Democrats are still at it - Man arrested in Indiana for simply being at the Jan 6th protest... you won't believe how he was caught.

Hey 2aguy.

You see that area BEHIND the police in this photo? That's where the flashbangs were used.

AFTER the domestic terrorists tore down the barricades and pepper sprayed the cops.

Idiot. Liar. Face the facts, dipshit.

Peaceful, my ass.

Blue Lives Matter, my ass.

We. All. Saw. It.


And so did you.

Watch the video
I've seen it dozens of times.
And nowhere in ANY part of the video was she...."on a guided tour."

Would like like to tell us what 'you see' as Babbitt illegally breaks into a restricted area.
Please ....... go on.
Ashley Babbitt was shot point blank in the face by a panicked and cowardly Officer Byrd. He didn't even get a reprimand. American justice HAH! what a sad joke on all of us.
I've seen it dozens of times.
And nowhere in ANY part of the video was she...."on a guided tour."

Would like like to tell us what 'you see' as Babbitt illegally breaks into a restricted area.
Please ....... go on.
Dude, people walked calmly in line past police officers after being let in peacefully
All of em. No matter how long it takes. This will be a slap on the wrist for him....but it sends a message to the rest and future supporters of insurrection. You can be got. :)

That day..can NEVER happen again.
There was no Jan 6 insurrection dumbass.

It was Americans exercising their 1st amendment rights.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

They peaceably assembled to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So fuck off, you anti-American subhuman piece of shit.
Dude, people walked calmly in line past police officers after being let in peacefully
Dude, you keep saying that. But provide ZERO context.

But, I see ZERO video of rioters being let in.
Perhaps they were, just find the video, with a time stamp and location, and post the video, from the 40,000 hours.

It's apparently NOT that difficult.
J6 committee found violent break-ins. You can't deny this.
Democrat minions watch the same three clips over and over salivating all over themselves. They are a sad lot.
Then simply FIND the video of these rioters being let in the doors of the Capitol.
Post the video with context, like location and time.

Not video of 'peacefully walking the halls' at times...., no one denies this video.
Find the video of Capitol Police opening the doors and letting in the rioters.

Go to YOUR OWN LINK. They have SEVERAL photos of the dipshit INSIDE the Capitol.

You can see those photos in YOUR OWN LINK.

Now who's the "stupid idiot"?

Wow. This is priceless.
Mothers, tell your children to stay away from MASS DEMONSTRATIONS
I suppose conservatives should thank liberals for setting such a fine precedent to go after all their insurrectionists from 2020 to the present.
Personally, I am disappointed he got nabbed via a junkyard security cam.

My preference is that all of the perps be hunted down by Sedition Hunters ( Perp Sheet )

Much rather he be found, identified, and reported to the LEO's by responsible concerned citizens who were offended by the violent attack on our elected Representatives and the vandalism to The People's House.

Who better to nab these J6 Jackasses than ...... 'the people', ala Sedition Hunters?

ps....if you have family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, fellow parishioners who were part of the J6 Jackass attack, and you can identify them in the linked 'perp sheet'.....well, be a responsible citizen and call your local FBI office.

You need 90 days observation.
It was Americans exercising their 1st amendment rights.
By beating the crap out of uniformed police?
By spraying MACE in the face of officers doing their sworn duty?
Ah,, personally, would demur on your assertion that that is the optimum method for doing your 1st Amendment.
But you be you.

So fuck off, you anti-American subhuman piece of shit.
You know, I read on this forum, and on others, that MAGA without vulgarity, personal insults, baseless attacks, and whackadoodle conspiracies.....well then, there would be no MAGA.

True that?


You need 90 days observation.
Because my avatar suggested that if poster Jarlaxle has family members, friends, etc. ....... who beat the crap out of a uniformed officer or sprayed him in the face with MACE he should turn 'em in?

Ah, I don't think so.

But seriously, good poster Jarlaxle, if you do know anyone that was J6 Jackass....well, if you are a responsible contributing citizen to America's future, you must call your local FBI office and report 'em.
It is the responsible thing to do. Contribute to America, poster Jarlaxle. Be a good citizen. A responsible man (or woman, whatever the case may be, or whatever you choose.)

Or, and this is my preference, get other loyal American citizens involved in bringing your family or friends to justice (if they are J6 Jackasses)....anyway, contact Sedition Hunters.

Good luck, mein freund.
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