Democrats don't care about mass public shootings....ask the people of Chicago, after a murder filled weekend...... you have to explain this.....why do Chicago cops recover more guns than L.A. and New York? Do the criminals in L.A. and New York, not know how to use Google Maps to get to states that have lots of guns?

In 2016, when adjusted for population, Chicago recovered 6 times as many guns per capita as New York and 1.5 times as many guns per capita as Los Angeles. n

And tell us....oh Indiana gun stores do Federally Mandated Background checks on every gun sale?

How is it that New York criminals can't get to Vermont...or Pennsylvania.....?

You just swallow whatever the anti-gun fanatics throw at you.....

What do you use guns for? Are you a hunter?
Democrats/liberals only care about dead people when they can use them to make political hay.
Specifically, they only care about dead black people when they were killed by whites, especially police officers.
You cannot demonstrate this to be true.
I don't have to prove anything. Other people have already done the work.
Here's something more recent. Again, it's not a standalone fix.

They work. But they aren't the whole solution.

No, they don't work....criminals ignore them by using straw buyers or stealing their guns, and mass public shooters have committed no previous crimes, so they pass their background check....

You idiot....

And the vast majority of initial denials for the background check are false dope.
I don't have to prove anything. Other people have already done the work.
Here's something more recent. Again, it's not a standalone fix.

And that study is bullshit.....they start with the first bullshit of saying that 90% of Americans want background checks......leaving out that those Americans are the uninformed people who don't understand background checks to begin with....

Then, they move on to the lie of 33,000 deaths due to guns......leaving out that more than 20,000 of those are suicides.....

And they are pushing background checks for private sales.....the only reason for this is to then demand gun registration, which is the actual goal of these anti-gun fanatics.

Here.......for those morons who think this is a legitimate piece of research instead of created crap to push gun control....

For example, a survey of prisoners convicted of gun offenses revealed that 96% of inmates who were prohibited from possessing a firearm at the time they committed their crime had obtained their firearm from an unlicensed private seller

What did they leave out? That they got the guns from straw buyers or from other criminals who got the guns from straw buyers or stealing the guns.........

And more......they lie.....they are using data from before background checks were even necessary to say that people are getting their guns without background checks...the lying asshats...

As reported first by Cook and Ludwig (8), approximately 40% of gun-owning respondents who had acquired firearms between 1992 and 1994 did so without a background check. No contemporary estimates exist.

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