Democrat Presidential candidates want to decriminalize intentional transmission of AIDS virus.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....the left wing is insane....let me repeat...the left wing is insane...

The top Presidential Candidate, Elizabeth Warren, and the also rans.....want to decrimnalize knowingly giving someone aids....

Wait... now we're talking about decriminalizing intentional HIV transmission?

Should the intentional withholding of a persons HIV positive status from a prospective sexual partner be decriminalized? Shockingly, several of the candidates agreed with that idea. This, as Brad Palumbo at the Washington Examiner explains, isn’t just bad policy. It’s insanity.

This was a common theme at Thursday night’s CNN town hall focused on gay and transgender issues, sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign. Host Anderson Cooper, for example, called laws criminalizing HIV nondisclosure “antiquated” and based on “old science.” Presidential contender Pete Buttigieg agreed, saying, “It’s not fair and it needs to change.” And both on the CNN stage and in her new LGBT issues platform, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has endorsed decriminalizing HIV transmission as well.
Yes....the left wing is insane....let me repeat...the left wing is insane...

The top Presidential Candidate, Elizabeth Warren, and the also rans.....want to decrimnalize knowingly giving someone aids....

Wait... now we're talking about decriminalizing intentional HIV transmission?

Should the intentional withholding of a persons HIV positive status from a prospective sexual partner be decriminalized? Shockingly, several of the candidates agreed with that idea. This, as Brad Palumbo at the Washington Examiner explains, isn’t just bad policy. It’s insanity.

This was a common theme at Thursday night’s CNN town hall focused on gay and transgender issues, sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign. Host Anderson Cooper, for example, called laws criminalizing HIV nondisclosure “antiquated” and based on “old science.” Presidential contender Pete Buttigieg agreed, saying, “It’s not fair and it needs to change.” And both on the CNN stage and in her new LGBT issues platform, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has endorsed decriminalizing HIV transmission as well.
Not insane, but completely out of their cotton picking brainwashed minds. I remember the boxer that was granted permission to fight way back, even though he was HIV positive. I remember thinking then "you are kidding me right" ? Who would fight the guy ?

Just because something can be controlled by drugs, does that mean that those not infected don't mind being infected now ??

I may be way off or ignorant on this issue, and a cure may have been found, so disregard my words if I am ignorant on such matters. Sounds crazy enough to me though.

If a person intentially gives a person a desease of any kind, then the other person should be able to press charges and seek restitution on such a matter.
Wow, I thought the goal was to attract people, not make them vote for whoever else is on the ballot.

God bless you always!!!


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