Democrats, Get Back to the Center or Go Extinct!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Times columnist gets this one exactly right.

Opinion | Back to the Center, Democrats
Bigger government handouts won’t win working-class voters back. This is the fallacy of the left, believing that voters just need to be shown how much they are getting in government benefits. In reality, these voters see themselves as being penalized for maintaining the basic values of hard work, religion and family. It’s also not all about guns and abortion. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both won working-class voters despite relatively progressive views on those issues. Today, identity politics and disdain for religion are creating a new social divide that the Democrats need to bridge by embracing free speech on college campuses and respect for Catholics and people of other faiths who feel marginalized within the party.

There are plenty of good issues Democrats should be championing. They need to reject socialist ideas and adopt an agenda of renewed growth, greater protection for American workers and a return to fiscal responsibility. While the old brick-and-mortar economy is being regulated to death, the new tech-driven economy has been given a pass to flout labor laws with unregulated, low-paying gig jobs, to concentrate vast profits and to decimate retailing. Rural areas have been left without adequate broadband and with shrinking opportunities. The opioid crisis has spiraled out of control, killing tens of thousands, while pardons have been given to so-called nonviolent drug offenders. Repairing and expanding infrastructure, a classic Democratic issue, has been hijacked by President Trump — meaning Democrats have a chance to reach across the aisle to show they understand that voters like bipartisanship.

Immigration is also ripe for a solution from the center. Washington should restore the sanctity of America’s borders, create a path to work permits and possibly citizenship, and give up on both building walls and defending sanctuary cities. On trade, Democrats should recognize that they can no longer simultaneously try to be the free-trade party and speak for the working class. They need to support fair trade and oppose manufacturing plants’ moving jobs overseas, by imposing new taxes on such transfers while allowing repatriation of foreign profits. And the party seems to have forgotten that community policing combined with hiring more police officers worked in the ’90s — and it will work again today. It can’t be the party that failed to stop the rising murder rates in cities like Chicago.

Health care is the one area where the Democrats have gained the upper hand and have a coherent message about protecting the working poor from losing coverage. But the Affordable Care Act needs to be adjusted to control costs better, lest employer-sponsored health care become unaffordable. For now, the Democrats are right to hold the line in defending Obamacare in the face of Republican disunity.​

On health care, the Democrats should be willing to deal with Trump as they know good and well that the ACA is not getting repealed with Trumps plan, but the GOP might repeal it in legal fact and put the Dems in a position of negotiating with a much weaker hand.
I saw on the news tonight in Oregon a woman can now get a free abortion at anytime for free regardless and all democrats supported it......the party except for coastal areas is dead for good
Let them go extinct what the heck :laugh:

My grandparents always told me about the great leaders like Truman, FDR, and look at the democrat party....the party against marriage, God, life, and liberty.
Howard Dean just called the NRA a "white supremacist organization".

Here he labels the Republican Party the 'White Party".

Democrats, get your shit together and put sane adults back in control!
Both parties need to go back to the center, as they have both strayed too far either way.

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