Democrat Harris vows executive action gun control if elected president

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
First, she won't be elected. Second, if she did manage to get elected, that move would be struck down immediately because a president cannot unilaterally undo a Constitutional amendment. This shows how utterly stupid Harris is.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President

This bitch thinks she will do that, these idiots do not know what the American spirit will do when you threaten our rights you democratic dumb bitch!!

Wow, your hate of women is amazing. What would you call a man who made such a promise?

Sen. Harris isn't dumb by an stretch, I suspect her vow is an empty threat, one to get the attention of the voters that she supports common sense gun controls, which The Congress can create.

It's time to put the lassize faire efforts by the NRA and the gun lobby out to lunch. The Sen. is cognizant that a large number of new voters be voting in 2020, and they have been moved by Parkland and too many other horrific murders on campus', at concerts and movie theaters.

And NO, she is not advocating the confiscation of every gun in the hands of private citizens - that meme is a BIG LIE.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President

This bitch thinks she will do that, these idiots do not know what the American spirit will do when you threaten our rights you democratic dumb bitch!!
These idiots know they can't do it.

They're just pandering to their Fascist base.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President

This bitch thinks she will do that, these idiots do not know what the American spirit will do when you threaten our rights you democratic dumb bitch!!
These idiots know they can't do it.

They're just pandering to their Fascist base.

Your use of the word "Fascist" demonstrates your ignorance. Being a good liberal I will explain why, and open up your thinking, if that is possible.

"Fascism" capitalized refers only to Mussolini's Italy; other fascist regimes are spelled using the lower case "f".

There are a large number of history books, encyclopedias and lexicons which you can source and edify yourself.

Sadly, the ignorant have come to believe that fascism is
Left Wing and thus equivalent to communism (which has never existed, other than as a theory); the only commonality between the Extreme Right Wing & the Extreme Left Wing is they are governed by a despot and the despots party: (f)ascism is Right Wing and Socialism is Left Wing.

Social Democracies are not extreme, and reflect the political philosophy which commenced in the Age of the Enlightenment.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President

This bitch thinks she will do that, these idiots do not know what the American spirit will do when you threaten our rights you democratic dumb bitch!!

Wow, your hate of women is amazing. What would you call a man who made such a promise?

Sen. Harris isn't dumb by an stretch, I suspect her vow is an empty threat, one to get the attention of the voters that she supports common sense gun controls, which The Congress can create.

It's time to put the lassize faire efforts by the NRA and the gun lobby out to lunch. The Sen. is cognizant that a large number of new voters be voting in 2020, and they have been moved by Parkland and too many other horrific murders on campus', at concerts and movie theaters.

And NO, she is not advocating the confiscation of every gun in the hands of private citizens - that meme is a BIG LIE.

Which gender is MindWars ? Do you know?
First, she won't be elected. Second, if she did manage to get elected, that move would be struck down immediately because a president cannot unilaterally undo a Constitutional amendment. This shows how utterly stupid Harris is.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, who is running to be the Democrat nominee for President has vowed to enact strict gun control measures by executive order within the first 100 days, if she is elected.
Video: Democrat Harris Vows Executive Action Gun Control If Elected President

This bitch thinks she will do that, these idiots do not know what the American spirit will do when you threaten our rights you democratic dumb bitch!!

Wow, your hate of women is amazing. What would you call a man who made such a promise?

Sen. Harris isn't dumb by an stretch, I suspect her vow is an empty threat, one to get the attention of the voters that she supports common sense gun controls, which The Congress can create.

It's time to put the lassize faire efforts by the NRA and the gun lobby out to lunch. The Sen. is cognizant that a large number of new voters be voting in 2020, and they have been moved by Parkland and too many other horrific murders on campus', at concerts and movie theaters.

And NO, she is not advocating the confiscation of every gun in the hands of private citizens - that meme is a BIG LIE.

Which gender is MindWars ? Do you know?

No, does it matter? There are women I've known who have no women friends.

Do you have anything of substance to ask?
Your use of the word "Fascist" demonstrates your ignorance. Being a good liberal I will explain why, and open up your thinking, if that is possible.

"Fascism" capitalized refers only to Mussolini's Italy; other fascist regimes are spelled using the lower case "f".

There are a large number of history books, encyclopedias and lexicons which you can source and edify yourself.

Sadly, the ignorant have come to believe that fascism is
Left Wing and thus equivalent to communism (which has never existed, other than as a theory); the only commonality between the Extreme Right Wing & the Extreme Left Wing is they are governed by a despot and the despots party: (f)ascism is Right Wing and Socialism is Left Wing.

Social Democracies are not extreme, and reflect the political philosophy which commenced in the Age of the Enlightenment.
In other words...


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