Dem Congressman warns National Guard guarding inauguration is mostly white males. People who "might want to do something"

Republicans told us, on here on USMB, and other precincts, for years that 'Stop n Frisk' was justified because mostly black, and brown men were the main suspects, so it wasn't a race issue.

Well guess who's the bulk of White Supremacists...?

Hint: It ain't black men.

Who kills the overwhelming majority of black people?

Other blacks.

Why aren't you concerned with the overwhelming majority of black deaths perpetrated by other blacks, racist?
Yet another Democrat questions the loyalty and professionalism of United States servicemen and -women.

Fuck you, Cohen.

Dear Joe, just don't now ask these guys to go fight a war for you when you need them.
Considering how Xi's puppet and the Democrats are attacking any conservative troops, maybe those troops should step back and let the Fucktard's followers fight any wars the fool gets us into (which he is sure to do, especially considering his obvious paranoia)....
Guess who had to go dig thru all that nasty shit BEFORE the compacter kicked in

We've all been there...

I wonder if Cohen is genuinely worried, or is he just the latest to jump on the virtue-signaling bandwagon?

Dem Rep. Cohen Warns National Guard Mostly White Males: Inauguration Protected By People Who "Might Want To Do Something"

Dem Rep. Cohen Warns National Guard Mostly White Males: Inauguration Protected By People Who "Might Want To Do Something" | Video | RealClearPolitics
Cohen has a face only a mother would love....his father used to feed him with a slingshot when he was a baby.
That's why he hates white males.

Who does Cohen see when he looks in the mirror? Buckwheat?
Here we go again four years of its all whiteys, racists, clansmen, and of course those despicable uneducated Walmart shopping Trumpies fault. Talk about paranoia.
Apparently Walmart shoppers are lefties. It’s one of the only outlets lefties let the masses shop during the pandemic.

Meet D-Tenn Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen. Cohen is a racist, self-promoting, attention-seeking, self-enriching liberal known for conducting political
the one above.

During an appearance before Congress by US Attorney General Barr, Democrats openly mocked and berated Barr, giving him little time / chance to speak and cutting him off and denying him his time when he did. The next time the Democrats wanted to engage in political theater at the US Attorney General's expense, Barr declined to appear before a committee that had behaved so unprofessionally and that had so unfairly treated him. Democrats still held the committee meeting, and to prove how serious the meeting was and how professional the Democrats could be, Cohen brought a bucket of KFC to the meeting, ate it during the session, and mocked Barr.

Yes, D-Steve Cohen is an immature, partisan asshole.

Several days ago, after Democrats decided to turn D.C. into downtown Baghdad by bringing in more troops to protect the politicians from the American people, Cohen declared WHITE MALE NATIONAL GUARD MEMBERS POSE AN 'INSIDER THREAT' to the life of the new President. Cohen declared approx. 75% of white National Guard members are white, Conservative, and voted for Trump...which automatically makes them a national security threat. By singling out WHITE males Cohen self-identified as a RACIST. By singling out white male Conservatives who voted for Trump Cohen self-identified as a racist, sexist, & partisan asshole. When pressured to provide any evidence that this could be true, Cohen admitted he had no such evidence.

Miller and our Intel Services immediately reported that there is NO INTEL suggesting there would be an attack on the Capitol during the Inauguration and no evidence to suggest there was any 'Insider threat'.

The FBI - yes, the same FBI proven to have committed Obstruction, illegally spied on damn-near everyone (according to the FISA Court) had engaged in Conspiracy, Perjury, Obstruction, Withholding evidence of Trump's innocence during the 1st Impeachment, and withheld evidence of the Biden family's crimes - vetted the National Guard and has removed 12 members (out of 25,000+) for having connections to Extremist groups and / or due to 'text messages'. 2 were removed for being 'militia' members.....which is NOT illegal.

So Cohen, the Democrats, and the FBI just created the narrative that if you are a white male Conservative in the military, especially who voted fro President Trump, you are now automatically to be considered a 'Potential Threat', a 'Potential INSIDER Threat' whose entire life must be vetted. If you legally belong to a Conservative group, such as a militia, you are to be considered 'guilty' of being a threat and must be removed from certain duties because it is decided you can't be trusted.

This is not a '1-Time thing' but part of the Democrats voiced plan to eliminate / punish / Re-Educate Conservatives:

Biden’s Secretary of Defense Nominee Says
if Confirmed He will “Rid Our Ranks of Racists
and Extremists

"Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense nominee Lloyd Austin said if he is confirmed he will “rid our ranks of racists and extremists.” And by “racists and extremists” he is referring to white male Trump supporters."

Gee, those are the exact words used by Cohen, the exact same people he accused of being 'Threats'.

Ignoring Antifa's and BLM's part in the Capitol violence, Democrats have already declared Conservatives and ALL Trump Supporters (78 MILLION) to be 'Domestic Terrorists' and 'Extremists'. The media, right on cue, began calling for these Americans to be placed in 'Re-Education Centers' (Camps) and to be 'De-Programmed'.

Cohen and Democrats just declared white male Conservatives and Trump supporters who have committed no crimes are to be considered 'Threats' and 'Insider Threats', requiring their removal from duty once accused of being a threat (without due process, as we are seeing in DC).

Weeks ago, after President Trump lost the election, one news outlet ran an article calling for the 'PURGE' of Conservatives / Trump Supporters. The backlash was swift, as the call for a 'Purge' was too soon. The news outlet pulled the article, altered it to eliminate the call for a 'purge'...but in the last few days the call for the 'Purge' has come again from news outlets and FORMER-'journalists' like Katie Couric.

Enough time has passed. The 'Purge' is beginning.

Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
That's a lot of irrational hate to hold onto. You should release that for your own health.
I hate no one. I do deeply despise Dump and all the others liars that conned you though.
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
That's a lot of irrational hate to hold onto. You should release that for your own health.
I hate no one. I do deeply despise Dump and all the others liars that conned you though.
Uh, you just accused almost 80 million people you don't know of being not only a security threat, but insane or stupid. That's irrational hate. Then you turn around and say, "I hate no one"?. Nope, not buying it.

You don't do that without hate.
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
That's a lot of irrational hate to hold onto. You should release that for your own health.
I hate no one. I do deeply despise Dump and all the others liars that conned you though.
Uh, you just accused almost 80 million people you don't know of being not only a security threat, but insane or stupid. That's irrational hate. Then you turn around and say, "I hate no one"?. Nope, not buying it.

You don't do that without hate.
I only accused 70 million and that's not hate and I could care less what you are buying. That's stating a fact. I know you don't like facts but that's something you're going to have to come to grips with.
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Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.

Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
That's a lot of irrational hate to hold onto. You should release that for your own health.
I hate no one. I do deeply despise Dump and all the others liars that conned you though.
"Despise" means "hate", you fucking imbecile. :laugh:
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
This is what Democrats think.

People like this are dangerous and they are coming for Americans, especially "white" ones, but even that will expand.
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
This is what Democrats think.

People like this are dangerous and they are coming for Americans, especially "white" ones, but even that will expand.
I'm sure there are a lot of Dems that agree with me and other independents. No one is coming for you. You clowns will just become irrelevant.
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
This is what Democrats think.

People like this are dangerous and they are coming for Americans, especially "white" ones, but even that will expand.
I'm sure there are a lot of Dems that agree with me and other independents. No one is coming for you. You clowns will just become irrelevant.
Most Democrats agree with the democrats in congress saying they need to round up Trump supporters. When they do start, you will approve just like you approve over their censorship.
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
That's a lot of irrational hate to hold onto. You should release that for your own health.
I hate no one. I do deeply despise Dump and all the others liars that conned you though.
Uh, you just accused almost 80 million people you don't know of being not only a security threat, but insane or stupid. That's irrational hate. Then you turn around and say, "I hate no one"?. Nope, not buying it.

You don't do that without hate.
I only accused 70 million and that's not hate. That's stating a fact. I know you don't like facts but that's something you're going to have to come to grips with.

Where can I sign up for your gulag list COMMIE?
Anyone that voted for Dump is a national security threat. You'd have to be criminally insane or criminally stupid to have voted for that orange piece of chit.
This is what Democrats think.

People like this are dangerous and they are coming for Americans, especially "white" ones, but even that will expand.
I'm sure there are a lot of Dems that agree with me and other independents. No one is coming for you. You clowns will just become irrelevant.
Most Democrats agree with the democrats in congress saying they need to round up Trump supporters. When they do start, you will approve just like you approve over their censorship.
I'm an independent and I agree with rounding up any Dump supporters that knowingly lied and assisted the insurrection.

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