Defining the Swamp:GOP Senator: I’d rather see a Democrat win than Roy Moore


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."
Just crazy that someone would put party aside and not want a child molester to be elected. What is the country coming to when something like feeling up children could keep you from being in the Senate?

These people have no sense of rules...nothing is more important than the party...not even 14 year old girls...unless you are hitting on them then they are vital.
Just crazy that someone would put party aside and not want a child molester to be elected. What is the country coming to when something like feeling up children could keep you from being in the Senate?

These people have no sense of rules...nothing is more important than the party...not even 14 year old girls...unless you are hitting on them then they are vital.
But is it really better to act on accusations without proof?
Never trust a Swamp Creature. When are Republicans gonna wake up and see what's happened to their Party? It's been hijacked by slimy RINO's. GOP 'leaders' McConnell and Ryan are just Democrats in Republican clothing.
Just crazy that someone would put party aside and not want a child molester to be elected. What is the country coming to when something like feeling up children could keep you from being in the Senate?

These people have no sense of rules...nothing is more important than the party...not even 14 year old girls...unless you are hitting on them then they are vital.
But is it really better to act on accusations without proof?

It depends on how seriously one takes the accusations. Election are not court of laws, they are the court of public opinion. Everyone has to make up their own mind about the validity of the charges.

I discounted them initially and for me the biggest thing that led to me changing my mind was when the guy that is a friend of Moore for 40 years invoked bible stories of younger women and older men saying that it really was not that big of a deal. And yes, in a court of law that would not be proof, but in my mind if his friends of 40 years did not deny that he would do such a thing but instead justified it, that means they think he did it.

Hell, last night Sean Hannity of all people laid out a whole list of inconsistencies in Moore's defense of himself. A week ago he was defending Moore to the end.
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."
Your campaign in support of child rape and pedophilia is truly disgusting. Please stay in Canada and never sully my country with your presence again.
After seeing how Congress has been hobbling President Trump, I'm sure it's full of Deep State puppets, both Dems and RINOs. The people who are supposed to serve their country, have been actually serving its worst enemies [Deep State] and their pockets. Shame.
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."
Bye, bye Senator Snowflake!!! :bye1:
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."

Jeff Flake is right. You elect Roy Moore there won't be a Republican held seat left in 2018, 2020 & beyond. This would destroy the entire Republican party--if they're electing child predators.

So vote for Roy Moore at your peril. I hope you do elect Roy Moore. There would be nothing better than to watch the extreme right wing of the Republican party burn in hell over it. You people are way too stupid to be involved in politics.

Just crazy that someone would put party aside and not want a child molester to be elected. What is the country coming to when something like feeling up children could keep you from being in the Senate?

These people have no sense of rules...nothing is more important than the party...not even 14 year old girls...unless you are hitting on them then they are vital.

No evidence. Only accusations from supposed incidents from 40 years ago. On the other hand all of those wanting Moore to leave the race and give it to the Dems have their own problems with all the sexual harassment cases currently being investigated on Capitol Hill.

Those holier than thou sons of bitches are giving their counterparts the benefit of the doubt which they are not giving Moore.
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."

Jeff Flake is right. You elect Roy Moore there won't be a Republican held seat left in 2018, 2020 & beyond. This would destroy the entire Republican party--if they're electing child predators.

So vote for Roy Moore at your peril. I hope you do elect Roy Moore. There would be nothing better than to watch the extreme right wing of the Republican party burn in hell over it. You people are way too stupid to be involved in politics.


Are you nuts? The sex scandals are just really now breaking on Capitol Hill and it involves both R & D perverts.
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."

Jeff Flake is right. You elect Roy Moore there won't be a Republican held seat left in 2018, 2020 & beyond. This would destroy the entire Republican party--if they're electing child predators.

So vote for Roy Moore at your peril. I hope you do elect Roy Moore. There would be nothing better than to watch the extreme right wing of the Republican party burn in hell over it. You people are way too stupid to be involved in politics.


Are you nuts? The sex scandals are just really now breaking on Capitol Hill and it involves both R & D perverts.

Yeah, and they've got to go. You've already elected one Sexual Predator who is sitting in the Oval office right now. Then knowingly ADD a child Predator to that ticket--& you've effectively killed the entire Republican party. Democrats will ride this one to hell and back in every race across this country in the midterms coming up, in 2020 & well beyond.

This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."

Jeff Flake is right. You elect Roy Moore there won't be a Republican held seat left in 2018, 2020 & beyond. This would destroy the entire Republican party--if they're electing child predators.

So vote for Roy Moore at your peril. I hope you do elect Roy Moore. There would be nothing better than to watch the extreme right wing of the Republican party burn in hell over it. You people are way too stupid to be involved in politics.


Are you nuts? The sex scandals are just really now breaking on Capitol Hill and it involves both R & D perverts.

Yeah, and they've got to go. You've already elected one Sexual Predator who is sitting in the Oval office right now. Then knowingly ADD a child Predator to that ticket--& you've effectively killed the entire Republican party. Democrats will ride this one to hell and back in every race across this country in the midterms coming up, in 2020 & well beyond.

There is no evidence at all that Moore molested these two accusers.
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."
So, to sum up...

It's more important to elect an accused child molester to the senate than elect a Democrat. The Democrat is, by default, a less desirable character than a child molester. It is more important to maintain strict partynloyalty than follow a code of morality. And anyone who disagrees are misguided at best, treasonous at worst.

And this is the type of politics we should both admire and embrace? Why?
This says it all. Glad to see this son of a bitch is getting the hell out of dodge. Others need to be shown the door as well.

The hypocrisy of the RINO's never ceases to amaze me.

They had no problem playing footsies for decades with Ted "I'm a waaaaaaaaaay better swimmer than my date" Kennedy. But won't give a conservative Republican the old innocent until proven guilty time of day.

Fuck Flake and everyone like him.

“If the choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, if I were in Alabama I’d vote for the Democrat,” the Arizona senator, who recently announced he would not seek reelection, said Monday."

Jeff Flake is right. You elect Roy Moore there won't be a Republican held seat left in 2018, 2020 & beyond. This would destroy the entire Republican party--if they're electing child predators.

So vote for Roy Moore at your peril. I hope you do elect Roy Moore. There would be nothing better than to watch the extreme right wing of the Republican party burn in hell over it. You people are way too stupid to be involved in politics.


Are you nuts? The sex scandals are just really now breaking on Capitol Hill and it involves both R & D perverts.

Yeah, and they've got to go. You've already elected one Sexual Predator who is sitting in the Oval office right now. Then knowingly ADD a child Predator to that ticket--& you've effectively killed the entire Republican party. Democrats will ride this one to hell and back in every race across this country in the midterms coming up, in 2020 & well beyond.

There is no evidence at all that Moore molested these two accusers.

When you have every Republican senator telling him to step out of the race it's because they have actually seen the evidence. Again these girls now women did not come forward, the Washington Post FOUND THEM. Indicating that there were complaints filed long ago, that were ignored, probably because of Moore's ranking, that the Washington Post dug up & then approached these women with.

At your peril. It's actually scary to think that the FATE of the entire Republican party lies in Alabama Republicans hands--but it does. I don't consider anyone from Alabama to be the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to politics--so I anticipate this incoming missle hitting the Republican party.


If Moore wins these girls will become the poster girls of the Democrat party next year.
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

1. If they do a right in or vote for Luther Strange--Moore wins.
2. They actually have to vote for the Democrat--Don Jones--a blue dog 'Democrat to insure that Moore has no chance of winning this election.

But again I don't give them high marks on the intelligence scale to figure that one out.
Moore Trails Democrat Jones by 12 Points
Source: Politico

Republican Roy Moore is trailing Democrat Doug Jones by 12 points in the Alabama special Senate election, according to a poll conducted by the National Republican Senatorial Committee after five women accused Moore of pursuing them as teenagers.

Jones led Moore 51 to 39 percent, according to the survey taken Sunday and Monday. The NRSC withdrew its support for Moore after the Washington Post published the first allegations against Moore on Thursday, and the group’s chairman, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) said Moore should be expelled from the Senate if he wins on Dec. 12

Read more: NRSC poll: Moore trails Jones by 12
There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children.
I’ve yet to see a valid explanation and I have no reason to doubt the victims’ accounts.

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