Democrat Ladies & Wax Museums

Flanders should have played fair and included the Democrats all time fave pin-up girl, Mrs Elenor Rooseveldt. Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the leftest of them all .................
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All scary women, the lot of them. Not to be off topic ... but I guess I am ... my thing has been Ruth Ginsburg - scares the hell out of me. Until yesterday (or maybe day before yesterday) I had never heard the sound of her voice. (That's what I get for channel surfing.) My only "image" of her has been to "see" her in a Nazi woman's uniform like maybe a female soldier assigned to a death camp or something. I don't see the black robe. But that voice ... I know she was born in America, but that voice had what seemed to me to be very heavily German accented. Sent a c-h-i-l-l through me.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is jewish.

There are many people who are jewish who speak with german accent. BTW, Ginsburg does not speak with a German accent. If you think that is a German accent, then you are absolutely batshit crazy.

The language is not the same as one chapter of history, from 1933-1945. German is also the language of Goedel, Escher, Bach, Goethe and Einstein, just to name some. Were they nazis? Nope.

Really, you cannot possibly be this stupid and ignorant, can you?

Do you have even the slightest inkling of an idea of how utterly repugnant it is to equate a Jew with nazis, after the horrible brutality of the nazi-era?
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All scary women, the lot of them. Not to be off topic ... but I guess I am ... my thing has been Ruth Ginsburg - scares the hell out of me. Until yesterday (or maybe day before yesterday) I had never heard the sound of her voice. (That's what I get for channel surfing.) My only "image" of her has been to "see" her in a Nazi woman's uniform like maybe a female soldier assigned to a death camp or something. I don't see the black robe. But that voice ... I know she was born in America, but that voice had what seemed to me to be very heavily German accented. Sent a c-h-i-l-l through me.

"German accent"??


Did I watch the wrong video?

No, she just invoked Godwin over a woman who herself is jewish.

pretty fucking disgusting. Some people here in USMB are simply batshit crazy. And that one is totally batshit crazy.
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Uh - that's not Elders embarrassing Clinton (there was only one that was POTUS btw) ---

To Pogo: If I thought you had an ounce of intelligence I would assume you are simply trying to distance then-co-president Hillary Clinton from her healthcare disaster before her 2016 presidential campaign begins. It’s a testament to your stupidity that you simply do not know she exercised all of the authority of an “elected” co-president. Come 2016 Hillary Clinton needs to distance herself from a lot more than HillaryCare.

Indeed, only one president was sworn in, but if you bother to read the linked article from 2008 you’ll never again be able to say
“. . . there was only one that was POTUS . . .”.

Records reveal 'Co-President Hillary'
'She was meeting with Cabinet level officials on a daily basis'
Published: 03/19/2008 at 2:23 PM

Records reveal ?Co-President Hillary?

If my selection is not enough for you do a little research and you’ll find a lot more about the “Two for the price of one Presidency.”
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Uh - that's not Elders embarrassing Clinton (there was only one that was POTUS btw) ---

To Pogo: If I thought you had an ounce of intelligence I would assume you are simply trying to distance then-co-president Hillary Clinton from her healthcare disaster before her 2016 presidential campaign begins. It’s a testament to your stupidity that you simply do not know she exercised all of the authority of an “elected” co-president. Come 2016 Hillary Clinton needs to distance herself from a lot more than HillaryCare.

Actually it's a testament to my failure to read the fantasy comic you apparently live in, "Butthurt Monthly".

Oh look -- here it comes now:

Indeed, only one president was sworn in, but if you bother to read the linked article from 2008 you’ll never again be able to say “. . . there was only one that was POTUS . . .”.

Records reveal 'Co-President Hillary'
'She was meeting with Cabinet level officials on a daily basis'
Published: 03/19/2008 at 2:23 PM

Records reveal ?Co-President Hillary?

If my selection is not enough for you do a little research and you’ll find a lot more about the “Two for the price of one Presidency.”


Wake me when you want to address my point about Jocelyn Elders and Bull Clinton's spinelessness in firing her as he caved to Moral Majority bullshit. Until then...

I hope it would be a museum that only asked for donations, and did not charge outright, and that anyone who did donate got a puke bag in return.
Conservatives do not have to worry about female governors just yet. The real concern comes when they make a move on the US Senate:

Dec 23, 2:50 AM EST
Democrats work to raise number of female governors
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius are two classic Democrat females. Both were governors before going off to help the Democrats spy on Americans, and tear down the best healthcare system in the world. Had those two losers remained governors the country never would have found out just how terrible they are.

Note that Sebelius’ exchanges also spy on Americans by demanding a lot of personal information. Neither the NSA nor HillaryCare II protects the information they gather. Surely the information being accumulated through coercion in the healthcare system is at least as unconstitutional as is the stuff in NSA files.

Martha Coakley, the Attorney General in Massachusetts, is my favorite Democrat wannabe running for governor. Happily, a few years ago she failed in her bid to become a US Senator. Sadly, she will probably try again if she can add governor to her résumé.

She’s a disaster no matter where she lands. Example:

I find it ludicrous that liberals do everything they can do to give rapists a pass. Failing at acquittals Democrat judges hand out ridiculous light sentences. Democrats then turn around and claim they are for women. Coakley moves the liberal ball further down the field. The ACLU is famous for getting guilty people out of jail, while Coakley is well-known for keeping innocent people in jail after she put them there.

NOTE: Senator Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren is another winner from Massachusetts. Coakley and Warren in the US Senate together in the future would rival the evil done by Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.

If you know nothing else about Democrat ladies running for governor know this. Female Democrat governors are made of the same stuff as the bunch who showed their true colors after they got to Washington. Need I do more than name a few! Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson Lee, Valerie Jarrett, Suzy Five Shows, Samantha Power, Madeleine Albright, Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Sarah Hall Ingram, Lisa P. Jackson, Gina McCarthy, Carol M. Browner, Lois Lerner, Celia Roady, Jen Psaki, and the always popular Joycelyn Elders.

I apologize to Democrats for not listing every one of their stars who had so much to do with bringing the country to its present state of ruin.

I do not want to spoil your Christmas, but try to imagine these ladies as exhibits in a wax museum of horrors:


Hillary Clinton


Nancy Pelosi


Diane Feinstein​


Barbara Boxer


Elizabeth Warren


Sheila Jackson Lee


Valerie Jarrett


Susan Rice


Janet Napolitano​


Kathleen Sebelius


Samantha Power


Madeleine Albright


Ruth Ginsburg


Elena Kagan


Sonia Sotomayor


Sarah Hall Ingram


Lisa P. Jackson


Carol M. Browner


Gina McCarthy


Lois Lerner


Celia Roady


Jen Psaki


Joycelyn Elders​

98 % of them look like and prolly are ugly bitter hateful lesbians.​
Conservatives do not have to worry about female governors just yet. The real concern comes when they make a move on the US Senate:

Dec 23, 2:50 AM EST
Democrats work to raise number of female governors
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius are two classic Democrat females. Both were governors before going off to help the Democrats spy on Americans, and tear down the best healthcare system in the world. Had those two losers remained governors the country never would have found out just how terrible they are.

Note that Sebelius’ exchanges also spy on Americans by demanding a lot of personal information. Neither the NSA nor HillaryCare II protects the information they gather. Surely the information being accumulated through coercion in the healthcare system is at least as unconstitutional as is the stuff in NSA files.

Martha Coakley, the Attorney General in Massachusetts, is my favorite Democrat wannabe running for governor. Happily, a few years ago she failed in her bid to become a US Senator. Sadly, she will probably try again if she can add governor to her résumé.

She’s a disaster no matter where she lands. Example:

I find it ludicrous that liberals do everything they can do to give rapists a pass. Failing at acquittals Democrat judges hand out ridiculous light sentences. Democrats then turn around and claim they are for women. Coakley moves the liberal ball further down the field. The ACLU is famous for getting guilty people out of jail, while Coakley is well-known for keeping innocent people in jail after she put them there.

NOTE: Senator Elizabeth “Cherokee” Warren is another winner from Massachusetts. Coakley and Warren in the US Senate together in the future would rival the evil done by Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.

If you know nothing else about Democrat ladies running for governor know this. Female Democrat governors are made of the same stuff as the bunch who showed their true colors after they got to Washington. Need I do more than name a few! Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson Lee, Valerie Jarrett, Suzy Five Shows, Samantha Power, Madeleine Albright, Ruth Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Sarah Hall Ingram, Lisa P. Jackson, Gina McCarthy, Carol M. Browner, Lois Lerner, Celia Roady, Jen Psaki, and the always popular Joycelyn Elders.

I apologize to Democrats for not listing every one of their stars who had so much to do with bringing the country to its present state of ruin.

I do not want to spoil your Christmas, but try to imagine these ladies as exhibits in a wax museum of horrors:

Hillary Clinton


Nancy Pelosi


Diane Feinstein​


Barbara Boxer


Elizabeth Warren


Sheila Jackson Lee


Valerie Jarrett


Susan Rice


Janet Napolitano​


Kathleen Sebelius


Samantha Power


Madeleine Albright


Ruth Ginsburg


Elena Kagan


Sonia Sotomayor


Sarah Hall Ingram


Lisa P. Jackson


Carol M. Browner


Gina McCarthy


Lois Lerner


Celia Roady


Jen Psaki


Joycelyn Elders​

98 % of them look like and prolly are ugly bitter hateful lesbians.​

What the blue fuck does either trait have to do with public service, competence or accomplishment?

Smatter? Intimidated by powerful women? Fucking misogynistic idiot.​
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P.S. Don't forget Wendy Davis, who worked her way through law school to successful run for office, re-election, and now for Governor:
Wendy Davis (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hmmmm food for thought, thank you Flanders.

I was about to call it quits on the whole political thing, as a liberal Democrat who CANNOT figure out HOW the ACA is in any way "prochoice" if it is penalizing citizens over the free choice of how to pay for our own health care that we had BEFORE this thing was passed.

but reading your post, maybe I should take on the challenge.

To call out to Democrat women who break this stereotype.
And maybe don a Catwoman outfit and make fun of the whole arch-liberal arch-villain
labels of making caricature images of people just to assassinate them in the media.

I could be the arch-enemy karmic opposite of you and other "arch-conservatives" !
Going against the establishment, as all the bad good guys do, all the rogue vigilantes!

You're right that the Democrats especially the women need an image change.
About as much as the Republicans need to lose the image of stick in the mud, "racist"
wealthy white males who want to put women back in the kitchen or in alleys with hangers.

Wendy Davis: Single mother from trailer park who has become heroine of pro-choice movement - Americas - World - The Independent
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Hmmmm food for thought, thank you Flanders.

I was about to call it quits on the whole political thing, as a liberal Democrat who CANNOT figure out HOW the ACA is in any way "prochoice" if it is penalizing citizens over the free choice of how to pay for our own health care that we had BEFORE this thing was passed.

but reading your post, maybe I should take on the challenge.

To emilynghiem: I cannot ask for more.

You're right that the Democrats especially the women need an image change.

To emilynghiem: CORRECTION. I can ask for more. Democrat women need to change.
Hmmmm food for thought, thank you Flanders.

I was about to call it quits on the whole political thing, as a liberal Democrat who CANNOT figure out HOW the ACA is in any way "prochoice" if it is penalizing citizens over the free choice of how to pay for our own health care that we had BEFORE this thing was passed.

but reading your post, maybe I should take on the challenge.

To emilynghiem: I cannot ask for more.

You're right that the Democrats especially the women need an image change.

To emilynghiem: CORRECTION. I can ask for more. Democrat women need to change.

"Everybody needs to change to suit me".

"Because I post in big bold fonts. That's how you can see I'm superior".
Hmmmm food for thought, thank you Flanders.

I was about to call it quits on the whole political thing, as a liberal Democrat who CANNOT figure out HOW the ACA is in any way "prochoice" if it is penalizing citizens over the free choice of how to pay for our own health care that we had BEFORE this thing was passed.

but reading your post, maybe I should take on the challenge.

To emilynghiem: I cannot ask for more.

You're right that the Democrats especially the women need an image change.

To emilynghiem: CORRECTION. I can ask for more. Democrat women need to change.

The reason I don't disagree with you is that everyone in every party needs to change.
Whoever wants to go first, doesn't really matter, the change will co-influence other change all around. the whole system needs to open up to more collaboration on sustainable solutions and ethical constitutional standards. We all have to open up and grow with it, you and me included. That is how comprehensive the changes are, inside and out, local and global.
We take our same principles, but expand on them to include and apply universally all around, not just for our own interests but for all people and groups equally with the same respect we ask for us.

In agreement with you, because it symbolizes how all things need the same reform.
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Hmmmm food for thought, thank you Flanders.

I was about to call it quits on the whole political thing, as a liberal Democrat who CANNOT figure out HOW the ACA is in any way "prochoice" if it is penalizing citizens over the free choice of how to pay for our own health care that we had BEFORE this thing was passed.

but reading your post, maybe I should take on the challenge.

To emilynghiem: I cannot ask for more.

You're right that the Democrats especially the women need an image change.

To emilynghiem: CORRECTION. I can ask for more. Democrat women need to change.

"Everybody needs to change to suit me".

"Because I post in big bold fonts. That's how you can see I'm superior".

Not to worry. Using bold face type does not make Flanders better than me.
Because I can still fit in a tiny gold sequined antique dress
that looks like a million bucks, though I bought on resale
from a local tenant in the historic district where I live.

So if anyone criticizes me for going to a Christmas party
all dressed up while fellow Democrats spend millions of
dollars destroying the historic district I work two jobs to try to save,
I can say so what if our party is a bunch of rich hypocrites.

At least I look pretty (in this one picture at least)
and less like a Nazi hag than the "fellow" Democrat Ladies in office!
ppbbfftt! (in real life, OK, I admit I look like a homeless bag lady)


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try to imagine these ladies as exhibits in a wax museum of horrors:


Hillary Clinton


Nancy Pelosi


Diane Feinstein​


Barbara Boxer


Elizabeth Warren


Sheila Jackson Lee


Valerie Jarrett


Susan Rice


Janet Napolitano​


Kathleen Sebelius


Samantha Power


Madeleine Albright


Ruth Ginsburg


Elena Kagan


Sonia Sotomayor


Sarah Hall Ingram


Lisa P. Jackson


Carol M. Browner


Gina McCarthy


Lois Lerner


Celia Roady


Jen Psaki


Joycelyn Elders​

What would be even worse than that is if Halloween masks were made in their image for children to wear.

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