Cyber-Terrorism Ditch: Philosophy!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Internet hackers are the new terrorists, which is why the NSA has a special cyber-division.

Will terrorist cells employ hackers to infiltrate America's computing networks and vital social and political Internet grids (e.g., Facebook, U.S. government emails, etc.)?

It can be argued that the terrible legacy of 9/11 is a pervasive paranoia about traffic pollution.

How will President Trump deal with concerns about illegal immigration, Internet security, and ISIS in this new age of commerce-gauged environment management?

In older times, the fables about politics involved Great Britain, continental exploration, and 'confluence etiquette.'

In these modern times, is the new discussion revolving around media officers?


President Trump was concerned that the high traffic on the Internet was not only unregulated and unsupervised but that the mass array of computer signals sent wirelessly across the globe may be drawing the attention of hackers and even alien intelligences spying Earth's use of electricity. Trump ordered the NSA to monitor the signature of all Internet activity on domestic soil and convinced scientists at SETI that computer sophistication among humanity could be luring intelligent alien species curious about humanity's use of virtual reality, data compression, and wireless data transmission.

Trump was no fool, and in fact, he was somewhat correct. On a faraway planet, an evil machine warlord named Ming and his devious mistress Morgana were spying Earth's use of computers and electrical signals as a form of high-speed communication. Ming decided that he wanted to tempt ISIS (a key terrorism cell on Earth) to corrupt America's use of the Internet, but Ming's primary rivals --- three superhuman heroes named Green Lantern (a signals-magician), Flash (a speed-analyst), and Green Arrow (a targeting-expert) --- wanted to thwart Ming's anti-humanity schemes.

Ming had his minions invade the computing networks in Washington, D.C., but Green Lantern, Flash, and Green Arrow decided to land on Earth and strengthen America's grip on the Internet by warning President Trump of the glaring vulnerabilities in the global use of the Internet. The three superheroes went on a mission to solidify all algorithms surrounding Facebook, Earth's most popular 'social networking website.' Ming and Morgana were enraged, but President Trump was relieved that this new brand of 'tech-terrorism' was being thwarted by 'pro-democracy crusaders.' Unfortunately, the Trump administration was still bogged down by anti-industrialization protests.


United States Cyber Command


Obama gives Trump cyber briefing...

Presidential Commission Warns of Cyber Threats Facing Next Administration
December 03, 2016 - A U.S. presidential commission on Friday called on the incoming administration to immediately take steps to enhance cybersecurity in both the private and public sector.
The Commission on Enhancing National Cyber Security, which includes 12 non-partisan experts in technology and computer security, presented a report to U.S. President Barack Obama with several recommendations it hopes to have implemented within the next two to five years. Those recommendations include the creation of two new positions within U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration, an assistant to the president for cyber security and an ambassador for cyber security, who would work with officials in other countries to strengthen international security.


A cyber warfare expert holds a notebook computer while posing for a portrait in Charlotte.​

The commission called on the Trump administration to train 100,000 new cyber security workers by 2020 and wants to end identity theft by doing away with traditional passwords by 2021. The commission also urged more government action when assuming responsibility for internet security to take the burden off individual internet users who may try and stay secure on the internet, but still become victims in elaborate hacking schemes.

Obama, in a statement, urged both Trump and Congress to use the recommendations “as a guide” going forward, though it is not immediately clear whether Trump will heed the advice. Trump has already made several promises to boost online security under his administration, including the creation of a “cyber review team” made up of military, civilian and private digital experts who would work with each federal agency to bolster security. According to Trump, the team would work to update “the most sensitive systems” first, and then get to the others in order of importance.

Presidential Commission Warns of Cyber Threats Facing Next Administration

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