Demcrats, killing school vouchers, looting Food Stamps, soooo care for poor


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Read it all here:

If Democrats Cared About ‘the Children,’ They Would Reinstate the DC Voucher Program - Big Government

That is, if your Democrat handlers allow you to read any thing but Whitehouse press releases. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

How do Democrats get away lecturing tax payers about thier "patriotic duty" (as Joe Biden put it) to pay higher and higher taxes to "help the poor" while they cut and raid every program that helps the poor.

They have told us for GENERATIONS these programs are necessary for the poor and all on the backs of working Americans.

Now you can argue about whether food stamps is necessary, but EDUCATION to help the poor, that's another matter. Nothing helps the poor more than getting a good education to find good jobs and lift themselves out.

Why is it liberals are so against the poor getting anything but mediocre (at best) educations, that guarantee's they will probably need handouts the rest of their lives just to get by?

Read it all here:

If Democrats Cared About ‘the Children,’ They Would Reinstate the DC Voucher Program - Big Government

That is, if your Democrat handlers allow you to read any thing but Whitehouse press releases. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

How do Democrats get away lecturing tax payers about thier "patriotic duty" (as Joe Biden put it) to pay higher and higher taxes to "help the poor" while they cut and raid every program that helps the poor.

They have told us for GENERATIONS these programs are necessary for the poor and all on the backs of working Americans.

Now you can argue about whether food stamps is necessary, but EDUCATION to help the poor, that's another matter. Nothing helps the poor more than getting a good education to find good jobs and lift themselves out.

Why is it liberals are so against the poor getting anything but mediocre (at best) educations, that guarantee's they will probably need handouts the rest of their lives just to get by?

Gotta keep'em poor.
The slaughter machine needs recruits !
Voucher programs seriously hurt the poor.
Private schools and public schools that are good have little or no openings. And the small openings they do have with private schools are too expensive for a middle income parent to afford. How does a $5K voucher help a middle income, much less a poor, family send a kid to a private school that costs 12K a year to attend? How does a public school voucher for full price help a middle income kid get to a good school of their "choice" if that school is 40 miles away?
How do Democrats get away lecturing tax payers about thier "patriotic duty" (as Joe Biden put it) to pay higher and higher taxes to "help the poor" while they cut and raid every program that helps the poor.

You know the majority of that $26 billion passed last week is going to state Medicaid programs right?
voucher programs are intended to suck the money out of public schools, starve them til you can drown them in the bathtub, so to speak. the plan is then to fund parochial school education and destroy secular thought and really make sure we can't compete in the world. :thup:

it has NOTHING to do with giving the poor anything. but keep on lying.
For the Dimocrats the plan is quite simple. The dumber they are the easier they are to control and exploit for their votes. Been working like a charm and the prospects for an even easier future look good.
How do Democrats get away lecturing tax payers about thier "patriotic duty" (as Joe Biden put it) to pay higher and higher taxes to "help the poor" while they cut and raid every program that helps the poor.

You know the majority of that $26 billion passed last week is going to state Medicaid programs right?

The $12 billion they are pulling from food stamps is going to the jobs program for teachers, as is the rest of the $26 billion they are spending. How exactly does that count as Medicaid?
voucher programs are intended to suck the money out of public schools, starve them til you can drown them in the bathtub, so to speak. the plan is then to fund parochial school education and destroy secular thought and really make sure we can't compete in the world. :thup:

it has NOTHING to do with giving the poor anything. but keep on lying.

And we all know that public schools help everyone.

The funny thing about all of this is that Obama promised he would try anything to see if it worked, yet the first thing he did when he got in office was move to cut funding for the single most popular, and effective, voucher program in the country. He has since worked steadily to cut all funding for voucher programs despite the success rate they have demonstrated. He does all of this because, like you, he believes these programs suck funding from public schools, which don't work no matter how much money we spend on them.
How do Democrats get away lecturing tax payers about thier "patriotic duty" (as Joe Biden put it) to pay higher and higher taxes to "help the poor" while they cut and raid every program that helps the poor.

You know the majority of that $26 billion passed last week is going to state Medicaid programs right?

The $12 billion they are pulling from food stamps is going to the jobs program for teachers, as is the rest of the $26 billion they are spending. How exactly does that count as Medicaid?

$16.1 billion of that money is going to state Medicaid programs. The bulk of that bill was Medicaid funding, with the remainder going to state education budgets.
I remember when private school parents wanted to have the public school buses pick up their kids and take them to the private schools. They showed up at the school board meetings with their "They pass right by our houses too" signs. Next they want use of the athletic fields,biology labs,libraries and so on at the publicschools.
All vouchers have ever been is an attermpt to force government to pay the tuition of private school kids.
You know the majority of that $26 billion passed last week is going to state Medicaid programs right?

The $12 billion they are pulling from food stamps is going to the jobs program for teachers, as is the rest of the $26 billion they are spending. How exactly does that count as Medicaid?

$16.1 billion of that money is going to state Medicaid programs. The bulk of that bill was Medicaid funding, with the remainder going to state education budgets.

I still do not get why taking money that is being used to keep people alive, ie Food Stamps, is a good thing, even if it is used to to pay for health care. If they are starving all the health care in the world is not going to help.

BTW, I think we are referring to different bills. I am talking about the jobs bill that just passed. I am talking about HR 5044.
I am all for rebating school taxes paid by parents for their children to go to a private school.
However I do not want my school taxes I paid to go to that purpose.

I thought that cons were against taking my money for privitized socialistic purposes?
Maybe the key here is privatization of tax money?

when the market is saturated and all consumer money is spent where does business go for more money?
Taxes of course. Medicare advantage, privatized prisons, schools, etc.
I am all for rebating school taxes paid by parents for their children to go to a private school.
However I do not want my school taxes I paid to go to that purpose.

I thought that cons were against taking my money for privitized socialistic purposes?
Maybe the key here is privatization of tax money?

when the market is saturated and all consumer money is spent where does business go for more money?
Taxes of course. Medicare advantage, privatized prisons, schools, etc.

So everyone that is against war can get a rebate for tax $ spent on the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
I do not think so.
voucher programs are intended to suck the money out of public schools, starve them til you can drown them in the bathtub, so to speak. the plan is then to fund parochial school education and destroy secular thought and really make sure we can't compete in the world. :thup:

it has NOTHING to do with giving the poor anything. but keep on lying.

And we all know that public schools help everyone.

The funny thing about all of this is that Obama promised he would try anything to see if it worked, yet the first thing he did when he got in office was move to cut funding for the single most popular, and effective, voucher program in the country. He has since worked steadily to cut all funding for voucher programs despite the success rate they have demonstrated. He does all of this because, like you, he believes these programs suck funding from public schools, which don't work no matter how much money we spend on them.

i love people who start with the 'public schools don't work' trash. some do. some don't. increase funding to programs like head start. teach at risk parents how to work with their children from the time they're little. those thigns do work. and nyc in particular has had incredible success with its public schools.

your arguments are an excuse to get government-funded parochial schools.

thanks but no thanks.
voucher programs are intended to suck the money out of public schools, starve them til you can drown them in the bathtub, so to speak. the plan is then to fund parochial school education and destroy secular thought and really make sure we can't compete in the world. :thup:

it has NOTHING to do with giving the poor anything. but keep on lying.

And we all know that public schools help everyone.

The funny thing about all of this is that Obama promised he would try anything to see if it worked, yet the first thing he did when he got in office was move to cut funding for the single most popular, and effective, voucher program in the country. He has since worked steadily to cut all funding for voucher programs despite the success rate they have demonstrated. He does all of this because, like you, he believes these programs suck funding from public schools, which don't work no matter how much money we spend on them.

it said it was cut FOR D.C., did the article say it was cut for all of the usa too?

D.C. is the biggest drawing pork barrel state or gets more federal taxes spent on them per person than any state in the union vs what they pay in income some point, enough is enough, no?
voucher programs are intended to suck the money out of public schools, starve them til you can drown them in the bathtub, so to speak. the plan is then to fund parochial school education and destroy secular thought and really make sure we can't compete in the world. :thup:

it has NOTHING to do with giving the poor anything. but keep on lying.

And we all know that public schools help everyone.

The funny thing about all of this is that Obama promised he would try anything to see if it worked, yet the first thing he did when he got in office was move to cut funding for the single most popular, and effective, voucher program in the country. He has since worked steadily to cut all funding for voucher programs despite the success rate they have demonstrated. He does all of this because, like you, he believes these programs suck funding from public schools, which don't work no matter how much money we spend on them.

it said it was cut FOR D.C., did the article say it was cut for all of the usa too?

D.C. is the biggest drawing pork barrel state or gets more federal taxes spent on them per person than any state in the union vs what they pay in income some point, enough is enough, no?

Care, cutting spending is only ok if we cut spending on something we do not like ;)
Voucher programs seriously hurt the poor.
Private schools and public schools that are good have little or no openings. And the small openings they do have with private schools are too expensive for a middle income parent to afford. How does a $5K voucher help a middle income, much less a poor, family send a kid to a private school that costs 12K a year to attend? How does a public school voucher for full price help a middle income kid get to a good school of their "choice" if that school is 40 miles away?

I agree with the 40 miles away thing... I dont know anything about where you are located, but I know in my little town there are several private schools to choose from.
As far as the money issue goes, its called sacrafice. You sacrafice some other item in your life to send your kids to a place where the teachers actually care about the kids, and giving them a good education is more important than fat paycheck.
Its not easy to do. I know.. all 3 of my kids go to private school with NO voucher what so ever. My wife and I could have a REALLY nice luxury car for the money we spend to send our kids to a school of OUR choosing.
It was our decision and it has payed off with great dividends.... My 15 yr old went with her 18 yr old sister to take the college entrance exam & they both passed with flying colors.

I wish I had an answer for families who truly cant afford to send their kids where they would like to. Alot of it goes back to decisions they made while they were young... do I want to try harder in school... do I want to go to college or I want to have sex with this chick & risk an unwanted pregnancy.... do I want to party with my homies or go to bed early and get a better job? All these decisions weighed heavy on me when I was a young man, but I had a vision. A vision that included being able to pay for my kds to go to private school someday.

Bottom line... if a family is on the edge, but cant quite make the payment. The voucher works for them... and I would say that is help.

I remember when private school parents wanted to have the public school buses pick up their kids and take them to the private schools. They showed up at the school board meetings with their "They pass right by our houses too" signs. Next they want use of the athletic fields,biology labs,libraries and so on at the publicschools.
All vouchers have ever been is an attermpt to force government to pay the tuition of private school kids.

I dont see why anyone needs the school bus. My wife and I commute our kids to and from school ourselves, its called being involved in their lives. So with that being said. I am paying taxes just like all of my neighbors. Those taxes help build those schools, athletic fields, biology labs, etc etc....

I personally would'nt act like an idiot with a goofy sign, but I see their point.
I am all for rebating school taxes paid by parents for their children to go to a private school.
However I do not want my school taxes I paid to go to that purpose.

I thought that cons were against taking my money for privitized socialistic purposes?
Maybe the key here is privatization of tax money?

when the market is saturated and all consumer money is spent where does business go for more money?
Taxes of course. Medicare advantage, privatized prisons, schools, etc.

Personally, I am against federal involvement in schools at all, but if they are going to take my money and throw it at education I would prefer they at least threw it at things that work.
I dont see why anyone needs the school bus. My wife and I commute our kids to and from school ourselves, its called being involved in their lives. So with that being said. I am paying taxes just like all of my neighbors. Those taxes help build those schools, athletic fields, biology labs, etc etc....

I personally would'nt act like an idiot with a goofy sign, but I see their point.

we also bring our son to and from school. but ... not everyone can do that depending on work schedule. the only reason it works for me is that his school is on the way to where i work. that gets me to work about an hour early, which is fine.

but, if he ends up in a high school with split session then it's going to be a problem.
i love people who start with the 'public schools don't work' trash. some do. some don't. increase funding to programs like head start. teach at risk parents how to work with their children from the time they're little. those thigns do work. and nyc in particular has had incredible success with its public schools.

your arguments are an excuse to get government-funded parochial schools.

thanks but no thanks.

I do not want the federal government, or any government for that matter, involved in education in any way, shape, or form, but thanks for reading my mind and telling me what I want. You are about as accurate as the guy who uses tea leaves, and are far cheaper, so I can enjoy it.

Head Start, and all other programs touted by the experts, only work if the effort is continued throughout the child's education. Nothing works if the child gets it for one year, and then has to go back to a class structure aimed at the lowest common denominator. The reason children of more affluent parents tend to do better in school overall is because they have access to resources not available to children of economically disadvantaged parents.

That said, the reason public schools do not work in general is the teachers, some are good, and some are not. While a particular school can make a difference, a good teacher makes a larger difference than all of the money in the world. But what happens when the teacher's union is presented with something that is so simple that it is obvious? They threaten anyone who tries to point it out, just like they did in LA today.

Teachers Union Threatens Boycott Against Struggling LA Times | The Moderate Voice

The problem with public schools is pretty simple, it is the teacher's union. You can point to the few successes, like Head Start, and the rare good schools, but the fact is that the system is broken. The fact that it works occasionally is not proof that it works, it is just proof that some people can make it work despite the problems.

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