Dem Confident Biden Won't Obstruct Investigation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dem Confident Biden Won't Obstruct Investigation
SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: December 20, 2020 Edition - National News/Current Events - The Briefing Room (

West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin says he has "no worries over the possibility that incoming President Biden might interfere with the investigation of his son Hunter's dubious business dealings. Joe's a stand up kind of guy. He wouldn't use his position to obstruct or divert any inquiries affecting Hunter or other members of his family."
Reminded that using his influence when he was Vice-President Biden to pressure the Ukraine government to fire a prosecutor investigating a company that had Hunter on its board of directors, Manchin insisted "that was a one time thing. Now that Joe is mostly non compos mentis I don't think he can even understand what an investigation is much less implement an effective means of derailing it. Moreover, the odds are that Joe will himself be declared not guilty by reason of mental defect."
"As for the rest of his family, they haven't really done anything that most of the rest of us in government wouldn't have done given the right opportunities," the Senator maintained. "The American people appreciate the fact that us poorly paid public servants need to be able to supplement our incomes in order to live in a manner befitting the rulers of a great nation. If they didn't they wouldn't have elected Joe president."

The shocking material on Hunter’s laptop, none of which was encrypted or protected by anything as basic as two-factor authentication, includes:
  • Joe Biden’s personal mobile number and his three private email addresses
  • the names of Joe’s Secret Service agents;
  • mobile numbers for most every member of former President Barack Obama’s cabinet
    mobile nos for Bill Clinton, Hillary,
  • A contact database of 1,500 including Gwyneth Paltrow, singer Chris Martin, John Kerry and ex-FBI Louis Freeh;
  • personal documents; Hunter’s passport, driver’s licence, SS card, credit cards, bank statements;
    salacious details of Hunter’s drug and sex problems,
  • details of Hunter’s $21,000 spree on a ‘live cam’ porn website,
  • ‘selfies’ of Hunter engaging in sex acts and smoking crack cocaine;
The Quisling and complicit MSM including social media quashed the Hunter Biden laptop story with alacrity, because it showed that the cunning Chinese have compromised so many of the US elite; the story simply couldn’t be allowed to be heard ......
To me, the crucial point is that CNN itself decided to ditch Hunter’s laptop story to save Joe Biden’s ***....many Voters have since said they would not have voted for Biden if they had known of the laptop’s incendiary contents.
CNN’s Zucker has provided extremely valuable services to the Biden Campaign and the DNC far in excess of Federal election Law. Ergo, Zucker has unwittingly opened up himself and CNN to criminal prosecution.
The shocking material on Hunter’s laptop, none of which was encrypted or protected by anything as basic as two-factor authentication, includes:
  • Joe Biden’s personal mobile number and his three private email addresses

So this is shocking? To have his immediate family's contact information ... on his laptop?

I am shocked! Shocked, I say.

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