Joz said:
This is what I was referring to in the above post. There is no way that I could carry Mm who is 6'4" & weighing 230 down a ladder while flames are shooting out a window. Even dragging him would be hard. There are reasons men & women are different. When will people learn to appreciate them?
I think the 'equivalency thing' has always been pushed by the 'ivory tower' or extremist folks. It's been many, many years since I was in high school, but we had a girl insist on going out for football, this was when that was all starting up. I mean she was 'BIG', but really what was the point? Fine for her, but did the rest of us really think that it was some 'breakthrough?' No.
All these years later, we still pay a price for 'evening out' the money between boys teams and girls teams, though there still are no girls on the football team.
Were there issues to be addressed about 'fairness' between the sexes and true minority groups? Yes. Have they been, yeah, for the most part.
The real damages of the times of 'equality' though, has been done between the relationships of men and women and to some extent between the races and assumptions on why a person is in the position they are in.
The false 'equality' of positions of strength was always a red herring in my opinion. No, it wouldn't kill to let the BIG girl play football, if she was strong enough and fast enough. Same with if she wanted to be a fireman. Big whoopee. But most women are not qualified physically for these positions. Just the way it is. There are also a few men that are not big enough or strong enough to do most of the things most men can do. Thems the breaks.
These exceptions though have made the 'norm' the 'abnormal'. Now it must be 'proven' why some woman was denied a position or given a position they are not qualified for. That's just wrong. It should not be the exception makes the rules.
Granted in the society we live in, most jobs today require brains over brawn, thus women are able to qualify and compete fairly. That's not a bad thing. The problem as I see it is that we've come round to saying that women and minorities should be given preferential treatment and guys should just shut up and take it, though they aren't anymore. Instead they are becoming more hostile, even to those that agree with them and are left with a reinforced view that 'seemingly nice' women are 'biotches' simply because they are responding to the unjustified anger displayed to them, while all along not disagreeing with the angry guy.