Defensive Gun Use

This is where I'm at, I'm not going to shoot somebody over a TV set.

Neither would I, but I live upstairs and have an 80" television, so watching a couple of guys trying to take that and get down the stairs would be more entertaining for me than to shoot them. :auiqs.jpg:

If a person forces their way into your home, armed or not, whatever their intentions, the use of a firearm is justified.
Outside the home? It is very rarely the case that a firearm is either justified or provides actual protection for the carrier.

An armed victim in a robbery is nearly 4.5 times more likely to be shot than an unarmed victim. Victims who had the opportunity to resist using their firearm were nearly 5.5 times as likely to be shot than unarmed victims.

From the robber's point of view, he doesn't want to shoot you. He wants your money, drugs, car. Dropping bodies brings heavy police action, something he wants to avoid. A robbery, car theft? Police will take a report and leave but police will investigate shootings.
Additionally, in my opinion, carrying a firearm in public increases the likelihood an armed person will willingly insert himself into dangerous situations believing their firearm will protect them. This, as shown by the referenced data is a mistaken belief.

I'm not opposed to concealed carry provided the person has received proper and ongoing training and testing.

Open carry is another thing. When someone open carries they are intending to be perceived as a threat. This guy
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Is an example. If the deli at his favorite grocery store is that dangerous, maybe selecting a less dangerous deli is a better choice than all that armament, Of course, the purpose of all those guns is to appear threatening. The problem is that when you try to appear threatening, sometimes people take the threat seriously then the carrier has put lots of people at risk.

Auto semi-auto weapons are not appropriate for self defense. If you're ready you carry one in the chamber. Lots of people have died because someone forgot about the one in the chamber. Additionally the weapons can be prone to jamming or other failures.
Revolvers are much better suited to self defense than semi-automatic weapons.

Revolvers have limited rounds. You can't reload in time enough to get you out of danger. My semi-auto 9mm has a seventeen round magazine. Given that statistics show many shots will miss your target, a semi-automatic is the only thing worth considering in the event you are attacked by more than one criminal.

In the headboard of my bed I have a sweet stainless steel .357. If somebody breaks into my apartment, I'm only ten feet from the door. I will not miss with that thing.
Don’t touch my stuff or I will kill you

Yep. That's the idea.

I plan on stealing your lawnmower. It's worth about three hundred dollars. If I get caught, I get slapped with some sort of petty theft charge and get probation for a couple of months. It's worth the risk to me. Getting gunned down for stealing that mower is not.
Where did I even remotely suggest that I thought he was being sensible, troll?
I didn't see you criticize him.

I know. You're afraid if you say something sensible they'll throw you out of the club but is being in thar club so important that you sacrifice your common sense for it?
I have no issue at all with revolvers, know alot of folks that carry them. But personally in a gunfight I perfer my 18 rounds in a firearm instead of 5 or 6. And if need be I can change out for another 17 round mag in about 2 seconds.
I carry concealed and sometimes when visiting the mall I bring all five of my magazines with me. That's a typical place that nutjobs bring their AR's when they're pissed off at the world to let loose. Why on Earth should I be expected to be undergunned by people like Dadoalex?? He asks why a person would need some much fire power at a deli! Well look how many McDonald's have been shot up by people with Glocks! Why should I be relegated to having no more than a revolver or Nothing at All?? Exactly! 🤨
I didn't see you criticize him.

I know. You're afraid if you say something sensible they'll throw you out of the club but is being in thar club so important that you sacrifice your common sense for it?
News Flash: not everyone who doesn't think just like you is off in some polar opposite world.

You poor stupid far-left mainstream media brainwashed fool.
If you can't use deadly force to protect your property then you really have no protection from thievery at all, do you?
If you can't use deadly force to protect your property then you really have no protection from thievery at all, do you?
USMB posters (except Russobots of course). Please revisist the laws in your jurisdiction before believing this statement.
I prefer not breaking the law. What state are you in and what are the laws there Comrade? There are stories that your targets are starting to use JDAMs now...
The reason why we have thievery is because of pussies like you that are unwilling to show any backbone and deal with the assholes.

Libtard chickenshitism.
I have no issue at all with revolvers, know alot of folks that carry them. But personally in a gunfight I perfer my 18 rounds in a firearm instead of 5 or 6. And if need be I can change out for another 17 round mag in about 2 seconds.
If you need 18 rounds to hit what you're aiming at then a handgun is not the weapon for you.
Try a shotgun 12 gauge, pump action.
The reason why we have thievery is because of pussies like you that are unwilling to show any backbone and deal with the assholes.

Libtard chickenshitism.
Who's we? I noticed you didn't answer the question and are just espousing violence without knowing if its legal.
What are your state laws again Comrade? Does posting from the Front put you at risk of a drone strike?
Revolvers have limited rounds. You can't reload in time enough to get you out of danger. My semi-auto 9mm has a seventeen round magazine. Given that statistics show many shots will miss your target, a semi-automatic is the only thing worth considering in the event you are attacked by more than one criminal.

In the headboard of my bed I have a sweet stainless steel .357. If somebody breaks into my apartment, I'm only ten feet from the door. I will not miss with that thing.
Maybe a better solution is not putting yourself in a situation where you can't hit something with six rounds?

and, if you're in public then leave the gun at home.

You're more than 5 times more likely to be killed in an armed assault if you try to use your weapon as opposed to not having a weapon.
Me? I use my brain. I avoid places I know are dangerous and if someone decides to take me? I let them have all I got. Less than $30, DL, a CC, and insurance cards. Not worth dying over or killing for,
It's unfortunate that we can't shoot or kill for property crime in Ohio. I never harmed a person in my life outside of fighting when I was a kid. But I always remember what my father told me. He's a Korean war vet. He will talk about his time in the service and the countries he stayed in, but he never discussed war.

The only time he talked briefly about war is when he told me killing somebody is not like you see on television or the movies. If you have to do it in real life, it's not Bang--Oww. It's a feeling you never forget; a feeling you wished you never had to experience, a feeling you remember for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if the other guy was trying to kill you or not.

If I have to travel in this city after dark, I take my gun with me. But when I strap that thing on, I always remember what my father said to me about killing another human being.
I can not remember the last time I shot my pistol. Lol. I am a hunting and fishing guide. During hunting season there is typically multiple shot guns and rifles in my truck as well as a bow. Lol, I now spend most my time in PC. Lol, I don't even lock my door here. No crime to speak of here. I spend very little time in Columbus these days. My whole trip down I have to tell myself where I am going ain't PC. I have to remember to lock my shit. Ya, get out of the habit of such things. I also have to clear my vehicles of dangerous stuff I typically cart my 3 year old very curious grandson every where I go down there, hooks knives and guns are not something I want him to get a hold of at this point. Sure wish I could see him more.
Who's we? I noticed you didn't answer the question and are just espousing violence without knowing if its legal.
What are your state laws again Comrade? Does posting from the Front put you at risk of a drone strike?
I noticed you don't understand that these assholes get away with massive crime because Libtard pussies like you don't have the backbone to do the right thing and make it unacceptable for them to do their crime.
I noticed you don't understand that these assholes get away with massive crime because Libtard pussies like you don't have the backbone to do the right thing and make it unacceptable for them to do their crime.
I didn't think Russians were allowed firearms? Am I incorrect in that Flash?

To your post, what would lead you to think " you don't have the backbone to do the right thing?" I am merely stating that the law in each jurisdiction is different. Blanket statements that you can shoot people over property are clearly incorrect in multiple locations. After all I live in Texas and our laws are indeed liberal but now you are thinking.

What are the self defense laws where you are at Comrade?

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