provoking public concern over the professionalism and capabilities of the service.

Big payouts handed to Tianjin firefighters’ families - Taipei Times
Tianjin explosion aftermath...

Final death toll set at 173 in China warehouse explosion
Sep 11,`15 -- Chinese authorities say they've ended the search for the remaining missing in a massive chemical warehouse explosion last month. The move sets the final death toll at 173 in China's worst industrial disaster in years.
The announcement on the Tianjin city government's microblog says there is no hope of finding eight persons still unaccounted for. It says the court is now starting the process of issuing death certificates.

The eight include five firefighters, underscoring the explosion's status as the worst ever disaster for Chinese first responders, more than 100 of whom were killed.

Investigations into the Aug. 12 blasts at the Ruihai International Logistics warehouses showed they located closer to homes than permitted, and stored much more hazardous material than authorized, including 700 tons of highly toxic sodium cyanide.

News from The Associated Press
New blast in Tianjin...

New warehouse blast hits Tianjin: Authorities
Oct 13, 2015: A warehouse explosion hit the Chinese port of Tianjin just two months after a massive blast in the city left more than 160 dead, officials said on Tuesday.
No-one appeared to have been killed by the blast on Monday evening at a warehouse storing alcohol and other chemicals, district officials said online. Explosions are common in China, where safety standards are often lax. At the weekend 17 people were killed in Anhui province when a gas canister blew up at a restaurant. By the early hours of Tuesday morning the Tianjin fire had been put out and no casualties had yet been reported, officials in the city's Beichen district said on social media.

Authorities say a total of 165 people died in massive explosions at a chemical storage facility that devastated a swathe of the northern port in August. Nearly 100 firefighters were among the dead, in China's worst industrial accident in more than a decade. Because of its location, the latest explosion became a trending topic early Tuesday on Sina Weibo - a microblogging service similar to Twitter - with users posting what they said were images of the blast. Local authorities said on Sina Weibo that the blast was caused by a company that had illegally rented a warehouse to store chemicals.

The facility had 3,000 kilograms (6,600 pounds) of alcohol, in close proximity to 1,000 kilograms of acetic acid, used to make plastics, it said. They added that air pollution measurements were within safe levels and the incident posed no risks to health. The August explosions and their aftermath raised a host of questions in China about industrial safety, and poor firefighter training. State media said that well-connected company executives had illegally flouted residential zoning regulations to set up their chemical storage facility.

New warehouse blast hits Tianjin: Authorities - The Times of India
There is a lot of stuff stocked in China. I don't see it as a very big problems, they are commies after all. At least they don't bomb the shit out of neighboring countries.
Last year's Tianjin chemical explosion...

Remembering Tianjin
Thu, 11 Aug 2016 - China may want muted commemorations to mark the first anniversary of the massive chemical blast in Tianjin that killed 173 people, but not everyone agrees, reports John Sudworth.
Almost anywhere else in the world the anniversary of a disaster of this magnitude would present a moment of national soul-searching. But not in China. While a memorial service to some of the dead firefighters is being held in the city of Tianjin, elsewhere the tributes are being muted. The Communist Party-controlled media is being told what it can and cannot say and some survivors, as well as family members of the dead, are being warned not to speak to the foreign press. But 23-year-old Zhang Mengfan won't stay quiet. "On this anniversary there should be a way for the public to know what happened," he tells me. "I don't want silence." On 12 August last year, Mr Zhang was a radio operator with a military fire brigade, stationed just a kilometre from the epicentre of the explosions. "The call came in at 10:53 that night and we started to despatch my teammates," he says. "It would have taken them 10 minutes to get to the scene."

Other crews from elsewhere in the city were also arriving to tackle the large fire in a chemical storage depot. All of them would have been oblivious to the fact that large quantities of volatile and toxic substances were being illegally stored, way beyond permitted amounts and without proper management. The fire had started when a batch of nitrocellulose - a chemical used in nail polish - had been allowed to dry out and then ignited in the summer heat. It then spread to a huge stockpile - 800 tonnes - of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. The resulting explosions shattered the windows and brought the roof in at the fire station where Zhang Mengfan was waiting by the radio for reports from the scene. Those reports never came in. "When I saw the mushroom cloud I fell into a state of desperation," he tells me. "I knew what it would mean for my friends."

Tianjin blast
August 2015

173 People dead or missing

304 buildings damaged

12,428 cars destroyed

$1.1bn in economic losses

State Council

Of the 26 firefighters sent to the blaze from his unit that night, eight never came back. Many of the others suffered serious burns and other injuries. The biggest of the two large explosions was measured as a seismic event, with a blast wave that was felt many kilometres away. The total cost of the damage was put at more than $1bn, including the 300-plus buildings that were destroyed. A total of 173 people lost their lives - 104 of them firefighters. Eight bodies have never been found. An official government enquiry has laid the blame squarely at the corruption, political connections and official collusion that allowed corners to be cut and safety systems to be overridden. The storage depot should never have been built so close to residential buildings in the first place. More than 100 officials and company executives are facing some kind of disciplinary or criminal investigation.

So while the government can point to the progress that has been made - the thousands of homes repaired and the residents compensated - those lingering sensitivities remain. The disaster has exposed the cracks in a system where rapid economic growth is a priority and the lack of independent oversight is a fact of life. The bravery and sense of duty that night cannot be doubted and yet alongside the image of the firefighter as hero, there is the other uncomfortable picture. That of the firefighter as victim, sent without proper knowledge into an avoidable, man-made catastrophe. Zhang Mengfan has now left the fire service but will attend the memorial service in Tianjin. He will be carrying in his heart a message for his dead comrades. "What I want to tell them most is this: I've been to visit your parents and they are fine. Leave your parents to me. I am a member of your family now. I will fulfil your filial duty."

Tianjin chemical blast: Deadly disaster marked one year on - BBC News

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