Democrats made Ukraine give up its nukes...

Why is your Mr. Potato head sending 1945 Soviet jets to Ukraine through Poland when he could just give Ukraine their Nukes back like Obama gave "Iran" it's money back in the middle of the night?
So youre ok with a nuclear war? That's interesting. I knew republicans love war but a complete wipe out doesn't seem logical. But youre smarter than me.
After all it is Ukraine's Nukes.
Do you know why they gave them up in the first place? Of course not you ignorant pig. You twist everything wanting Biden to fail. You support Trump and he supports putin.
Are you comfortable rooting for communism in favour of freedom? You don't think much dickhead.
Biden says US working with Poland to provide Ukraine with fighter jets - The Jerusalem Post
Biden says US working with Poland to provide Ukraine with fighter jets
Youre point is???
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