Dem Gov. Cuomo Let’s a Terrorist Cop Killer Go Free

Weather Underground......??

Say, isn't that the organization founded by The Lying Cocksucker's bestest buddy, Bill Ayers and his total whore of a wife, Bernie Dohrn? Not kidding about the whore part. She really was. She and a couple of her whore friends went to Cuba and fucked their way through the Country. They claimed HUNDREDS soldiers they literally fucked.

You know, Bill Ayers, the guy that actually wrote the Lying Cocksucker's books. Bernie Dohrn, you know, the girl that invented the 'Fork Salute' in honor of the Manson Killings. Because she thought it was really SooperKool that the Manson people stuck a fork in one of their dead victims and sat down to have lunch.

The same Bill Ayers that was on the cover f the New Yorker Magazine on 9/11/01 standing on an American Flag.

You know, the one that said, "Guilty as sin, free as a bird. What a great Country."

NONE of this is made up, people.

THIS is the scum that runs the dimocrap FILTH party of today.
Weather Underground......??

Say, isn't that the organization founded by The Lying Cocksucker's bestest buddy, Bill Ayers and his total whore of a wife, Bernie Dohrn? Not kidding about the whore part. She really was. She and a couple of her whore friends went to Cuba and fucked their way through the Country. They claimed HUNDREDS soldiers they literally fucked.

You know, Bill Ayers, the guy that actually wrote the Lying Cocksucker's books. Bernie Dohrn, you know, the girl that invented the 'Fork Salute' in honor of the Manson Killings. Because she thought it was really SooperKool that the Manson people stuck a fork in one of their dead victims and sat down to have lunch.

The same Bill Ayers that was on the cover f the New Yorker Magazine on 9/11/01 standing on an American Flag.

You know, the one that said, "Guilty as sin, free as a bird. What a great Country."

NONE of this is made up, people.

THIS is the scum that runs the dimocrap FILTH party of today.
Yep. It’s where the “Neo-Marxist Democratic Party” traces it’s roots back to. Anti-American political movement.

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