Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs
Examine the top of this page closely.


The address bar read "home, satire that makes you horny, pelosi......."

This kinda crap is why you retards are so chronically misinformed.

Fuckin' dumbass.
The word satire appears several time before the very first sentence of the article and yet you fall for it anyway. :lol:
Unfortunately, Pelosie did infact divert funds. The reporting company may deal a lot in satire but this is reality that should only be satire because it should never happen.
The word satire appears several time before the very first sentence of the article and yet you fall for it anyway. :lol:
Unfortunately, Pelosie did infact divert funds. The reporting company may deal a lot in satire but this is reality that should only be satire because it should never happen.
Even after having this pointed out to you you are gonna run with it?

You're even dumber than I thought.

That's pretty impressive considering how dumb I already thought you were.
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs
Examine the top of this page closely.

View attachment 289160

The address bar read "home, satire that makes you horny, pelosi......."

This kinda crap is why you retards are so chronically misinformed.

Fuckin' dumbass.

This site has the credibility of CNN, yet you believe them without question....
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs
Criminals are as criminals do. The Social Security Funds belong to taxpayers, not to Nancy "Get Trump" Pelosi to destroy the President.

Wonder how much of it is going into her numbered accounts worldwide?
This does bring up an important point. Since the Democrats are pursuing impeachment purely for their own purposes and not working for the American people, shouldn't they be donating their time?
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs


No they didn't.

Their ultimate goal is to reduce social security and Medicare benefits by 10-15% and give that to illegals.
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs
Examine the top of this page closely.

View attachment 289160

The address bar read "home, satire that makes you horny, pelosi......."

This kinda crap is why you retards are so chronically misinformed.

Fuckin' dumbass.
The Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, is not doing her job of legislating laws. She is busy trying to damage President Trump, and since Biden was caught taking cookies from the Ukraine cookie jar, Pelosi is going to do the same to American taxpayers to make up for the slack. She thinks withholding from the Executive Branch that is trying to run the country is not fishy, and that stealing from taxpayers who have been paying into Social Security all their lives and taking their future security away is too bad, because all the money in the Fed is her oyster to use to get rid of the person who won the presidency right out from under her communist nose. She is an atheist who used to be a Christian, so when she gets herself into fiscal trouble because of her evil lies and evil support of other liars, the fed is her oyster. And when her base gets used to seeing things done right by Donald Trump, she pulls out her old list of prayers and says one to make people think she isn't an atheist, and that stealing a little money with her power (since she said she is the most important woman in the world when she accepted the gavel). She may be in stage 5 Dementia, but it doesn't stop her from stealing all the money other people worked hard to save for their retirements, but it won't be her problem in another year unless she shows more of her dementia. She only says a little prayer when she is trying to solicit people to do things her way, since she's so very important and all.
Democrats Steal 2.4 billion from Social Security to pay for Impeachment Witch Hunt!

Speaker of the House Pelosi isn’t too keen on having that number creep out into the public eye, so yesterday, as evidenced by the filing of re-appropriation form 77-A in the Congressional Budget office, she quickly moved the amount from the Department of Social Security to cover the cost. Are you retired? Well get ready to pay, bitch.

These bastards are out of control....

Source; Pelosi Diverts $2.4 Billion From Social Security To Cover Impeachment Costs


No they didn't.

Look, those creeps spent a hundred million on five attempts to remove President Trump. Only one of the five was the Mueller Report, the report Mueller could not recall having written with his signature at the bottom. He didn't know the details because his delegation of the tasks was unimportant for him to know since he needed a crutch to get out of answering questions if he were ever questioned by the equivalent of a grand jury hearing. He failed as a special council but he spent $45 million of taxpayer money for his convenient failure to answer crucial questions, because he turned over his soul to the debil, so he copied the "I forget" line of Hillary Clinton, also deep state, who didn't want to answer quesitons about Whitewater, which also stole money from retired people who counted on their investments to help them retire and maintain their part of the American dream they worked so hard for.

The liberal thing is that they can steal money if they're on the financial committee, and hide lies, and run impeachment inquiries in secret, down in the safe room that was built to save Congress from 9/11 type bombers. It's so convenient to route money from seniors who spent a lifetime putting that money into Social Security. The government took that money out of their paychecks and forced the businesses they worked for to put in just as much for each employee who took his part out of his own paycheck to pay uncle sam to help him retire with money saved back.

I think it's time to have a revolution, since Nancy Pelosi has become today's version of Washington's foe the British crown and its taking money away from American colonists because they could do it through raising taxes.

Nancy Pelosi is an enemy of the people. She's taking their retirement money to pay for taking away the president the people elected because he does right, and she doesn't want to bother doing right. And her precedent, Hillary Clinton took people's retirement money and placed it in her account for her own selfish benefit, not to help the people she pulled a few strings and got her grubs on their money.

Democrats think other people's money is a free fire zone for the taking, and they don't have to ask for it when they are the most powerful women in the world.
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The word satire appears several times before the very first sentence of the article and yet you fall for it anyway. :lol:
No, the word Satire refers to the impeachment hearing itself. The 2.5 billion was a transfer from the fed into Nancy Pelosi's office account to pay for this expensive hearing, to buy lies from people who really don't want to but can't pass up picking a pocket or two.

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