The one question I don't have an easy answer for, "what should Israel do if Iran is on the verge of having a nuke"?

Yes, truth telling is awful to appeasers like you.
Sure. Vote for bombing Brown People. It's the 'Murcan way. I mean, you just won't stop doing it. It'd be appreciated if you'd forgo pretending it is about freedom and democracy. Or even a rules based order.
Iran seems to have dispersed its nuke labs so that air strikes cannot stop it now

Nor does Mutual Assured Destruction deter crazies like the mullahs

I think we are living in the Last Days
I do not think the Mullahs are crazy (not like NK). They are crafty. They’ve been very careful to avoid all out conflict to this point so everything is done by proxies. None of THEIR sons are dying as martyrs. I don’t think they want a conflict that draws in the US or other large powers any more than we do, because they would end up the worse by far.

I also agree there are clear double standards at play as to who is allowed to have covert nukes and who gets a blind eye. Not sure we can stop them.

Getting out of the agreement accomplishment several things: you can’t trust the US to keep an agreement, a relatively moderate president in Iran, who was working towards moderating Iran somewhat and integrating Iran into the international community was replaced by a hard liner, and Iran is still working on nukes (Presumably).
Israel is not a threat to any country that does not want to hurt it.

Iran will nuke Israel if it gets the bomb. Israel will not nuke Iran as long as it is a-bomb free.
Iran isn’t stupid.
I do not think the Mullahs are crazy (not like NK). They are crafty. They’ve been very careful to avoid all out conflict to this point so everything is done by proxies. None of THEIR sons are dying as martyrs. I don’t think they want a conflict that draws in the US or other large powers any more than we do, because they would end up the worse by far.

I also agree there are clear double standards at play as to who is allowed to have covert nukes and who gets a blind eye. Not sure we can stop them.

Getting out of the agreement accomplishment several things: you can’t trust the US to keep an agreement, a relatively moderate president in Iran, who was working towards moderating Iran somewhat and integrating Iran into the international community was replaced by a hard liner, and Iran is still working on nukes (Presumably).
About the agreement

Iran was given billions of dollars up front and the sanctions by obama that were hurting them were lifted

They could continue the nuclear research toward a bomb but the they couldnt build it openly

Canceling the deal by trump was not as wise move so far as I can tell since the euro’s were already involved with trading with iran

We have been screwed ever since jimmy carter was president and handed the country of to the radical clerics

And I still call them crazy

Smart yes, but totally out of their mind at the same time
About the agreement

Iran was given billions of dollars up front and the sanctions by obama that were hurting them were lifted

They could continue the nuclear research toward a bomb but the they couldnt build it openly

Canceling the deal by trump was not as wise move so far as I can tell since the euro’s were already involved with trading with iran

We have been screwed ever since jimmy carter was president and handed the country of to the radical clerics

And I still call them crazy

Smart yes, but totally out of their mind at the same time
Iran specifically gave up weapons research and were only allowed to pursue peaceful uses. Their facilities were under inspection by the UN.

Then Trump ignored the generals and diplomats, and cancelled the deal, allowing Iran to resume bomb research.
Iran specifically gave up weapons research and were only allowed to pursue peaceful uses.
If you believe that you may already own a bridge in Brooklyn

And they were free to build as many ICBMs as the could afford
If you believe that you may already own a bridge in Brooklyn

And they were free to build as many ICBMs as the could afford

The treaty wasn't about rockets, it was only about nuclear weapons.

An ICBM with a conventional warhead just isn't a big deal.
Thats my point

Obama was so pro iran he didnt bother to close that loophole
It's not a loophole.

Actually, us telling ANY sovereign nation what kind of weapons they can have is a bit much.

Only one country has used nukes on human beings... and that would be ours.
It's not a loophole.

Actually, us telling ANY sovereign nation what kind of weapons they can have is a bit much.

Only one country has used nukes on human beings... and that would be ours.
Its not too much when world security is hanging in the balance

The mullahs had a willing flunky in obama
Its not too much when world security is hanging in the balance

The mullahs had a willing flunky in obama

Why is world security hanging in the balance?

Saddam gave up his nukes, and we murdered him anyway.
Qadaffi gave up his nukes, and we murdered him anyway.
Kim Jong Il kept his nukes and died peacefully in his bed with the world sending him rice to keep him happy.

Seems to me that if anything, the Iranians should build that nuke.
Why is world security hanging in the balance?

Saddam gave up his nukes, and we murdered him anyway.
Qadaffi gave up his nukes, and we murdered him anyway.
Kim Jong Il kept his nukes and died peacefully in his bed with the world sending him rice to keep him happy.

Seems to me that if anything, the Iranians should build that nuke.
Iran is determined to destroy Israel or die trying

And that will involve the whole world
Iran is determined to destroy Israel or die trying

And that will involve the whole world

Um, really, guy.

Bibi has been screaming "Iran is going to get a nuke and kill us all" since the 1990's.

30 years later, still no Iranian nuke.

by way of comparison, the Manhatten project developed a nuke in less than 3 years. I am just not seeing the urgency.

If we survived Russia, China and North Korea having nukes, we can survive Iran having nukes.
If the Israeli aggressors continue to commit armed provocations, counting on the protection of Western thugs, Iran will use the data of the missile defense system breach to strike at identified Israeli nuclear facilities.
A brilliant prospect for a country 450 kilometers long and 130 kilometers wide, one might say, shining!
Um, really, guy.

Bibi has been screaming "Iran is going to get a nuke and kill us all" since the 1990's.

30 years later, still no Iranian nuke.

by way of comparison, the Manhatten project developed a nuke in less than 3 years. I am just not seeing the urgency.

If we survived Russia, China and North Korea having nukes, we can survive Iran having nukes.
Iran has had ambitions for a nuke for at least 30 years

They are quite serious about it
We do need to ensure Iran does not manufacture of buy a nuke from NK.

Israel will not permit Iran to have one. That necessity, for them, overrides anything we think.
Now, one speaker on European news said that Iran could just call N Korea and get a nuke head and employ it. I don't know about how this would work, but I doubt China would green light that sale.

Regardless, if I were Israel and I knew for certain that Iran had a nuke cooking, I would have to risk lives in order to drop it.

U.S and Israeli intelligence created a virus that destroyed Irans nuclear work years ago (Stuxnet?) which was a fantastic success. What would we expect of Israel if Iran is close to a nuke? As much as we shouldn't want war, Israel would be placed in a position in which they would have to destroy such constructions.
Netanyahu has been claiming Iran would have the bomb in 90 days since 1994.
Sure. Vote for bombing Brown People. It's the 'Murcan way. I mean, you just won't stop doing it. It'd be appreciated if you'd forgo pretending it is about freedom and democracy. Or even a rules based order.

Remember when Bibi took his bomb cartoon to the UN? That was in 2012.

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