DEEP STATE: Flynn's Gone But they're Still Gunning For You, Donald...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Who's really in charge? You guessed it. The Deep State's in charge.

General Flynn's tenure in the White House was only slightly longer than that of President-elect William Henry Harrison in 1841. Actually, with just 24 days in the White House, General Flynn's tenure fell a tad short of old "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too". General Harrison actually lasted 31 days before getting felled by pneumonia.

And the circumstances were considerably more benign. It seems that General Harrison had a fondness for the same "firewater" that agitated the native Americans he slaughtered at the famous battle memorialized in his campaign slogan. In fact, during the campaign a leading Democrat newspaper skewered the old general, who at 68 was the oldest US President prior to Ronald Reagan, saying:

Give him a barrel of hard [alcoholic] cider, and… a pension of two thousand [dollars] a year… and… he will sit the remainder of his days in his log cabin.

General Flynn got the equivalent of political pneumonia by talking for hours during the transition to international leaders, including Russia's ambassador to the US, on phone lines which were bugged by the CIA. Or more accurately, making calls which were "intercepted" by the very same NSA/FBI spy machinery that monitors every single phone call made in America...

Flynn's Gone But They're Still Gunning For You, Donald
Only those in the inner cricle can know what's really going on with Trump. These jack offs here a joke.
Criminal catching a member of the Trump Administration potentially breaking the law and selling out our country. How dare they listen.
"Deep state" must be the new conservative buzz phrase. Disagree with Trump? DEEP STATE!

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