Like a mentally ill tranny everyone's confused

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
So it was a woman ..a real woman ...a biological woman


Transsexual Maniac Genesse Ivonne Moreno

Recruit the certifiably insane into the Cultural Marxist coalition. Egg them on in their lunacy, affirming their delusions and offering precious victim status for flaunting their derangement. Pump them full of hormones. Nurture their paranoia with lies that they are put upon. Tell them Christians and conservatives are committing genocide against them. If local psychos are not violent enough, import more on an unvetted basis from the most violent countries in the world. Allow criminals to run loose no matter how many crimes they have committed. Then stand back and watch the fun.
The dust hasn’t settled, so details are unclear, but Genesse Ivonne Moreno seemed to cover most of the bases as he shot up Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston yesterday:
Moreno, who has a lengthy criminal record and was born as a man – Jeffrey Escalante – from El Salvador, was killed after off-duty police officers at the church responded to the incident. …
The message “Free Palestine” also was written on the rifle used in the attack, investigators said. …
The shooting happened Sunday afternoon before the Houston megachurch’s 2 p.m. Spanish service was set to begin.
This is emblematic of the risk children are subjected to:
Moreno entered the church with a long rifle, wearing a backpack and a trench coat and accompanied by a 5-year-old child…
At last word, the child is in critical condition and not expected to survive.
Too bad for the media that Moreno will be so hard to characterize as a typical Trump supporter. Otherwise, the story would have been hyped into the stratosphere and exploited to attack our right of self-defense.
Please welcome Genesse Ivonne Moreno to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:
• Genesse Ivonne Moreno
• Elizabeth West
• Thorsten Heinz P.
• Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
• Dylan Butler
• Kendall Stephens
• Leion Butler
• Jason Lee Willie
• Audrey Hale
• Kimbrady Carriker
• Maya McKinney
• Snochia Moseley
• Anderson Lee Aldrich
• Moses Lopez
• William Whitworth
• Shanu Varma
• A guy calling himself Lara
• Zion William Teasley
• Jason Michael Hann
• Cali Anderson
• Dana Rivers
• Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
• Linnea Pugmire
• Mark Campbell
• Paul S.
On tips from Varla, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

All links highlighted

UPDATE: And just like that, the lamestream media forgets yesterday’s Texas mega-church shooting.​

The shooter has been identified as a drug-using, trans, pro-Palestinian immigrant from El Salvador. And apparently a convicted felon, based on charges from her previous arrests.
I suppose they’re all holding their breath and crossing their fingers that she at least used an “AR-15.”
Updated: For those still believing that the shooter was a biological male, and that I’m “validating” the delusion by calling her “her” and “she”…
Boy who was shot at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church ‘suffered a gunshot wound to the brain’: grandmother
The 7-year-old boy who was shot when his mother Gennese Moreno attempted to shoot up Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church on Sunday has suffered critical injuries, his grandmother said.
Moreno argued that the father was a registered sex offender, had multiple DWI charges, had physically assaulted her, and had never cared for the child.
The father is in prison.
So, by calling her “she” I’m actually refusing to indulge the crazy.
I think folks thought she was a guy because some reports said she used to go by “Jeffrey,” so they assumed that was a “trans-woman’s” “dead name.”

Good thing there's no crisis at the border ....wouldn't want more of this coming over ...we got enough homegrown violent left wing fags as it is
So it was a woman ..a real woman ...a biological woman


Transsexual Maniac Genesse Ivonne Moreno

Recruit the certifiably insane into the Cultural Marxist coalition. Egg them on in their lunacy, affirming their delusions and offering precious victim status for flaunting their derangement. Pump them full of hormones. Nurture their paranoia with lies that they are put upon. Tell them Christians and conservatives are committing genocide against them. If local psychos are not violent enough, import more on an unvetted basis from the most violent countries in the world. Allow criminals to run loose no matter how many crimes they have committed. Then stand back and watch the fun.
The dust hasn’t settled, so details are unclear, but Genesse Ivonne Moreno seemed to cover most of the bases as he shot up Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston yesterday:

This is emblematic of the risk children are subjected to:

At last word, the child is in critical condition and not expected to survive.
Too bad for the media that Moreno will be so hard to characterize as a typical Trump supporter. Otherwise, the story would have been hyped into the stratosphere and exploited to attack our right of self-defense.
Please welcome Genesse Ivonne Moreno to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:
• Genesse Ivonne Moreno
• Elizabeth West
• Thorsten Heinz P.
• Steven Buchanan/Susan Monica
• Dylan Butler
• Kendall Stephens
• Leion Butler
• Jason Lee Willie
• Audrey Hale
• Kimbrady Carriker
• Maya McKinney
• Snochia Moseley
• Anderson Lee Aldrich
• Moses Lopez
• William Whitworth
• Shanu Varma
• A guy calling himself Lara
• Zion William Teasley
• Jason Michael Hann
• Cali Anderson
• Dana Rivers
• Vivian Ginger-Rain Shemansky
• Linnea Pugmire
• Mark Campbell
• Paul S.
On tips from Varla, Wiggins, and WDS 2.0.

All links highlighted

UPDATE: And just like that, the lamestream media forgets yesterday’s Texas mega-church shooting.​

The shooter has been identified as a drug-using, trans, pro-Palestinian immigrant from El Salvador. And apparently a convicted felon, based on charges from her previous arrests.
I suppose they’re all holding their breath and crossing their fingers that she at least used an “AR-15.”
Updated: For those still believing that the shooter was a biological male, and that I’m “validating” the delusion by calling her “her” and “she”…

The father is in prison.
So, by calling her “she” I’m actually refusing to indulge the crazy.
I think folks thought she was a guy because some reports said she used to go by “Jeffrey,” so they assumed that was a “trans-woman’s” “dead name.”

Good thing there's no crisis at the border ....wouldn't want more of this coming over ...we got enough homegrown violent left wing fags as it is
She actually was a biological female at birth, had two children, then proceeded to trans to a man. Certifiably a nutjob who should of been put away, but wasnt, because of Joe Biden's America.
Never lose sight of these "loner nutters" being the exact
types that those running Project Chaos and targeted False Flags require , to then groom and control.

How many examples do Deniers want before they can see beyond Coincidence and Conspiracy?
She actually was a biological female at birth, had two children, then proceeded to trans to a man. Certifiably a nutjob who should of been put away, but wasnt, because of Joe Biden's America.
She shouldn't of even been in the F.U.S.A


Houston Police Focus on Maniac’s Pronouns

Even with a government as bloated as ours, authorities have limited resources, so investigating crime is all about priories. When transsexual maniac Genesse Ivonne Moreno tried to shoot up a famous church during service, apparently using a small child as a human shield, authorities zeroed in on the most important issue — his/her/its preferred pronouns:
At a news conference to update the public on the shooting on Monday, the Houston Police Department explained that it went to extreme lengths … in order to not refer to her by the wrong gender…
No matter how appalling Moreno’s crimes and intentions, transsexual psychosis must always be pandered to with maximal obsequiousness, in keeping with our state ideology.

I'm pretty sure it's a mental illness to be imagining trans people behind every bush....
I'm pretty sure it's a mental illness to be imagining trans people behind every bush....


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