Days after attack, Obama throws Americans under the bus in front of the UN

You fucking ingrates ! Obama saved this country more than any prez has done in decades .

The only traitors are you racist right wing deplorables.

If this devotee of Allah hates America so much, why did he even aspire to the job? Because he hates America, and his mission in life (as well as his marching orders from his Puppet Masters) is Fundamentally Transform America, which thing is Newspeak for destroy it.

What is worse, 535 abject cowards on Capitol Hill, have, for seven years and eight months, either aided and abetted him in his quest, or whimpered in protest to try and dupe their constituents into thinking they are some how engaged.

Barack Obama is the biggest disaster that has befallen this Republic in its 240 year history.

Let's hear an example ?

Is it bringing troop combat deaths to all but a hault? Cheap gas ? Low unemployment ? Worldwide peace between nations ?

With all undue respect, you are a deluded, brainwashed, easily-mislead, programed fool ... and apparently you have been in a coma for the past 8 years. Bozo is a pathological liar, a fraud, a traitor, and a bum ... period. He has made but one pro-America speech in 8-years and has done the exact opposite of what a sane president with the best interest of the American people and the US constitution in mind would have done.

That's a whole lot of nothing you just posted . Not a single concrete example .
The UN recognized a great president while they shudder at the thought that the Republican sharlatan could get elected
He's got us out of Iraq like he promised . And he has afghans defending their own country .

I know it upsets righties when troops aint being killed.
Yes...Obama surrendered Iraq.....then refought the war in Iraq....then surrendered Iraq again.....

Iraq is not our property . We left it to the Iraqis . They fucked it up . Not our fault .
You mean our soldiers died so Obama could surrender...
He's got us out of Iraq like he promised . And he has afghans defending their own country .

I know it upsets righties when troops aint being killed.
We are back in Iraq you dumbass, and Obama didn't get permission from Congress. Which is required.
Congress wants nothing to do with the Middle East they won't even declare war on ISIS .

We are helping Iraq , but we ain't the front line anymore .
He's got us out of Iraq like he promised . And he has afghans defending their own country .

I know it upsets righties when troops aint being killed.
Yes...Obama surrendered Iraq.....then refought the war in Iraq....then surrendered Iraq again.....

Iraq is not our property . We left it to the Iraqis . They fucked it up . Not our fault .
You mean our soldiers died so Obama could surrender...

We didn't surrender . We gave them all they needed to succeed.
He's got us out of Iraq like he promised . And he has afghans defending their own country .

I know it upsets righties when troops aint being killed.
Yes...Obama surrendered Iraq.....then refought the war in Iraq....then surrendered Iraq again.....

Iraq is not our property . We left it to the Iraqis . They fucked it up . Not our fault .
You mean our soldiers died so Obama could surrender...

We didn't surrender . We gave them all they needed to succeed.
No we Americans didn't, your Obama did...
You fucking ingrates ! Obama saved this country more than any prez has done in decades .

The only traitors are you racist right wing deplorables.

If this devotee of Allah hates America so much, why did he even aspire to the job? Because he hates America, and his mission in life (as well as his marching orders from his Puppet Masters) is Fundamentally Transform America, which thing is Newspeak for destroy it.

What is worse, 535 abject cowards on Capitol Hill, have, for seven years and eight months, either aided and abetted him in his quest, or whimpered in protest to try and dupe their constituents into thinking they are some how engaged.

Barack Obama is the biggest disaster that has befallen this Republic in its 240 year history.

Let's hear an example ?

Is it bringing troop combat deaths to all but a hault? Cheap gas ? Low unemployment ? Worldwide peace between nations ?

With all undue respect, you are a deluded, brainwashed, easily-mislead, programed fool ... and apparently you have been in a coma for the past 8 years. Bozo is a pathological liar, a fraud, a traitor, and a bum ... period. He has made but one pro-America speech in 8-years and has done the exact opposite of what a sane president with the best interest of the American people and the US constitution in mind would have done.

That's a whole lot of nothing you just posted . Not a single concrete example .

As president, he's helped "curb" America’s “excesses of capitalism.”


Now, more Americans are living in poverty than before Obama.

Now, fewer Americans are working than before Obama.

Now, more Americans are receiving food stamps than before Obama.

In Summary:

Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
He is loved and respected around the world

That conservatives despise him shows he is doing what he was elected to do
I listened to some and to be honest even in English he really made no sense. So folks listening via translators had no clue for the most part as to what the Kenyan douchebag was whining about.
Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
He is loved and respected around the world

That conservatives despise him shows he is doing what he was elected to do

How did Obama "save" this country exactly?
I don't like Bush either so I don't know why you assume because I hate Obama I don't hate Bush? Sounds like someone is making a lot of assumptions based on zero facts. Congratulations you are indeed a leftist.
Racist doesn't mean what you think it does. "Anyone who doesn't like Obama" is not the definition of "racist". Can you name his accomplishments? Can you have a rational debate or do you just try and insult with your scary expletives?

Is this how you characterize "saved," dummy:

- Record 10 straight years without 3% GDP growth
- Record long-term unemployment
- Record food stamps
- Record poverty
- Record minority unemployment
- Record low labor participation
- Record deficits
- Record debt
- First ever credit rating decline
- Declining wages
- Increased wage gap
- Peed away more money than any human in world history
- Worst economy in US history
- Destroyed the health care system

LOL. What a dolt.
Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
He is loved and respected around the world

That conservatives despise him shows he is doing what he was elected to do

The fuck he is! Most other world leaders consider Obama a joke! Even if other countries respect this purple-lipped cocksucker, that only proves how utterly fucked up the world is.
Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
He is loved and respected around the world

That conservatives despise him shows he is doing what he was elected to do

How did Obama "save" this country exactly?
I don't like Bush either so I don't know why you assume because I hate Obama I don't hate Bush? Sounds like someone is making a lot of assumptions based on zero facts. Congratulations you are indeed a leftist.
Racist doesn't mean what you think it does. "Anyone who doesn't like Obama" is not the definition of "racist". Can you name his accomplishments? Can you have a rational debate or do you just try and insult with your scary expletives?

Is this how you characterize "saved," dummy:

- Record 10 straight years without 3% GDP growth
- Record long-term unemployment
- Record food stamps
- Record poverty
- Record minority unemployment
- Record low labor participation
- Record deficits
- Record debt
- First ever credit rating decline
- Declining wages
- Increased wage gap
- Peed away more money than any human in world history
- Worst economy in US history
- Destroyed the health care system

LOL. What a dolt.

He stopped a depression, saved the banks and auto company, 15 million more insured, killed bin Laden, 11 million more employed, unemployment cut in half, stock market almost tripled

All with Republucans doing everything they could to stop him
Obama is my most detested lifeform on this planet; NEVER have I seen a more race-baiting, race-obsessed crybaby of a politican! Nor have I ever seen an American politician express so much ingrate, insulting contempt for this country while fellating more muslim cock than an Afghani Bacha-baza boy. But then again, muslim filth like Obama are the ULTIMATE ingrates because their sadistic, filthy, Pisslam hate-ideology tells them than non-believers owe mudslime humanoid-detritus EVERYTHING just for the crime of being an unbeliever. If a liberal is malignant enough to find this hate-filled, cruel, sadistic bloodbath religion appealing, I dearly wish that liberal would die of cancer.
He is loved and respected around the world

That conservatives despise him shows he is doing what he was elected to do

The fuck he is! Most other world leaders consider Obama a joke! Even if other countries respect this purple-lipped cocksucker, that only proves how utterly fucked up the world is.

No actually, they consider today's Republicans a joke

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