Deadly levels of radiation from Japan

p kirkes

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2006
The news today reports that deadly levels of radiation emanating from the wrecked nuclear plant in Japan have been registered.

Since this will spill over into the waters and aqua life in the Pacific, the contamination will eventually make it's way to the our west coast. They are going to take another hit, first it was drought, fires, earthquakes, now radiation.

Buy a Geiger counter and ping the fish before eating. This is another "sky is falling" warning.
The news today reports that deadly levels of radiation emanating from the wrecked nuclear plant in Japan have been registered.

Since this will spill over into the waters and aqua life in the Pacific, the contamination will eventually make it's way to the our west coast. They are going to take another hit, first it was drought, fires, earthquakes, now radiation.

Buy a Geiger counter and ping the fish before eating. This is another "sky is falling" warning.
I would encourage the Left Coast to throw away their Geiger counters and eat as much fish as they possibly can>>>5 meals a day.
Profit over people is how america works. Live with it.
:wtf: How did the Japanese nuclear reactor meltdown connect with your post?

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The disaster in Japan was created by siting that reactor without doing due study of the history of that area. On the hills in back of the reactors were stones with inscriptions from 600 years ago, marking the runup of a previous tsunami. Had they done that, they would not have put the reactors there.

Now, having said that, in 2011, there was a record snow pack in the Montana Rockies. And a rapid melt, overfilling the reservoir of the Fort Peck Dam. The spillway had many times the planned maximum flow, and concrete started chunking out. The Fort Peck dam is an earthfill dam, and had the spillway failed, the dam would have gone. The dams downstream on the Missouri River are also earth fill dams, and would have failed. We have nukes in the resulting flood plains. Would they have failed? I don't know, but some of the spent rod pools have five times the rods in them they were designed for.

And there is more snow in those mountains right now than there was in 2011.
Fallout in the air is a deadly concern.

Fallout in the oceans is not.
On the contrary, for many 100s of millions of people, seafood is their primary source of protean. High levels of radiation in the fish would have adverse affects for those people.
The news today reports that deadly levels of radiation emanating from the wrecked nuclear plant in Japan have been registered.

Since this will spill over into the waters and aqua life in the Pacific, the contamination will eventually make it's way to the our west coast. They are going to take another hit, first it was drought, fires, earthquakes, now radiation.

Buy a Geiger counter and ping the fish before eating. This is another "sky is falling" warning.
I doubt that the radiation from Fukushima represents as great a danger to the West Coast as does the leaking tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

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