Democrats - analyze the data

Democrats, analyze the data provided in the first two primaries, The majority of voters in the Democratic primaries want a moderate not a far left wing socialist.
Take a look at the polling of independents and disenchanted Republicans; they are more likely to vote for a moderate Democrat then a far left socialist.

If the best our elections can provide is a choice between Sanders and Trump; god help us.

The majority of the US electorate has nuts to the left of them and nuts to the right of them. They have nothing to choose from balanced, moderate well intentioned candidates.

But I would take Sanders over Trump, but very reluctantly

I want all of the over 70’s gone. These people have been in government for 30 years and I blame them for their participation and voting for the policies that got the country to this point.

Admitting they made mistakes in the past just proves you shouldn’t be in office. Biden cosponsored the Crime Bill which resulted in the highest rates of incarceration in the world.

Sanders isn’t even a Democrat and neither is Bloomberg. That leaves Warren, who should have run in 2016, and will be 70 before the election.

I’m thrilled to see Buttigieg and Klobuchar do so well last night. I’d take either but Amy has more and better experience.
As a person who turns 70 this year, I agree with you.

I'll be 71 in May. The Boomers need to let go and let the next generation take over. As the USA has risen militarily, it has come at a terrible cost to your nation and your people. 4% of your GDP goes to weapons and war is a lose/lose situation. You've been at war for nearly 20 years - and it's depleted your nation.

Get rid of the old farts and get some new ideas. The old farts all want to go backwards to "better" times. Except Sanders, and he's not a Demcrat.
I agree 100%. I see older people, especially men, have a hard time to let go and move on. They work hard to stay the primary in their field when it is time for a new role.
Democrats, analyze the data provided in the first two primaries, The majority of voters in the Democratic primaries want a moderate not a far left wing socialist.
Take a look at the polling of independents and disenchanted Republicans; they are more likely to vote for a moderate Democrat then a far left socialist.

If the best our elections can provide is a choice between Sanders and Trump; god help us.

The majority of the US electorate has nuts to the left of them and nuts to the right of them. They have nothing to choose from balanced, moderate well intentioned candidates.

But I would take Sanders over Trump, but very reluctantly

I am always amazed at people who look at two very different candidates, one on the far left, and one on the far right and they don’t instantly know who they’d vote for. For me, it is about core values. There are no perfect candidates, but one candidate (Republican) always aligns more closely to the things I value. Sanders is a socialist trending towards outright communism. As bad as Trump is, he won’t take us down the inevitable path of socialism as quickly as Bernie.

Trump is hardly far right. In fact Trump isnt even a republican which is why many Republican relics hate him. If anything Trump is closer to the libertarian ethic than anything else. Fo those whi arent aware the libertarian ethic is the smallest government possible, interfering with people the least possible amount and taxing the least possible amount and just enough to keep a functioning government. In short, leave me the fuck alone if I'm not disturbing anyone and get your filthy shithooks out of my pocket.

I never looked at it that way.
Only because I think Libertarians are still deciding who they are.

Everyone's politics evolves over time. In college most kids are liberal. "Hell yeah I want everything free!!"
After working a few years and raising a family you see Republicans as more like you, and the democrats for what they are.
Libertarians are morally confused, they like the Republican small government, but like the democrat's freedoms on social issues, like drug use.
It might boil down to who attends church? Libertarians sound like atheists who might believe in "hedonism"?
I'm a family values guy, but I don't care what happens in bars and clubs.
pet peeve: I don't like to see guys kissing guys or girls kissing girls on TV.

I agree, except I do like watching girls kiss.
But I would take Sanders over Trump, but very reluctantly

Set aside your emotional reactions and look at the current results.

You gonna trade where we are now for a possible economic disaster? Sanders if possible would wreck the economy with his vendetta against the rich. If he were to win I predict the economy will be near collapse by the day he took office. At the very least the stock market will crash and millions of people will lose massive amounts on their retirements.
The economic disaster is coming anyway, and the stick market has been artificially propped up for several years now. That doesn't go in much longer either.

Recession always follow a republican administration o
Next time tell Al Gore not to run on a platform of Welfare, Welfare and more Welfare.
And the infamous tRumpling deflection.

But I would take Sanders over Trump, but very reluctantly

Set aside your emotional reactions and look at the current results.

You gonna trade where we are now for a possible economic disaster? Sanders if possible would wreck the economy with his vendetta against the rich. If he were to win I predict the economy will be near collapse by the day he took office. At the very least the stock market will crash and millions of people will lose massive amounts on their retirements.
The economic disaster is coming anyway, and the stick market has been artificially propped up for several years now. That doesn't go in much longer either.

Recession always follow a republican administration o
Next time tell Al Gore not to run on a platform of Welfare, Welfare and more Welfare.
And the infamous tRumpling deflection.

Thanks for admitting you didn’t follow Gore’s campaign.
But I would take Sanders over Trump, but very reluctantly

Set aside your emotional reactions and look at the current results.

You gonna trade where we are now for a possible economic disaster? Sanders if possible would wreck the economy with his vendetta against the rich. If he were to win I predict the economy will be near collapse by the day he took office. At the very least the stock market will crash and millions of people will lose massive amounts on their retirements.
The economic disaster is coming anyway, and the stick market has been artificially propped up for several years now. That doesn't go in much longer either.

Recession always follow a republican administration o
Next time tell Al Gore not to run on a platform of Welfare, Welfare and more Welfare.
And the infamous tRumpling deflection.

Thanks for admitting you didn’t follow Gore’s campaign.
Oh look! A straw man!

What a surprise!


Set aside your emotional reactions and look at the current results.

You gonna trade where we are now for a possible economic disaster? Sanders if possible would wreck the economy with his vendetta against the rich. If he were to win I predict the economy will be near collapse by the day he took office. At the very least the stock market will crash and millions of people will lose massive amounts on their retirements.
The economic disaster is coming anyway, and the stick market has been artificially propped up for several years now. That doesn't go in much longer either.

Recession always follow a republican administration o
Next time tell Al Gore not to run on a platform of Welfare, Welfare and more Welfare.
And the infamous tRumpling deflection.

Thanks for admitting you didn’t follow Gore’s campaign.
Oh look! A straw man!

What a surprise!

I stated a fact and you responded with an ad hominem.
At least Obama didn’t run on a platform of Welfare.

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