Day after the election the House count was 211-178 Reps. Today it’s 211-204.

All of these races were called after Election Day for the Republicans.


Nevada Gov
Nevada Lt Gov
Nevada Controller

A slew of state assembly and senate seats.

But go ahead and keep doubling down on stupid, needle dick.
No link. Typical.

And I clearly used the calls by Fox for the House, Simp. Said nothing about state assemblies.

Fox called 211 on Wed. Still on 211.

So prove me wrong without running around with the goal posts.

Oh, and nice strategy to try to hide your beatdown by moving this to the elections 2022 forum.
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No link. Typical.

And I clearly used the calls by Fox for the House, Simp. Said nothing about state assemblies.

Fox called 211 on Wed. Still on 211.

So prove me wrong without running around with the goal posts.

Oh, and nice strategy to try to hide your beatdown by moving this to the elections 2022 forum.
You continue to solidify yourself as the poster who needs the most help to wipe his ass. Let me help you. Go to this link and look at it.

Path to 218: Tracking the Remaining House Races
Sniffle sniffle. Republicans got their asses handed to them. Believe it or keep getting it kicked. I don’t care.
You are confused as usual Moon Bat.

Prior to the election the goddamn Democrat shitheads had a majority in the House and now they don't because more Republicans were elected.

The second election in a row that the Democrat filth lost House seats.

The Republicans would have taken the Senate had their not been Democrat thievery in three states. The thievery of Georgia is yet to come.

Republicans control the legislature of over 30 of the states, a clear majority.

Only a confused lying dumbass Moon Bat like you would call that getting their asses handed to them.
dems are liars and cheaters
it's one of the many indications that they are a political cult

What else can you expect from them?


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