Democrats Continue to Pull Race / Sex Card In Defense Of Rice


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It doesn't matter what Rice did or the fact that she has been CAUGHT red-handed lying on TV. It only matters that she's black and a Democrats. While CNN ordered their viewers on live TV to ignore the Rice scandal, Democrats were lining up to pull the Race card and the Gender card in Rice's defense.

Dem rep: Trump WH, conservatives are attacking black women

These are the same people, BTW, who were exposed with their own hacked and leaked e-mails as being racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites, the same people who were on TV after that calling prominent conservative blacks 'mediocre negroes'.


The snowflakes need a new playbook. Everyone immediately saw this coming, and it has been used so often people just ignore it now.
They need to double down. It's why the won the WH, the Senate, the House..................oh wait a minute.

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