Danish military expert : " Putin's winter offensive (including Bakhmut) - HUGE Strategical mistake ! "


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Some great points on why they decided to hold the line. I would add a few more to that, though I think you definitely got the most important ones so these are minor. - Holding Bakhmut allows Ukraine to keep a predictable enemy predictable. If they withdraw the cards change and so will Muscovites behaviors which could be harder to determine where to focus. Also as Sun Tzu says, never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake - added bonus is that they Keep damage isolated to current regions. Falling back means another city goes to ruin. While this might be tactically sound it has strategic consequences. Ukraine is fighting for both their people and their freedom so they do want to keep as many of their people protected as possible. Another key reason is that a nation’s ability to wage war depends on arguably three key factors one of which is the will to fight. A nations will to fight is the biggest multiplier in the determination to continue fighting and trading lives and resources. -Loosing another city will also cause greater war fatigue on the Ukrainian side and that cumulative effect can cause a collapse of their war effort eventually. It also turns this fight into a possible boost to their will to fight if they succeed. - Muscovites will to fight would receive a boost if they are victorious. Loosing after all they committed would likely negatively impact their will to fight and due to the resources and lives lost this is hard to paint over with propaganda. Moscow has had a very strong control over domestic messaging and that has kept war fatigue down. However their losses in Bakmut are so high they needed to switch to a hero narrative. Robing a victory in Bakmut can make future losses harder to bear if Ukraine’s counter offensive finds similar or better success to last year. It could turn the mood to hopelessness in Moscow and make it more difficult for them to quell unrest with so many losses. Should that continue it’s likely everyone in Moscow will have lost someone they know and the promise of national destiny might start to resonate less than the will to have things end. That would likely occur during a major mobilization.

Danish military expert : " Putin's winter offensive (including Bakhmut) - HUGE mistake ! "

TitLoser quotes ," Danish Military Expert ".

That is an Oxymoron , Titty .

Too difficult for you to understand though I know you recognise the second part of the term
TitLoser quotes ," Danish Military Expert ".

That is an Oxymoron , Titty .

Too difficult for you to understand though I know you recognise the second part of the term
The best part is that today's Prigozhin's video, where he claimed his voice to be faked, was almost a tit-for-tat retelling of an old soviet joke: "Hello, KGB? A parrot ran away from my house, so I feel obliged to report that I vehemently disagree with anything it has to say".

Poor ignorant TitLoser
Russian speaking comedian has conceded Bakhmut . ZH today .

The Khazarian Nazis have run out of food and ammunition .

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