Democrats Win 8 to 2


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here’s a look at WalletHub’s LEAST safest cities for 2017:
Here are the ten worst cities, with the name of the mayor, and his/her political party.
See if you find a pattern....

173. Jackson, MS Chokwe Antar Lumumba(D)

174. Baton Rouge, LA Sharon Weston Broome[2] (D)

175. Chattanooga, TN Andy Berke (D)

176. Orlando, FL Buddy Dyer (D)

177. Little Rock, AR Mark Stodola (D)

178. Detroit MI Mike Duggan (D)

179. Oklahoma City, OK Mick Cornett (R)

180. San Bernardino, CA R. Carey Davis ®

181. St. Louis, MO Lyda Krewson (D)

And (drumroll)....the least safe city out of 182!!!!!!

182. Fort Lauderdale, FL Jack Seiler (D)

Fort Lauderdale Tops List Of Least Safest Cities, According To Wallethub
They obviously did not consider traffic accidents when ranking Nashua, New Hampshire #1 I lived there none of those people know how to drive. :laugh:
Maybe multiple choice?

A. All have had BLM rallies.
B. Have never held an NRA convention.
C. They blame Bush on some level.
D. Their police departments were under review by Eric Holder.
E. Pineapple.
F. All the above.
PC, you should lend them your Annie Oakley cowboy suit, then like you they protect the innocent and call out all the baddies. You go girl.

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed
PC, you should lend them your Annie Oakley cowboy suit, then like you they protect the innocent and call out all the baddies. You go girl.

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

You may want to sit down midcan, but Trump is in office now, not president elect any more. If I didn't know better I'd say I was talking to Hillary.
Here’s a look at WalletHub’s LEAST safest cities for 2017:
Here are the ten worst cities, with the name of the mayor, and his/her political party.
See if you find a pattern....

173. Jackson, MS Chokwe Antar Lumumba(D)

174. Baton Rouge, LA Sharon Weston Broome[2] (D)

175. Chattanooga, TN Andy Berke (D)

176. Orlando, FL Buddy Dyer (D)

177. Little Rock, AR Mark Stodola (D)

178. Detroit MI Mike Duggan (D)

179. Oklahoma City, OK Mick Cornett (R)

180. San Bernardino, CA R. Carey Davis ®

181. St. Louis, MO Lyda Krewson (D)

And (drumroll)....the least safe city out of 182!!!!!!

182. Fort Lauderdale, FL Jack Seiler (D)

Fort Lauderdale Tops List Of Least Safest Cities, According To Wallethub
Look at all the RED states
PC, you should lend them your Annie Oakley cowboy suit, then like you they protect the innocent and call out all the baddies. You go girl.

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

"President-elect Trump seems incapable of experiencing humility. Despite the multiple bankruptcies, the failed businesses, the failed marriages, he seems to maintain an impenetrable self-regard." Donald Trump: Our Dumbest President | Inside Higher Ed

Let's delve deeper into the problem of criminality.

Democrats, as I intended with the tongue-in-cheek title, are responsible for the wink-and nod acceptance of criminality by 'authorized ' groups....

  1. The legal community, largely if not entirely, Liberal/Progressive, played a major role in wreaking havoc in the black community. Starting in the sixties, ordinary people, black and white, watched in stupefaction as liberal social reformers came in and jettisoned thousands of years of human knowledge to rewrite criminal laws and government welfare policies. Liberals living in monochromatically white suburbs or doorman buildings in the city said “Let’s try these new ideas that sound really cool, like school busing and deemphasizing prison!”
    1. “In the 2008 election cycle, the industry contributed a massive $234 million to federal political candidates and interests , 76 percent of which went to Democratic candidates and committees.” Lawyers / Law Firms | OpenSecrets
    2. “Trial lawyers are holding steady as one of the Democratic Party's biggest sources of campaign contributions,…”
  2. Thomas Sowell, in “The Vision of the Anointed,” explained that the old view was to put criminals in prison; the new view, held by, for example, Lyndon Johnson’s attorney-general Ramsey Clark, Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, DC circuit judge David Bazelon, was to avoid sending criminals to prison and instead spend all our resources focusing on the “root causes” of crime.
    1. In the words of Judge Bazelon, “poverty is the root cause of crime.” Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,” p. 158.
  3. The basic idea that liberal judges and politicians were pushing was that society should be nice to criminals, so they would re-pay us with law-abiding behavior. Ramsey Clark: “" The theory of rehabilitation is based on the belief that healthy, rational people will not injure others, that they will understand that the individual and his society are best served by conduct that does not inflict injury, that a just society has the ability to provide health and purpose and opportunity for all its citizens. Rehabilitated, an individual will not have the capacity - cannot bring himself - to injure another or take or destroy property. "
    1. Of course, if that were true, he wouldn’t have committed crimes in the first place.
    2. Despite being insane, the reformers won out. The test of public policy vs. human nature began!
    3. Need empirical evidence? Crime rates skyrocketed. By 1974, the murder rate was over twice that of 1961. Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen’s chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled. Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,”., p.27.
  4. The smart set turned American cities into petri dishes for crime and degenerate behavior sans punishment. Thousands died, were raped, disfigured in criminal acts made possible by the Warren Court, the ACLU, liberal professors and activists, and lawyers.

Please don't bother to reply if you agree that I am 100% accurate and correct.
Here’s a look at WalletHub’s LEAST safest cities for 2017:
Here are the ten worst cities, with the name of the mayor, and his/her political party.
See if you find a pattern....

173. Jackson, MS Chokwe Antar Lumumba(D)

174. Baton Rouge, LA Sharon Weston Broome[2] (D)

175. Chattanooga, TN Andy Berke (D)

176. Orlando, FL Buddy Dyer (D)

177. Little Rock, AR Mark Stodola (D)

178. Detroit MI Mike Duggan (D)

179. Oklahoma City, OK Mick Cornett (R)

180. San Bernardino, CA R. Carey Davis ®

181. St. Louis, MO Lyda Krewson (D)

And (drumroll)....the least safe city out of 182!!!!!!

182. Fort Lauderdale, FL Jack Seiler (D)

Fort Lauderdale Tops List Of Least Safest Cities, According To Wallethub

You've finally found something the Democrats can say they really are good at!
Aren’t governors held responsible for cities within their states? Presidents are held responsible for individual states no matter party affiliation. So, some cities are fairing worse than others within Republican controlled states. Sounds like some Republican governors and state legislatures need to do a better job
Here’s a look at WalletHub’s LEAST safest cities for 2017:
Here are the ten worst cities, with the name of the mayor, and his/her political party.
See if you find a pattern....

173. Jackson, MS Chokwe Antar Lumumba(D)

174. Baton Rouge, LA Sharon Weston Broome[2] (D)

175. Chattanooga, TN Andy Berke (D)

176. Orlando, FL Buddy Dyer (D)

177. Little Rock, AR Mark Stodola (D)

178. Detroit MI Mike Duggan (D)

179. Oklahoma City, OK Mick Cornett (R)

180. San Bernardino, CA R. Carey Davis ®

181. St. Louis, MO Lyda Krewson (D)

And (drumroll)....the least safe city out of 182!!!!!!

182. Fort Lauderdale, FL Jack Seiler (D)

Fort Lauderdale Tops List Of Least Safest Cities, According To Wallethub
Look at all the RED states
Southern Red states have the highest divorce rates and the highest welfare. Plus after the JonesMoore election, which the whole world is watching they’ll see every stereotype of Alabama is true.
These racist hicks will put a child molester in Congress thus the GOP becoming the child molester party.
Wear it proudly.
Aren’t governors held responsible for cities within their states? Presidents are held responsible for individual states no matter party affiliation. So, some cities are fairing worse than others within Republican controlled states. Sounds like some Republican governors and state legislatures need to do a better job
When will Trump take responsibility for ANYTHING?
Aren’t governors held responsible for cities within their states? Presidents are held responsible for individual states no matter party affiliation. So, some cities are fairing worse than others within Republican controlled states. Sounds like some Republican governors and state legislatures need to do a better job
When will Trump take responsibility for ANYTHING?

What would you like him to take responsibility for?
Aren’t governors held responsible for cities within their states? Presidents are held responsible for individual states no matter party affiliation. So, some cities are fairing worse than others within Republican controlled states. Sounds like some Republican governors and state legislatures need to do a better job
what is it that determines a state a red or blue state?
Aren’t governors held responsible for cities within their states? Presidents are held responsible for individual states no matter party affiliation. So, some cities are fairing worse than others within Republican controlled states. Sounds like some Republican governors and state legislatures need to do a better job
When will Trump take responsibility for ANYTHING?
what is it you need besides him resigning?

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