Democrats’ unfavorability rating reaches new, 16-year high as party keeps licking wounds following disastrous 2024: poll

1.5% is a very narrow majority. a 2 seat House majority is even more narrow.

Trump signed a terrible agreement with the Taliban.

His troops fought in Syria and Iraq.

Trump is mongering for Putin.

Why is MAGA so anti-American.
When President Trump left office from his first term peace was breaking out in the middle east.
That is a fact, your feelings and your mindless hate cannot change that fact.
This time around President Trump won the electoral college, he won the popular vote, he won all the swing states, the Republican Congress gained a majority riding his coatails, the Senate gained a majority riding his coatails, he beat cornpop, he beat cackles, and he beat you.
Again, the jury has spoken 312>226.
Nobody wants your leftist bloody wars, massacres, antisemitism, cancel culture hate mongering open borders pro crime anymore.
312>226. Those are numbers not your feelings.
I know you have sour feelings for President Trump for which you probably can't even explain but it doesn't change the fact that in many different metrics and different polls he is climbing in numbers.
I see the polls, which you love when he is up and hate when he is down.
Why would that happen when there wasn't WWIII after all the US $$$$$ Biden gave to Ukraine ?
Europe gave a lot more, over twice as much. The US was a pack of cheapskates in comparison.

Why are you whining about the US giving a piddling amount to stop fascism? Are you that in love with the fascists?
... and yet he is falling in support. Fact.
This chart showing approval/disapproval from the beginning of this year shows a steady approval of about 50% (but that includes illegal alien input)
Only disapproval has been increasing slightly, but it still is less than the approvals.

The polls clearly and overwhelmingly demonstrate Orange Zero zooming to the bottom.
Your mindless emotional drivel does not equate to reality.
The more President Trump implements the policies he campaigned on the more popular he becomes.
Continue to scream orange man bad🤪
Your mindless emotional drivel does not equate to reality.
The more President Trump implements the policies he campaigned on the more popular he becomes.
Continue to scream orange man bad
Check 538 and RCP to see how full of it you are.🤪
Check 538 and RCP to see how full of it you are.🤪
Check the latest harvard polls conducted on a miriad of different categories.
Try to enlighten yourself and be intellectually honest with yourself.
Also, the democrats keep getting slapped down with their frivolous lawsuits.
Not a good look🤪
The main benefit held by both parties is that they're the only realistic alternative when it comes time to toss the bums out.

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