Daniel Penny: I am not a White Supremacist

What is sad is if Penny did not act and this man had attacked and even killed someone while everyone stood by and watched or filmed it with their phone it would not even be a blip on the media radar. Penny acted and yes it had tragic consquences and he is now being vilified in some circles for his actions makes one wonder the next time there is an incident like this will anyone act or will they all just look away and pretend nothing is happening.
Listen to the crazy in the Democrats’ comments in this section. This is how upside down they’ve been turned - and why Penny has reason to be worried.

If the man who saved the passengers was black, or the criminal threatening to kill someone was white, the Dems would be singing a different tune.
You just think so because you project your identity politics on to others.
Neely had 42 prior arrests including lewdness and physically attacking strangers on the subway. Here's just two of those 42 'different' priors.....

In June 2019, Neely attacked Filemon Castillo Baltazar, 68, on the platform of the W. 4th St. Station in Greenwich Village, according to the court papers.
"Out of nowhere, he punched me in the face," the victim told the New York Daily News. He said he'd seen Neely before looking for food in the trash bins.
"One month prior, he hit a man so hard in the face that he broke his nose on the platform of the Broadway-Lafayette station – the same subway stop where he died four years later."


The media is full of pictures of Jordan Neely performing as a Michael Jackson impersonator.

None show him punching a 67-year-old woman in the face as she was leaving a subway station. The vicious thug broke her nose, fractured her orbital bone, and fell leading to “substantial pain to the back of her head.”

That’s the felony assault case that Neely was still wanted on a year and a half later when he began terrorizing passengers on a subway train in downtown Manhattan.

The videos of him moonwalking in the subway don’t show the time he was arrested for attempted kidnapping after he was seen dragging a 7-year-old girl down the street.
They also don’t show any of his over 40 other arrests or the time he threatened to kill his grandfather.

A neighbor told reporters, “They wouldn’t let him inside sometimes at night because they were afraid of him.”
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Penny is white. The shock would be if he wasn't called a white supremacist. All whites are white supremacists. Whites are the greatest threat this country faces. The presidunce says so.
If Penny was Black you would have never heard of him.
Or if Neely was White you would have never heard of him.
The Left exploits these incidences to enflame racial tensions because it empowers them.
There were 22 INTENTIONAL murders on the NY subway last year, ans nobody even heard about them. Mostly because the killer was black.
Penny is white. The shock would be if he wasn't called a white supremacist. All whites are white supremacists. Whites are the greatest threat this country faces. The presidunce says so.
Biden oughta know, it is a white supremacist, always has been.
Neely was probably 1 crime away from committing murder. Who knows? He may have already murdered somebody with his record of violence, he just hadn't been caught.
What is sad is if Penny did not act and this man had attacked and even killed someone while everyone stood by and watched or filmed it with their phone it would not even be a blip on the media radar. Penny acted and yes it had tragic consquences and he is now being vilified in some circles for his actions makes one wonder the next time there is an incident like this will anyone act or will they all just look away and pretend nothing is happening.
Well then he'd be in jail with Jerry, Elaine, Kramer and George for violating the Good Samaritan law.
All the people in here incensed that Penny dare lay his hands on some violent and deranged homeless guy, yall would be defending him to the death if Neeley had smashed your grandmothers face in, or tried to kidnap your 7 year old daughter. You know you would so there's no use lying. There's no point to all the virtue signaling.
I mentioned in another thread, that god help this guy if he has ANY social media posts, tweets, texts, etc, that are even remotely provocative. If he does, he will be destroyed by the prosecution, and any jury today in NYC will find him guilty based on association.
You mean like posting racist views on sites like this one.
Never thought he was, he is a killer...You left out Aryan Race.
FALSE! and stupid as well. If he was a killer, he would have killed someone long before this. Neely got himself killed by being the violent, criminal jerk that he was.

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