Democrats wiped out in special elections

So Republicans held on to three seats that were already Republican
So Republicans held on to three seats that were already Republican
but but Pennsylvania is Traditionally a blue state ! and and Trump and the republicans are not going to repeat what happened in 2016 ! Trumps numbers are up ! and the independent voters are siding more with him ! minorities support is higher for him than in 2016 ! and there are way way less never Trumper republicans in the voting base !
Local media and Democratic Party officials had said that the district should have been an easy pickoff because of the political trend, a Democratic registered voter edge, and the perceived backlash in the Philadelphia suburbs against Trump.

So Republicans held on to three seats that were already Republican
but but Pennsylvania is Traditionally a blue state ! and and Trump and the republicans are not going to repeat what happened in 2016 ! Trumps numbers are up ! and the independent voters are siding more with him ! minorities support is higher for him than in 2016 ! and there are way way less never Trumper republicans in the voting base !

Pennsylvania is Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in between
So Republicans held on to three seats that were already Republican
but but Pennsylvania is Traditionally a blue state ! and and Trump and the republicans are not going to repeat what happened in 2016 ! Trumps numbers are up ! and the independent voters are siding more with him ! minorities support is higher for him than in 2016 ! and there are way way less never Trumper republicans in the voting base !
This "Red State," "Blue State" thing is kind of inaccurate anyway. Maine has voted for a Democratic president the past several elections, which gave us the label "Blue State" but we had Republican and Independent governors and Republican majority legislatures during that time. The whole upper two thirds of the state is deeply conservative. All these vote counters and speculators should keep in mind that voters USUALLY vote for the person they think will do the best job. I truly doubt that a majority of people vote straight party ticket.
So Republicans held on to three seats that were already Republican
but but Pennsylvania is Traditionally a blue state ! and and Trump and the republicans are not going to repeat what happened in 2016 ! Trumps numbers are up ! and the independent voters are siding more with him ! minorities support is higher for him than in 2016 ! and there are way way less never Trumper republicans in the voting base !
This "Red State," "Blue State" thing is kind of inaccurate anyway. Maine has voted for a Democratic president the past several elections, which gave us the label "Blue State" but we had Republican and Independent governors and Republican majority legislatures during that time. The whole upper two thirds of the state is deeply conservative. All these vote counters and speculators should keep in mind that voters USUALLY vote for the person they think will do the best job. I truly doubt that a majority of people vote straight party ticket.

It's Democrats here who are crying and screaming over a bill that gets the straight ticket box option removed from our ballots for the November general election. It increases the labor required to stuff boxes with fake ballots if they have to go down the entire ballot checking boxes, after all, and criminal illegal aliens are notoriously bad readers.
From linked story:

Bucks County spokesman Larry King told WHYY that Republican K.C. Tomlinson beat Democrat Harold Hayes 3,826 to 3,343.

Talk about small potatoes.
Local media and Democratic Party officials had said that the district should have been an easy pickoff because of the political trend, a Democratic registered voter edge, and the perceived backlash in the Philadelphia suburbs against Trump.

Looks like the political trend wasn't what they thought it was

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