Dayton killer Conner Betts killed his own 22 year old sister in shooting spree

The Sandy Hook shooter killed his mom. I assume when they do this in their mind they will be sparing them the agony of living with the shooter in their family or something contrived like that. Sort of a twisted act of love among a firestorm of crazy anger.
The Sandy Hook shooter killed his mom. I assume when they do this in their mind they will be sparing them the agony of living with the shooter in their family or something contrived like that. Sort of a twisted act of love among a firestorm of crazy anger.
MK ULTRA more should study it.
The Sandy Hook shooter killed his mom. I assume when they do this in their mind they will be sparing them the agony of living with the shooter in their family or something contrived like that. Sort of a twisted act of love among a firestorm of crazy anger.
MK ULTRA more should study it.

I would but the voice in my toaster says the CIA would not approve of such a task.
The Sandy Hook shooter killed his mom. I assume when they do this in their mind they will be sparing them the agony of living with the shooter in their family or something contrived like that. Sort of a twisted act of love among a firestorm of crazy anger.
MK ULTRA more should study it.

I would but the voice in my toaster says the CIA would not approve of such a task.

LMFAO!!! omg that was a good one..:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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