Democrats need to figure out how to be Teflon like the GOP.



For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.
my former support of republican has never had anything to do with money or jobs . My support of Trump or Cruz who I guess may be a new breed of republican has nothing to do with money or jobs RDean . ----------- just a comment !!
Democrats are too politically correct all the time....

You would think after Trump going after Hillary's spouse,

they in turn would go after Trump and all of his wives and affairs and rape accusations with a vengeance, and have every naked photo around of Melania plastered everywhere, and all the articles written of her in the past of her being a gold digger plastered everywhere, and how she never tried to get her citizenship here, after 5 years on a visa and waited until after she was married and 15 plus years....and what that was all about...

and all the bad deals of Trumps made that hurt Americans, and took American tax dollars to enrich solely himself, and

Trump being the richest person to ever run for President who didn't even contribute to charities with his own money the past 10 years....the stingiest man alive for being one of the wealthiest, when it comes to giving to charity....

And all the dirt, like Repubs do so WELL against the democrats with mostly made up stuff...


Dems are so lousy at the swift boating stuff too....
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.
yabut they're 95% white so that makes it ok
if nothing else I just want to see the 'gop' destroyed . I can't stand moderate republicans as I see them as being more traitorous than democrats . I do like most of what both Trump and Cruz advocate !! ------------ just saying !!
Democrats are too politically correct all the time....

You would think after Trump going after Hillary's spouse,

they in turn would go after Trump and all of his wives and affairs and rape accusations with a vengeance, and have every naked photo around of Melania plastered everywhere, and all the articles written of her in the past of her being a gold digger plastered everywhere, and how she never tried to get her citizenship here, after 5 years on a visa and waited until after she was married and 15 plus years....and what that was all about...

and all the bad deals of Trumps made that hurt Americans, and took American tax dollars to enrich solely himself, and

Trump being the richest person to ever run for President who didn't even contribute to charities with his own money the past 10 years....the stingiest man alive for being one of the wealthiest, when it comes to giving to charity....

And all the dirt, like Repubs do so WELL against the democrats with mostly made up stuff...


Dems are so lousy at the swift boating stuff too....


Looks like the Republicans found someone who can play dirty pool better the progressive liberal Democrats.

I don't know if that's good or bad yet... but at least the progressives will get what they wanted seven years ago... CHANGE.


All they have to do is continually blame everything on someone else like Obama has done and continues to do...

'It's not MY 'Red Line'...It's the WORLD'S 'Red Line'!' :p
All they have to do is continually blame everything on someone else like Obama has done and continues to do...

'It's not MY 'Red Line'...It's the WORLD'S 'Red Line'!' :p
No, they need to learn to fight dirty, as dirty as Republicans do....and like Trump does....


but 10 to 1, and par for the course, the Dems will not do that....
Are you guys serious? The Democrats in the last election accused Mitt Romney of waging a "war on women"! Mitt Romney who's about as nice a family guy as you'd ever find and been faithfully married to the same woman for decades somehow became a woman hater! And that was based on what? On anything?

Yet you accuse Republicans of dirty politics? Get a fucking clue...would ya?
It's going to be a dirty campaign because Hillary is going to be the Democratic nominee and SHE has so many skeletons in her closet she can't get the door closed anymore...not made up shit like you used against Mitt Romney!
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.

Who types this tripe for you, you damn sure didn't? Oh and how much are you paid to post it?
Using the word teflon in relation to this race and not using it in reference to Hillary is ridiculous.
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.

Who types this tripe for you, you damn sure didn't? Oh and how much are you paid to post it?
Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see.

Which part is wrong?
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.

Who types this tripe for you, you damn sure didn't? Oh and how much are you paid to post it?
Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see.

Which part is wrong?

I'll be happy to answer your question, just as soon as you honestly answer mine.
I see the "this war is lost" doom and gloom Dems are projecting again. 7 years in the Dem's should have a long list of wins to brag about, they should have retained control of the House and Senate. Instead they have to fabricate lies and attempt to divide the nation after having failed and been rejected by the people.

New election same old Dem's its the GOP war on minorities the GOP war on women the GOP war on the poor the GOP war on seniors the GOP war on fill in the blank, pathetic but funny. :laugh:
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.
The Obama Messiah won relection with 8% unemployment
Democrats are too politically correct all the time....

You would think after Trump going after Hillary's spouse,

they in turn would go after Trump and all of his wives and affairs and rape accusations with a vengeance, and have every naked photo around of Melania plastered everywhere, and all the articles written of her in the past of her being a gold digger plastered everywhere, and how she never tried to get her citizenship here, after 5 years on a visa and waited until after she was married and 15 plus years....and what that was all about...

and all the bad deals of Trumps made that hurt Americans, and took American tax dollars to enrich solely himself, and

Trump being the richest person to ever run for President who didn't even contribute to charities with his own money the past 10 years....the stingiest man alive for being one of the wealthiest, when it comes to giving to charity....

And all the dirt, like Repubs do so WELL against the democrats with mostly made up stuff...


Dems are so lousy at the swift boating stuff too....

View attachment 59804

Looks like the Republicans found someone who can play dirty pool better the progressive liberal Democrats.

I don't know if that's good or bad yet... but at least the progressives will get what they wanted seven years ago... CHANGE.



"...I don't know if that's good or bad yet... "

Couldn't agree more.
The perfect analysis for today.
For decades, the GOP has been the party of the rich, of the wage gap, give the rich money because they are the "job creators", no class warfare because they have money, they earned it, let the rich have their money, mine and yours because they are the "rich". So they know how to be rich. And they will create jobs.

Now, the same GOP base realizes that is all bullshit. The rich haven't been the "job creators" the GOP base were led to believe they would be. Everything the GOP leadership has promised them has turned out to be lies. They know they have been used.

So what do they do? What they did after the Iraq war was finally recognized as the disaster it was. They blamed it on the Democrats. The Democrats could have stopped us from invading Iraq but they didn't. So Iraq is their fault.

And now, if the Democrats don't get savvy, the GOP leadership will do it again. The first problem here is that we don't even know who the leadership is. To the base, it's not those in Washington. They are not to be trusted. So goes the myth that Republicans don't want anything except independence. The GOP base not being qualified for any good paying job proves that the only really independent people drive shopping baskets.

When Republicans accuse Democrats, the Democrats become deer trapped in headlights. They can't believe anyone would believe those lies and they fail to act. Remember, we are talking about right wingers that believe everything from the earth is 6,000 years old to Obama was born in Kenya, to vaccines cause autism, to education is for snobs, to science is a belief, to, well, you can see. Once this ignorance takes root, the echo chamber turns it into right wing fact. So Iraq is the fault of the Democrats. Iraq was stable and the war was won when it was turned over to Obama and so on. Of course you would have to be a tard to believe such nonsense. But believe it they do. Because the lies weren't nipped in the bud.

Now we see the same thing happening all over again with such things and the wage gap. As long as even the most ridiculous of the GOP lies aren't smothered in fact, the same thing will happen all over again and again. A battle, the lucid can never win.
yabut they're 95% white so that makes it ok

Your candidates are 100% white.

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