Democrat Socialism Based On A Lie

Let's work within your framework.

Bottom line, he who receives without working for it has little incentive to work at all.
Glad you are so supportive of a steep estate tax. Because let's be honest, when someone inherits millions, maybe even billions of dollars, they sure as hell didn't work for it. I mean what incentive do they have to work? And to put an example out there, how many of Sam Walton's heirs work?

Bottom line, he who works/produces without reward has little incentive to work/produce at all.

I know you are talking about financial compensation, but there is more to "reward" than dollars. Appreciation for one's work is the main thing. In fact, when you ask employees what is important to them, their salary barely makes it in to the top five. Appreciation, it is at the top. Workers are not appreciated, nor respected, any more.

But here is my take. If someone is content living on welfare, collecting those minimal benefits, even if it does mean they have a cell phone, internet, cable, and air-conditioning. If that is all that it takes to keep them happy. If that is all the motivation they have. Well damn, I got no problem paying them, if for no other reason than to keep them the hell out of my way. Out of everyone's way. Makes for a much more productive workplace.
Without arguing against your argument, all I can say to this is you completely totally missed the point. :)

When most people aren't working much if at all, government can still prosper because they and the few they favor can (and will) take most of what little is produced. Everybody else will be the poorer for it.
Let's work within your framework.

Bottom line, he who receives without working for it has little incentive to work at all.
Glad you are so supportive of a steep estate tax. Because let's be honest, when someone inherits millions, maybe even billions of dollars, they sure as hell didn't work for it. I mean what incentive do they have to work? And to put an example out there, how many of Sam Walton's heirs work?

Bottom line, he who works/produces without reward has little incentive to work/produce at all.

I know you are talking about financial compensation, but there is more to "reward" than dollars. Appreciation for one's work is the main thing. In fact, when you ask employees what is important to them, their salary barely makes it in to the top five. Appreciation, it is at the top. Workers are not appreciated, nor respected, any more.

But here is my take. If someone is content living on welfare, collecting those minimal benefits, even if it does mean they have a cell phone, internet, cable, and air-conditioning. If that is all that it takes to keep them happy. If that is all the motivation they have. Well damn, I got no problem paying them, if for no other reason than to keep them the hell out of my way. Out of everyone's way. Makes for a much more productive workplace.
Like I said earlier, you're a Marxist and most likely living in mommy's basement living off handouts.
1. If one becomes a parent (and actually love them) and want them to have a good life AND have become financially successful, you want what you earned to be handed off to those children to know they will be fine. I worked my entire life and have a daughter. I have little to show for it, but when I pass on, I'm ensuring that she gets the house, the car and my bank accounts. If I was a millionaire or billionaire, being my daughter, she would get those. I would want her to live the ultra-rich lifestyle I would have clawed my way to gain. Those who whine that they want to have some of the material wealth I would have earned, get out there and work your ass off for your own earnings. I don't want the money that belonged to some ultra-rich person, I didn't "earn" it. People like you see others wealth and are just jealous.
2. If you are not mentally or physically disabled and can hold a job, get out there and work. If you are a woman with children and have been divorced, the ex-husband should pay child support and every dime you spend of that child support must be proven to go strictly for the minor children, not yourself. You should still get out there and get a job as well. The government shouldn't be expected to give you dime one, just because you are lazy. The kids of extremely rich parents, don't have to suck up any money from the government, as that is what they get from their parents, so they can lounge around all they want, as it's their family's money, not the taxpayers.
3. As for "admiration" from work. If you are paid to work eight hours a day, five or six days a week and perform in an "average" manner. That's it. Your reward is that paycheck. If your performance exceeds that of your coworkers, then that's where "employee of the month" and/or monetary bonuses and a handshake come in. That's your reward.
The result of Democrats in power always seems to work against the interests and lives of normal, law-abiding citizens.

"Mayor Eric Adams, the former NYPD captain who took over from De Blasio in 2022, inherited his predecessor’s crises — and failed to overcome them. Adams appeared to appoint friends rather than qualified executives. Four police commissioners have served under him, formerly unheard of. And on the streets, a climate of criminality continued to fester.

The criminal element felt empowered by the revolving door of the criminal-justice system. Nearly 20% of offenders break the law again, according to data released this week by the New York Department of Corrections. Offenders are often released on the same day they are arrested, and many go on to do more harm even as earlier cases against them are still pending. Yet district attorneys like Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg remain committed to so-called restorative justice and diversion programmes that keep criminals on the streets.

All this sends the wrong message to offenders. Criminals have come to believe that crime pays, and there are no consequences; law-abiding New Yorkers live in fear, especially in the confined spaces of the subway system."
They're not on our side.

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