Democrats ushered in the era of a lawless society

The Democrat Party was founded on racism in 1828. The Democrat Party created the KKK in Tennessee in 1865. The Democrat Party declared war on their own country to keep black people enslaved in 1861. The Democrat Party fought against Civil Rights.

197 years later, the party of racism is still racist as hell. Unable to get past skin color (most likely because they lack the intellect to debate policy).

What do you think uneducated Dr. Pucktard will say if he finds out I’m not “white”? 😂
All of white America was seemingly racist in 1828.

No, the KKK was founded officially by Confederate veterans.

It was a dem majority that the acts in 1964 and 1965, will all southern GOP congressional critters voting against them en masse.
Since the Obama Administration, the Democrats have:

We must immediately find a way to prevent the swamp from STEALING another election , effectuating a Coup d' Etat and installing an illegitimate demented woke SOB as our president.

We must immediately find a way to prevent the swamp from STEALING another election , effectuating a Coup d' Etat and installing an illegitimate demented woke SOB as our president.

You must live in Venezuela.
All of white America was seemingly racist in 1828.

No, the KKK was founded officially by Confederate veterans.

It was a dem majority that the acts in 1964 and 1965, will all southern GOP congressional critters voting against them en masse.
From 1870 until it was litigated out of existence in 1986 eight out of every 10 Dues paying members of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats . And in 1964 Democrat Congresscritters outnumbered Republican Congresscritters in the South four to one overall
The Democrat Party was founded on racism in 1828. The Democrat Party created the KKK in Tennessee in 1865. The Democrat Party declared war on their own country to keep black people enslaved in 1861. The Democrat Party fought against Civil Rights.

197 years later, the party of racism is still racist as hell. Unable to get past skin color (most likely because they lack the intellect to debate policy).

What do you think uneducated Dr. Pucktard will say if he finds out I’m not “white”? 😂
Of course, you're too fucking stupid to understand that political parties change over time. None of this matters.

Since the 1960s, the Republican Party has been the KKK party full of racists.....which is why you support them.
Of course, you're too fucking stupid to understand that political parties change over time. None of this matters.

Since the 1960s, the Republican Party has been the KKK party full of racists.....which is why you support them.
Robert Byrd ( D) and all my Grey hair Texas Family members did not change , they died Democrats
Of course, you're too fucking stupid to understand that political parties change over time. None of this matters.

Since the 1960s, the Republican Party has been the KKK party full of racists.....which is why you support them.
Patriot has his own KKK hood and sheet made of the finest chalk pressed linen.
It was a dem majority that the acts in 1964 and 1965, will all southern GOP congressional critters voting against them en masse.
“It was a dem majority that the acts in 1964 and 1965….” what? That they what?

Good Lord you never finish a thought. Not a single coherent post. Maybe there are so many lies floating around your head, you can’t focus.
Since the 1960s, the Republican Party has been the KKK party full of racists.....which is why you support them.
Psst…it was the Republican Party that voted for the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s and it was the Democrat Party that voted against it 😂

Clearly not a “Dr.” of history 🤣🤣🤣
“It was a dem majority that the acts in 1964 and 1965….” what? That they what?

Good Lord you never finish a thought. Not a single coherent post. Maybe there are so many lies floating around your head, you can’t focus.

It was the Dem majority in both chambers that pushed the bills across the final line, although the GOP in the house and senate voted against them to a man and a woman.
Psst…it was the Republican Party that voted for the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s and it was the Democrat Party that voted against it 😂

Clearly not a “Dr.” of history 🤣🤣🤣
Civil Rights Act of 1964:

  • House of Representatives:
    • Democrats: 152 Yea, 96 Nay
    • Republicans: 138 Yea, 34 Nay
  • Senate:
    • Democrats: 46 Yea, 21 Nay
    • Republicans: 27 Yea, 6 Nay
Voting Rights Act of 1965:

  • House of Representatives:
    • Democrats: 221 Yea, 62 Nay
    • Republicans: 112 Yea, 24 Nay
  • Senate:
    • Democrats: 47 Yea, 17 Nay
    • Republicans: 30 Yea, 2 Nay

For shame, Republicans.
Civil Rights Act of 1964:
  • Senate:
    • Democrats: 46 Yea, 21 Nay
    • Republicans: 27 Yea, 6 Nay

For shame, Republicans.
In other words, a staggering 78% of the NO votes came from the Democrat Party (21 of the 27 “no” votes) 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

It was the Republican Party that made it possible (with 82% of Republicans voting YES). As a typical left-wing racist, it’s not at all surprising that you would cry “for shame, Republicans” for passing the Civil Rights Act.

In other words, a staggering 78% of the NO votes came from the Democrat Party (21 of the 27 “no” votes) 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

It was the Republican Party that made it possible (with 82% of Republicans voting YES). As a typical left-wing racist, it’s not at all surprising that you would cry “for shame, Republicans” for passing the Civil Rights Act.

Democommies have major issue with the Truth of the Dixiecrat Party 2.0
In other words, a staggering 78% of the NO votes came from the Democrat Party (21 of the 27 “no” votes) 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

It was the Republican Party that made it possible (with 82% of Republicans voting YES). As a typical left-wing racist, it’s not at all surprising that you would cry “for shame, Republicans” for passing the Civil Rights Act.

The majority of the YES were Dems, end of story. You would have any real history test.
Math is hard for you, huh? The majority of the NO votes came from the Democrat Party (21 of the 27 “no” votes - a staggering 78% of all no votes)

Meanwhile, 82% of Republicans voted YES.

You need an education in both history and math, unfortunately.
So what. It could never pass without the Democratic majority voting for the good.

You are either illiterate, don't know history, or drunk.
So what. It could never pass without the Democratic majority voting for the good.

You are either illiterate, don't know history, or drunk.
Except that it was the majority of the Republicans who voted “Yes” (82% of them).

Meanwhile, 78% of all “No” votes came from the racist Democrat Party.
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