Deep Blue&Heavily Union Districts In Wisconsin; Who's Counting&Verifying The Votes ?

Oct 10, 2011

Is Wisconsin becoming another Chicago? A Million Signatures? and where did the other 1/2 Million come from over the last few weeks?
Something to ponder over: Who runs the voting precincts in heavy blue districts? Generally populated by union households?
Who's counting the votes?
Looks like we can add Wisconsin to the list of "Most Corrupt Voting States" {or Metropolitan Areas}.
Lets see, so far we have Chicago,Philly,Vegas,Los Angeles,Minnesota,New York,Washington State. Are there any others?
this would make a great cartoon ;; draw up a voting precinct with Pelosi, Reid, and Obama behind the desk, and next to Pelosi at the end is a red garbage pail, and show Pelosi throwing out the ballots.

Is Wisconsin becoming another Chicago? A Million Signatures? and where did the other 1/2 Million come from over the last few weeks?
Something to ponder over: Who runs the voting precincts in heavy blue districts? Generally populated by union households?
Who's counting the votes?
Looks like we can add Wisconsin to the list of "Most Corrupt Voting States" {or Metropolitan Areas}.
Lets see, so far we have Chicago,Philly,Vegas,Los Angeles,Minnesota,New York,Washington State. Are there any others?

You are an idiot. You do not have a fuckin clue what you are talking about. Washington is most likey the LEAST corrupt state in the union. I don't remember EVER having a voter fraud scandal in my state.

Back in the 70's I was in Florida and was hanging with my Mafia friend...I know...I was into smuggling back then... and I asked Joey ..."Howz come youz gize never made it up into Washington?" He responded.. "Because youz gize up there don't have "numbers" ". They saw no opportunity for corruption so they just stayed away. At the time there was no legal gambling in Washington state. Then the Native Americans got into Casinos and then the State got into LOTTO but we still have no organized crime. Well we do have a few gang bangers..but those guys are everywhere in the country like cocroaches...and there are really not very many of them. I said..You are an idiot...leave my state out of your bogus talking points.
Seals of Dumber, they have a board in Wisconsin to take care of that. What I see from you is confirmation that most of the signitures are legal, and you know it. But that does not fit you world view, so you are going to claim fraud, before and after the count, knowing full well it is a lie. Typical 'Conservative'.

Is Wisconsin becoming another Chicago? A Million Signatures? and where did the other 1/2 Million come from over the last few weeks?
Something to ponder over: Who runs the voting precincts in heavy blue districts? Generally populated by union households?
Who's counting the votes?
Looks like we can add Wisconsin to the list of "Most Corrupt Voting States" {or Metropolitan Areas}.
Lets see, so far we have Chicago,Philly,Vegas,Los Angeles,Minnesota,New York,Washington State. Are there any others?

This will be the most closely watched process ever. Every signature will get verified, every vote will be watched and counted. I have no doubt, win or lose, that everything will be above board.
And, in spite of that, the 'Conservatives' will scream fraud at the top of their voices.

Is Wisconsin becoming another Chicago? A Million Signatures? and where did the other 1/2 Million come from over the last few weeks?
Something to ponder over: Who runs the voting precincts in heavy blue districts? Generally populated by union households?
Who's counting the votes?
Looks like we can add Wisconsin to the list of "Most Corrupt Voting States" {or Metropolitan Areas}.
Lets see, so far we have Chicago,Philly,Vegas,Los Angeles,Minnesota,New York,Washington State. Are there any others?
many others where commie /socialist bastards want to rule the masses
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Seals of Dumber, they have a board in Wisconsin to take care of that. What I see from you is confirmation that most of the signitures are legal, and you know it. But that does not fit you world view, so you are going to claim fraud, before and after the count, knowing full well it is a lie. Typical 'Conservative'.
APPROX 5,5 MILL RESIDENTS in wisconsin
about half would be qualified to vote
appox 2 .25 mill
half support walker
approx 1. 13 mill
so the protesters got almost 100 % of the rest to sigh the petition
highly unlikely
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And what will happen in 2012? lets say all polls show Romney beating Obama 55/45. Then what will the far left & unions do?
And what will happen in 2012? lets say all polls show Romney beating Obama 55/45. Then what will the far left & unions do?

Maybe take it to the SCOTUS and let them settle it like they did with GORE/bush.
Remember that one? Or did it escape your closed little neo con mind?:eusa_whistle:
I was in Boca during the Gore/Bush confusion. God, who came up with the Chad System? at the time, I, like most of us weren't thrilled for either candidate, the 2000 election had the worst choice in the final 2 candiates ever !! you may as well had Big Bird VS The San Diego Chicken.
And what will happen in 2012? lets say all polls show Romney beating Obama 55/45. Then what will the far left & unions do?

Maybe take it to the SCOTUS and let them settle it like they did with GORE/bush.
Remember that one? Or did it escape your closed little neo con mind?:eusa_whistle:
No that one was a winner from the start
to recap in case your little socialist mind had forgetton
GORE CONCEDED DEFEAT it was all over ..... then THIS IS THE GOOD PART his keepers got at him so he recanted and said he wanted a recount HE STARTED THE LEGAL PROCESS no question about that
as it is by law each loser has the* right* to appeal so it wound its way up to SCOTUS
SCOTUS ruled by a large majority in bush,s favour
FYI there are democrats &republicans who serve on SCOTUS
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