Defeated ex-Alabama Democrat Senator Doug Jones: ‘We’re not some demonic cult’: Democrats fume over faulty messaging

the money quote from this article proves my title:

“Trump did better than I thought he was going to do,” said former Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell, also an ex-Philadelphia mayor. “There was a backlash, I think nationwide, among people who were afraid of the riots and afraid of what they saw and afraid of this ‘defund the police’ stuff, which, although we tried to debunk, we didn’t debunk enough.”
Tubberville spanked Jones like a redheaded step child

I said two years ago that Doug Jones was going to be the Democrats’ Scott Brown. He never had a chance of being reelected. He got lucky the first time
Tubberville spanked Jones like a redheaded step child

I said two years ago that Doug Jones was going to be the Democrats’ Scott Brown. He never had a chance of being reelected. He got lucky the first time
they are saying in the media Biden will appoint Jones to some cabinet position.

he will be "Ambassador to New Zealand" if your theory holds true!

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