Democrats fear this gay Trump supporter

Gays are lining up to be conservatives .....Democrats are "afraid" lol...Republicans are afraid of being caught while being "Gay"

Kentucky taxpayers on hook for clerk Kim Davis' fight against gay marriage


Gays are lining up to be conservatives .....Democrats are "afraid" lol...Republicans are afraid of being caught while being "Gay"

Kentucky taxpayers on hook for clerk Kim Davis' fight against gay marriage


View attachment 140039

REALITY CYKA learn it maybe you won't be so degenerate in real information

As Germany finally votes to legalise same-sex marriage, it is more relevant than ever to look back at the mixed history of LGBT rights there.

The shadow cast by the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945 is a long and dark one, but the progress made in the inter-war period must not be forgotten, both as an important part of European and LGBT history, and a reminder that progress is not linear or inevitable and must be fought for at every step.

Here Associate Professor John Broich looks back at a forgotten piece of LGBT history
How the Nazis destroyed the first gay rights movement
View attachment 140040

OH my look how familiar with same attitudes are on here " THE LEFT HATES GAY TRUMP SUPPORTERS"

to bad you all don't have the intelligence to realize you are just like what you read................

You'll never win CYKA

Gays are lining up to be conservatives .....Democrats are "afraid" lol...Republicans are afraid of being caught while being "Gay"

Kentucky taxpayers on hook for clerk Kim Davis' fight against gay marriage


View attachment 140039

They love Gays in Trump land ...who knew ? LOL

You'll never win CYKA :boohoo::clap2::dig:


White House reaches out to gay Trump supporters banned from a pride parade
Its not that I hate gay Trump supporters as much as it is that all Trump supporters regardless of race color religion National origin or sex orientation are loathsome deplorable assholes :finger3:
The same reason they immediately label Black Conservatives Uncle Toms, Liberals need to quickly label or destroy LGBT Conservatives. So much for "inclusiveness" and "our diversity is our strength". Just empty, feel good words from the Left.
People going against their own interest is nothing new.

Don't know who this guy and nor does change anything about Trump and his base.

You Trumpsters are really grasping at straws at this point.
People going against their own interest is nothing new.

Don't know who this guy and nor does change anything about Trump and his base.

You Trumpsters are really grasping at straws at this point.
Trump and his BASE LMFAO you looked at the MSN POLLS and answered their questions , their polls are RIGGED so their sheep believe that 90% don't support him omfg. lol
I've never heard of this guy

i follow him on twitter and talk to him there.

me & Milo are also threats to Dems! they can't accept the existence of gay conservatives.

Ever notice those who are gay , and support Trump are normal. LOL They act nothing like the brain deads on this post do. Hypocritical , lying, exaggerating traitors , traitors to their country, traitors to their own gay people as we fend for them on both sides the TRump hater are just to stupid to realize that. WE put up with their ignorant, vicious attacks as we defend their freedom. Gawd they do make me sick with how they act.

One can't be pro Trump and normal at the same time.
People going against their own interest is nothing new.

Don't know who this guy and nor does change anything about Trump and his base.

You Trumpsters are really grasping at straws at this point.
Trump and his BASE LMFAO you looked at the MSN POLLS and answered their questions , their polls are RIGGED so their sheep believe that 90% don't support him omfg. lol

My point is that having a token homosexual isn't going to change the attitude of many of his followers. His base will have the same attitude.

Owen Shroyer interviews Scott Presler, a gay Trump supporter who has the Democrats shaking in their boots as he destroys their identity politics paradigm.

Hahha they can't even stand their own people , they will turn on you in a heartbeat just like he says.
If you don't agree with them you are everything under the sun, racist, bigot, blah blah.
Mental illness will do that to you though.

Terll him to go to a Trump supporter's bar and announce he is Gay LOL....

he has, and he's been accepted Awww to bad not the results you try to make truth when in fact those who support TRUMP aren't vicious rabid morons.

TRY Watching the video witch you OBVIOUSLY didn't.

Really? Half the threads you post are about fearing gays and transsexuals.

No you are just a retard who CREATES you own MADE up fkd up lies just like any other Trump hating ass hole. That's what you mentally challenged do.

You are PROOF of just what this GAY MAN is going through jackass.

TWIST what the truth is
Dream up your own imagination of lies

Lie some more

to degenerate to see how rabid those who act like you are.

Mind if I save this post to throw back at you the next time you post a anti-gay op?
People going against their own interest is nothing new.

Don't know who this guy and nor does change anything about Trump and his base.

You Trumpsters are really grasping at straws at this point.
Trump and his BASE LMFAO you looked at the MSN POLLS and answered their questions , their polls are RIGGED so their sheep believe that 90% don't support him omfg. lol

My point is that having a token homosexual isn't going to change the attitude of many of his followers. His base will have the same attitude.

Yeah I was just messing with yah, There was a poll today on MSN and when you used the term " Base" it made me think of their poll only the term used was " Substance" . A little bit of difference there but for some reason that word struck me creating thoughts of that dam poll.

Owen Shroyer interviews Scott Presler, a gay Trump supporter who has the Democrats shaking in their boots as he destroys their identity politics paradigm.

Hahha they can't even stand their own people , they will turn on you in a heartbeat just like he says.
If you don't agree with them you are everything under the sun, racist, bigot, blah blah.
Mental illness will do that to you though.

Terll him to go to a Trump supporter's bar and announce he is Gay LOL....

he has, and he's been accepted Awww to bad not the results you try to make truth when in fact those who support TRUMP aren't vicious rabid morons.

TRY Watching the video witch you OBVIOUSLY didn't.

Really? Half the threads you post are about fearing gays and transsexuals.

No you are just a retard who CREATES you own MADE up fkd up lies just like any other Trump hating ass hole. That's what you mentally challenged do.

You are PROOF of just what this GAY MAN is going through jackass.

TWIST what the truth is
Dream up your own imagination of lies

Lie some more

to degenerate to see how rabid those who act like you are.

Mind if I save this post to throw back at you the next time you post a anti-gay op?

LOL, Hmm is that a trick question. Hahah. Just don't think my chit is against Gays. Or some hate bs. Because if it was hate gays as people I sure in the hell wouldn't be posting anything that is even in the slightest defense of gays such as this article. That is the point of this article defending him.

Why should he be thrown to the wolves just because he likes Trump and his values. Etc.

Milo is gay I post stuff from him often ............................... Soooooo put that in your pipe and smoke it hahah
This was a link under the video. Watch it. You won't believe what you are seeing.


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