Decriminalizing NYC bus fare skipping leads to fewer people paying fares, Democrats Puzzled


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Hmm, it’s a head scratcher for sure. Not sure how this could happen but more cameras will probably do the trick.
The bus driver should sit there until the scofflaw pays up.....the other passengers will eventually see to it he does before they're late to where they're going, right? Make the turnstiles like the ones they use in secure facilities....this kind can't be jumped:

I’m shocked. How did decriminalizing fare skipping lead to more fare skipping??
I am not sure how reassigning 500 officers to stop something that is no longer a crime will getter done, but who knows.
Who didn't see this coming?
It's what happens when you have idiots guarding the hen house
The same people who thought this was a great idea (specifically Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio) are now struggling with how to fix the system they just finished fixing. They just announced plans to reassign as many as 500 NYPD officers to monitor bus and train routes “as a deterrent to fare-beaters.”

What the cops are supposed to do is beyond the realm of sanity.
Who would have thought that decriminalizing stealing would lead to more of it?

The bus driver should sit there until the scofflaw pays up.....the other passengers will eventually see to it he does before they're late to where they're going, right? Make the turnstiles like the ones they use in secure facilities....this kind can't be jumped:

I'm old enough to remember back when they had armed US Marshals riding the buses in Michigan's largest cities. They probably don't have the manpower now to wage a war on fare-beating, what with the wars on drugs, terror, hate speech, straight white men, Christmas, the Merchant of Venice, and Confederate monuments, but it was effective. In Detroit, the Marshals would sit toward the back of the bus "reading a book" but really they were keeping an eye on the passengers boarding. If some scofflaw didn't pay, they didn't just turn a blind eye. The would wait until the miscreant was getting off and then they would unobtrusively step up and shoot the antisocial punk in the back of the head. The good ones could ensure the splatter and the corpse landed well outside the bus every single time so the other passengers weren't even slowed down. They don't do that anymore and you see what happened to Detroit.
And with turnstile jumpers and people not paying fares......the criminals know an invitation when they see it...

Funny how democrat policies always lead to more violence and death......and not just governments murdering their own people....

Violent crime up sharply in San Francisco BART stations

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that crime has more than doubled in San Francisco’s BART stations since 2014. The report highlighting the rise in violent crime also suggested that as many as 15% of people riding the trains are not paying fares.

The report released Monday by the Alameda County Civil Grand Jury found the number of robberies on the transit system increased by 128%, from 153 in 2014 to 349 last year. Aggravated assaults soared by 83%, from 71 to 130 over the same time period.

Robberies and aggravated assaults combined jumped nearly 16% from 2017 to 2018 alone, according to the report, with robberies spiking 20% and aggravated assaults rising 7%…

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