Day of Rage In Washington D.C. on 6/30/11 to Protest Government Lawlessness and Rende


Mar 7, 2011
Google "Day of Rage In Washington D.C." and be part of the movement to win our country back and end government and elite lawlessness and tyranny.

We will no longer be subject to a two-tiered justice system that makes the people victims.
Im not full of rage, nor will i stand to protest with terrorists.
this is the first link;

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Google FAIL

So what will you replace the 2 party system with? Or is this a smash everything and it will work out somehow, kinda thing?

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Google "Day of Rage In Washington D.C." and be part of the movement to win our country back and end government and elite lawlessness and tyranny.

We will no longer be subject to a two-tiered justice system that makes the people victims.

Which country are you taking back?
Who's sponsoring this?

The "Day of Rage" movements were started by the Weather Underground during the sixties.

Needless to say, many of the same people are involved in recent ones.

So it's the openly violent section of the socialist movement.

Guess they got tired of the slow and steady Cloward-Piven idea of how to destroy America. That or they figure they can pull this off and no one will notice who and what is behind this.
guess Freedom Alliance (socialist group) doof didn't get the desired response and left.

I imagine we will not hear from it again.
Why don't they ever do these things in Macon, Georgia, or Montgomery, Alabama?

I had to dig to actually find something. Poor kid, looking for something that isn't likely. Started by someone upset for Julian Assange. LOL!
Shame the OP hasnt stuck around. Would have been nice to see some fresh blood and see what possible reason he would recommend for going to this event.
ahh.......the k00ks can go rant and rave all they want in DC...........been doing it for almost 50 years and still nobody cares
Who's sponsoring this?

The "Day of Rage" movements were started by the Weather Underground during the sixties.

Needless to say, many of the same people are involved in recent ones.

I wonder if it is the same kinda folks that really belive the flag of Sharia will fly over the Whitehouse and Capitol some day?

I think some of them may be involved too.

Personally, I will never follow Sharia law. I prefer freedom and obedience to God's law. Not mans.
The system is broke because those responsible for enforcing the law have decided to align against the people. The people need to rise up and let the government know they will not stand for it. If the people forced government to obey the Constitution with the threat of open revolt, you would be surprised how quickly the government would begin cleaning up their act. If they continue down the road of tyranny, then that government deserves to be overthrown. It only takes 10% of the population to outnumber the government 10 to 1.

During the American Revolution there was only 10% of the male military age that was willing to fight and yet they defeated England. As the government becomes more abusive more people will align against it.
BTW, I am a libertarian that served 28 years in the military. I am not a liberal. I will fight to defend the Constitution from the domestic threat and ask my fellow Americans to stand with me.

Those who want America to rule the world are fascists, nationalists, militarists and Trotskyites pretending to "conservatives".

I ask true Americans to stand with me on June 30, 2011 to remind our imperial masters who they work for!
Violence is not the solution to our current problems. We aren't in a position where we are the kind of people where violence will end up being a positive recourse.

The Founders petitioned and advocated for their rights as Englishmen for decades before a shot was fired or Independence was declared. They were prepared though the preachers such as George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the Black Robed regiment. They were prepared to be people who had integrity and took responsibility for themselves and their families before God.

Our society is broken and corrupt. We aren't prepared. And we won't be prepared until we rise up to our own responsibilities before God and man. We need to restore the responsibilities and duties we are endowed with into our hearts before our rights can be restored. Because our rights are inseperately connected with those responsibilities.

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